New week, new guild. Today we will introduce you to the guild "Imperial Legion"officiating on the Darth Nihilus server.
What is the history of your guild and why this name?
We are a general guild from the Huntmaster server. The Imperial Legion has existed since the day SWTOR was launched, a longevity that confirms our management and orientation choices. Following the reunification of the servers, we arrived on Darth Nihilus.
As for the name, we wanted one that fits in with Star Wars history and inspires strong military camaraderie. We borrowed currencies from:
- The Foreign Legion - Legio Patria Nostra
- Marine - Always Faithful
These are in keeping with the guild spirit that we advocate. We also have a Legionnaire's Song which you can read below:
Song of the Legionnaire
Here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek
For the Sith, the Chiss and the Zabrak,
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
We are smart,
We are lads
Unusual guys.
We often have our blues,
We are legionaries.
In Begeren, the Legion immortalize
At Coruscant illustrated our flag,
Heroes of Korriban and model brothers
Sleep in peace in your tombs.
Here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek
For the Sith, the Chiss and the Zabrak,
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
Our elders knew how to die.
For the glory of the Legion.
We will all know how to perish
Following tradition.
During our distant campaigns,
Confronting fever and fire,
Let's forget with our sorrows,
Death which forgets us so little.
We the legion.
Here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek, here is twi'lek
For the Sith, the Chiss and the Zabrak,
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
For the Jedi there are more, For the Jedi there are more
They are ass shooters.
What are your orientations, your activities in the game or on other games?
First of all, we are a community open to other games. We have launched a GW2 section and also Elder Scrolls Online. However, I find that the community ecosystem of these games makes it more difficult to establish guilds and a lot of players are confused by the hybridization of the Tank / Heal / DPS trinity.
Regarding the guild on SWTOR, we are a guild with an activity mainly focused on PvE. We are also releasing on other content such as PvP or GSF.
We sometimes carry out RP "weapons" to integrate our new recruits or the promotion of officers.
Our main focus in the guild is HL PvE. Our raid slots are mainly from 21 p.m. to midnight every day except Monday. We have set up a Raid Planner for the organization of these.
We also have a GSF team called "Black Squadron" which is starting to be competitive in the game. We also offer our Teamspeak GSF channel for those wanting to play with our pilots.
How are you organized at the guild level? Are you recruiting members?
First of all, we only recruit between 16 and 40 years old which makes our average age quite high. Above all, we try to bring together players with a certain maturity of mind, clear-headed and good in their sneakers.
The guild is co-directed by a council of generals (from 3 to 5 depending on the period) selected for their experience, wisdom and presence. They are helped by colonels in charge of a section of the guild (PvE, PvP, GS) and assisted by supervisory captains.
The atmosphere in the guild, the camaraderie and the respect are elements that we place very high in our scale of values. This is why we do not hesitate to part with even talented players who do not share this vision in practice.
We try to keep a little light RP spirit in our characters and the guild structure to stick to the Star Wars universe and give a little different touch on a PvP server.
What is your opinion on the content of the game?
When it was released, the game had some shortcomings and bugs and a fairly limited PvE HL content but like wine, it has improved over time, especially since 2.0 and despite the switch to F2P. I think SWTOR has turned out to be an excellent MMORPG at PvE HL level but unfortunately it has lost a lot of players who stuck with their first impressions.
We look forward to the next update with the guild ships for our PR events, an Arlesian kept repelled by Bioware.
An anecdote about the guild and a little word to finish?
Same two! In PvE HL it is usually when the RL says “last try” at 23:50 pm that we fall into the boss that causes us problems. We also have a lucky player, Cagura, who is our mascot and that everyone envies us ... our sticking plaster.
rjprojectsonline (at) Gmail (dot) com