Today, we will introduce you to the It's a trap guild, operating on the Republican side on the Darth Nihilus server.
Hello, for starters, would you like to introduce yourself to our readers?
Tibbos: Hello, I'm Tibbos, the GM of It's a trap. I've been on Star Wars since the start of the game.
Stormhawk: Hello, Stormhawk Co-MG.
Trautmann: Officer, responsible for the PvE part.
What is the history of your guild?
Originally we were the Arc-Troopers guild, a guild made up entirely of soldiers and doing almost exclusively PvP. For reasons of efficiency in particular, but also of user-friendliness, the guild has evolved to extend to multi-classes including a regrouping of all our characters in the game and increased recruitment. We therefore actively continue PvP while turning to other game activities, PvE or RP.
Tell us about the direction of your guild.
For the PvP side: the majority of the guild regularly participates in the PvP content of the game. This takes place both through war zones in groups of 4 or 8, in ranked rosters and in wild PvP via occasional outings or games. regular assaults in connection with the conquest mode. For the past few weeks, we've been getting serious about v4 and we're still looking for available guilds to train in a good atmosphere. Wild PvP events are planned and will soon be organized on our part in collaboration with other allied guilds, especially with the Genosith guild.
For the PvE side: following a request from some of our members, a PvE roster has been set up for 3.0. This will allow us to be less restrictive in terms of recruitment and also to offer more alternatives and activities to us hybrid players (PvP, PvE). We are also participating in the conquest mode with "commander outings" allowing you to collect some points in a rather nice atmosphere. These outings very regularly end in improvised wild PvP.
For the PR side: As mentioned above, our guild runs wild PvP events on a monthly basis. These events are planned and studied in such a way that there is a focus and follow-up on a pre-established RP type story. As a result of our previous events and with the experience gained from them, we have seen a resurgence of interest in wild PvP events that contain a RP part. We will therefore soon be offering you wild PvP events with extensive RP content.
So keep yourself regularly informed on Games Managers because very soon the war will be back !!
How does the hierarchy work in your guild?
The guild has a pyramidal structure, a cadre of 4 senior officers who make the important decisions. Guild members participate in the active life of the community by proposing their ideas and fulfilling distinct and diverse roles in the organization.
Who is in charge of recruiting and what type of players are you recruiting?
The guild's non-commissioned officers take care of recruiting. Hybrid players are therefore welcome. The future recruits must pass an interview under vocal (TS), in order to avoid the excesses of certain too virulent players.
Conditions: At present our guild has many active members. This is why we are drastically limiting recruitment. However, here are the conditions for joining us. You have to agree to several things: subscribe to our forum to keep up to date with news, read and accept our guild charter. In addition, our members must achieve an achievement: "Kill Loke in 1vs1 in bg" (it's fair game between him and us ^^), and they must also contribute to buy a drinkable microphone in Intetsu because his microphone dating from the Great War tends to break our ears.
An opinion on the game?
We regret the lack of a solid server allowing a game with a large mass of players logged in at the same time on a planet for wild PvP. We would also like to see more guilds doing v4, to allow Ranked PvP training in a friendly and relaxed way, an inter-server regroup would also be welcome. The Shadow of Revan expansion brought a lot of content, especially PvE, and we particularly enjoyed the wild PvP on Yavin 4. However, we hope for the soon arrival of the 2 new maps of BG which were promised by Bioware for the beginning of the year 2015. We would nevertheless like to congratulate the always constant development of the game and the renewal of its content, thus making it possible to vary the pleasures of the game and to always revolve around the Star Wars universe as effectively.
Thanks to you for the interview. Good luck with your PvP events!
If you too want to participate, talk about your guild or yourself, it's all here.