Warning ! This guide is intended for the armed warrior of 6.0. As in all MMOs, the classes are doomed to some alterations according to the updates. Some information may therefore change with future versions of the game.
The Arms Warrior is not very popular in PvE. The reason is quite simple: at high-level and equivalent iLvL, by controlling its rotation of spells, the Weapons specialization does less well than the Fury specialization, at least from a raid perspective. In return, you should know that this Weapons spec has some advantages! It is very powerful in PvP, has a DPS which remains very decent and above all, it is easier to master than the Fury specialization.
Strength> Critical> Multiple strikes> Mastery> Versatility> Haste
Talents & Glyphs
Much like the Fury warrior, the Arms warrior can be played in a number of ways. As a single-target or multi-target DPS, switching can be done on the fly, you just need to tweak a few talents. So remember to take some Tome of the Open Mind before going on an adventure.
In terms of glyphs, Fury and Weapons specialization do not present any difference, we will try to maximize the generation and increase the maximum limit of rage, Charge of the Bull and Endless Rage are therefore to be favored. Since the goal of any DPS is to do maximum damage, the Glyph of Brutal Interruption is a good choice, since it increases your damage by 6% for a few seconds.
Damage, still damage, even more damage. The Arms warrior is no different from his brother Fury, he strikes slower, but with more force! Each hit must do a maximum of damage, which is why we will fully increase our critical strike chance. Superior Critical Strike Taladite is the perfect gem for this.
Same story as with gems, we will choose enchantments that increase the chances of making critical hits.