Today, we will introduce you to the Elegeia guild officiating on the Republic side on the Darth Nihilus server.
What is the history of your guild and why this name?
The guild was created from the ashes of the defunct Conclave guild. After the start and a few mishaps, we wanted to start on a new footing.
The name Elegeia comes from the word elegy being as everyone knows a field of death (thank you Wikipedia). The guide has no official motto but some bad tongues among us often whisper these few words: "There is no death, there is the medical center".
What are your orientations, your activities in the game or on other games?
We touch a little on all the content of Star Wars, if you look a little on the fleet or the different contents, you will surely come across us. However, our main activity is PvE.
We also carry out various events in the guild such as treasure hunts, photo contests, Trollympiads etc.
Being mostly Star Wars fan, we always try to do the majority of our business with a little PR side.
How are you organized at the guild level? Are you recruiting members?
The main purpose of the guild is knowledge sharing. This is why each new recruit is granted the rank of Padawan and if he wishes a master who can guide him on the content of the game and its classes.
When he is fit, the Jedi Council grants him the rank of Jedi Knight. It is then, if he wishes, that he can take someone under his wing.
In terms of recruitment, we are quite open because we even accept Twi'leks, Gungans and Belgians! Proof of this is the co-founder was even a dirty Twi'lek.
If you want to join us, you can contact Drakeshin, Techito or Lissa.
An anecdote about the guild and a little word to finish?
25% of the guild members have the same first name, we will not tell you which one because it is a Jedi secret.