Here are the Codex - Bestiary entries for the planet Ord Mantell! Map of the planet with the place where you will find these species:
Razoronn" src="/images/posts/526b069a2564c1bc8534daae9bd0010b-2.jpg">
Creature Granting Codex Entry: Shallows Razoronn (Level 6)
Zone: Mannett Point
Codex entry
One of the rare carnivores capable of slaughtering a Gapillian wolf, the razoronn are nearly three meters high and weigh over a thousand kilograms. It's no exaggeration to say that with their fangs and tusks, these beasts pose a threat to anyone not inside an armored shuttle.During the colonization of Ord Mantell, a small farm convoy broke down at nightfall on a remote plain where a pack of razoronn was hunting. The curious predators wanted to "study" these intruders more closely. Landspeeders offered no protection against these formidable creatures. The next morning, there was only one surviving farmer left.
Broutard Gapillien
Creature giving codex entry: Great Gapillian Wolf (level 6)
Zone: Talloran North
Codex entry
Gapillian grazers, herbivores known for their temperament, roam the verdant plains of Ord Mantell. Despite impressive curved tusks and stone-like skin, their aggressive appearance shouldn't be fooled. These creatures are among the most peaceful on the planet. This does not make them harmless, however.There is nothing more terrifying than a rush of Gapillian grazes during mating season. During these massive gatherings, a single frightened animal can unleash a charge capable of razing a small village. Hikers trapped during these times of panic have little chance of making it out alive.
Savrip" src="/images/posts/526b069a2564c1bc8534daae9bd0010b-4.jpg">
Creature giving codex entry: Champion Savrip (Champion level 8)
Zone: Savrips Island
Codex entry
Due to their beastly appearance, many people only view savrips as huge predators that attack out of instinct. This is far from the case, as everyone who has approached them attests. Would a primitive animal wear a coat and belt made of Gapillian wattle skin?Despite their wild appearance, savrips are intelligent species capable of communicating. Unfortunately for the Mantellians, the savrips are openly hostile to all other life forms. Formerly confined to their territory of origin, these beings recently worried the authorities following a series of attacks, suggesting an alliance between separatists and savrips. Suspicions unsubstantiated to date.