While we were about to translate, with a little delay I grant you, the excellent guide by Dulfy on how to equip yourself at level 50, Furyo, member of LaCieTrouille on Mantle of the Force sent the translation. A huge thank you to him!
- Planetary / Classic Awards and Level 50 Gear
- Basic distinctions
- Elite awards and Arkanian tokens
- Ultimate Honors and Underworld Tokens
- Daily / Weekly Rewards
- B&I = baseness and infamy
- CDE = chamber of eternity
- CE = explosive conflict (Denova)
- CVA = nightmare from elsewhere (Asation)
- HM = for "Hard Mode" difficult mode
- MN = Black Market
- NM = for "Normal Mode" normal or history mode
- PDK = Palais de Karagga
- RdG = group search
- TN = Black Hole
- WB = pour "World Boss"
- ZL = disputed area
Planetary / Classic Awards and Equipment (50)
Storage limit for classic awards: 400.
What to do with planetary and classical distinctions?
Now, the new 50 will no longer receive free gear, such as the Tionist before. Instead, they must equip themselves with a combination of planetary and classic accolades.
You can use your planetary distinctions to purchase 58 (or 25) armor, mods, and sophistication from the Makeb vendor (distinctions) on the fleet and on Makeb. These are Rakata level modifications. Armor / Grips / Cannons cost 10 Planetary Honors while Mods / Sophists cost 4. You have a storage limit of 50 Planetary Honors, but no weekly limit.
If you need more equipment, you can do a few daily trips to Ilum, Belsavis, Black Hole, Sector X for classic accolades. Those who prefer group play can use GoG for ZL HM or lvl50 operations which will allow them to obtain Black Hole and Hazmat gear (61/26 and 63/27 respectively).
- ZL HM lvl50 drop one random piece of TN gear per boss.
- CDE and PDK NM give 2 random TN coins per boss.
- CDE and PDK HM, and CE NM give 2 random Hazmat coins per boss.
- CE HM and Nightmare give Dread Guard tokens in addition to Hazmat.
Classic Awards are used to purchase Campaign gear from Classic Gear vendors on the fleet. These Campaign gear still have their set bonus, but it is not cumulative with that of the lvl55 gear.
How to obtain classic distinctions?
There is currently a weekly limit for these accolades which will soon be removed.
- The solo day laborers of Belsavis (17), Ilum (8), Black Hole (10) and Sector X (11) give distinctions, one per day.
- Heroic Dailies in these 3 locations give 3 distinctions per Daily.
- The Black Hole Daily Newspaper provides 15 classic awards and 10 basic awards.
- Sector X's daily newspaper provides 10 classic and 15 basic distinctions.
- ZL HM lvl50 bosses give 2 classic awards per boss and you get 10 classic awards for the daily ZL HM.
- NM lvl50 ops bosses give 3 Classic Honors and you get 20 Classic Honors for completing the CDE / PDK Weekly and 40 Classic Honors for completing the CE Weekly.
- Lvl50 players can also complete the daily GoG for ZL HM lvl50 which rewards 10 classic distinctions per day, or the weekly GoG for CDE / PDK / CE which rewards 25 classic distinctions per operation. These rewards are only for lvl50 players and change to Basic Awards as soon as you reach lvl51 or higher.
- The weekly Cibles Prioritaires (kill 3 WBs) also gives 12 classic distinctions
Basic distinctions
Weekly limit for Basic Honors: 300.
Storage limit: 600.
What to do with basic distinctions?
Basic Honors can be used to purchase equipment from Basic Honors vendors on the Fleet, Makeb Orbital Station, or Imperial and Republican Main Bases on the Makeb surface starting at lvl53. This gear is slightly better than the Dread Guard at lvl50, but it has no set bonus. It is from index 156 and its modifications are from 66.
* Requires Makeb Hero rank
In addition to this, with Basic Honors Crafters can purchase Blueprints for Belts, Wrists, Secondary Hands, Earpads, and Implants from the new Blueprints Vendor located in the Crew Skills section of the Fleet. The blueprints for the belts / cuffs cost 75 basic distinctions, while the rest costs 150. In addition to the cost in distinctions, Hero rank in Makeb's reputation is required, however this does not apply to item one. once crafted.
How do I get basic distinctions?
You receive Basic Honors on Makeb Story Missions (Unique), Twin / Seeker Droid Missions (Unique), and Repeatable Missions. In these are included the daily newspapers of Makeb, GSI and Sector X; the daily GoG for ZL HM lvl50 and for operations NM lvl50; the daily heroic space missions; weekly quests and weekly stages.
- Unique missions
- Repeatable missions (daily)
- Repeatable (weekly)
- Makeb story: 49 basic accolades.
- Twin Missions / Seeker Droid: 48 basic distinctions. Completing the entire Seeker Droid Missions suite offers 20 Basic Honors while the entire Twin Missions suite offers 28, for a total of 48.
- Basic equipment: 20 basic distinctions. Requires having done the Black Hole and Sector X weeklies once, as well as the Makeb stopover weekly (supposedly all in the same week).
* Except Sunday when you get 2.
** At lvl50 you win 10 classic distinctions
* You have choices in Makeb's Staged Weekly Missions, and Heroics tend to offer more basic accolades. You get a minimum of 6 or a maximum of 19 for completing the 6 missions required for the weekly milestone.
** GoG for NM operations rewards you with 25 classic distinctions per operation at lvl50, but on the other hand rewards you with 20 basic distinctions per operations at lvl51-54. At lvl55, you can only do CVA and B&I NM which rewards you with 10 ultimate accolades per operation.
- 49 + 48 + 20 = 117 basic distinctions as a reward for unique missions.
- A maximum of 75 basic distinctions per day or 525 basic distinctions per week if you do the daily ones during the 7 days.
- A maximum of 77-90 basic distinctions thanks to the weeklies at lvl55. Characters in lvl 51-54 can earn up to 60 more Basic Honors per week.
- Remember that there is a weekly limit of 300 and a total storage limit of 600 Basic Honors.
Elite awards and Arkanian tokens
Weekly limit for elite awards: 200.
Storage limit: 400.
Black Market and Arkanian are exclusive gear at level 55 and their index is 162 with 69 changes. The difference between the two is like the one you could find between TN and Campaign before 2.0. Black Market gear has no set bonus and can be obtained in Flashpoints on Hard Mode at level 55 or can be purchased with elite accolades, while Arkanian gear has a set bonus and is obtained only through level 55 operations. In addition to the set bonuses, the distribution of statistics is slightly different. Keep in mind that the set bonus of your Arkanian gear is not cumulative with that of your old level 50 gear.
What to do with elite distinctions?
These items can be found at the corresponding vendors in the Fleet Reserves section.
The Main Hand is not purchasable with Elite Honors, and Relics (Arkanian) can be acquired from the Basic Honors Vendor for 150 Honors each.
How to obtain elite distinctions?
These Flashpoints are easily done by players equipped with Dread Guard / Hazmat. Players in TN / Campaign gear or less will be better off acquiring a few pieces of the Basic Honors gear before they can go easy.
The 4 ZL HM lvl55 each have 2 bosses that give Black Market items. The bonus boss (which usually requires killing 80-85 mobs in the ZL to unlock) grants a random item from the Black Market, while the final boss grants a fixed set of items.
- Athiss - Prophet of Vodal: torso or belt MN
- Cademinu - General Orthol: MN head or implant
- Martel Station - Warlord Kreshan: legs or MN atrium
- Mandalorian Raiders - Mavrix Varad: MN feet or gloves
Since these MN pieces do not contain a set bonus, it is advisable to extract the modules and sophistication in order to learn them through reverse-tailoring.
You receive elite distinctions from the bosses of the hot spots but also from the daily group research / Boss bonuses, from the daily from heroic space missions as well as from the operations bosses and their associated weeklies.
* All bosses other than the bonus one give 2 distinctions each. You also get 1 distinction for completing the ZL.
** except Sunday when you receive 4.
How to get Arkanian tokens?
Story mode operations are easily done by players equipped with Dread Guard / Hazmat. Players in TN / Campaign gear or less will be better off acquiring a few pieces of gear that can be purchased with Basic Distinctions or a few MN pieces of gear obtained in ZL HM lvl55.
All bosses have a chance to drop one or two MN coins. These loots are not predefined and are purely random. The first 2 bosses of CVA NM and the first 3 bosses of B&I NM only give MN coins only. The next bosses start giving Arkanian tokens. These tokens are exclusive to NM operations.
Note that Golden Fury is more of a wild card when it comes to loots, with a chance to drop any Arkanian coin.
Ultimate Honors and Underworld Tokens
Weekly limit for Ultimate Honors: 150.
Storage limit: 300.
What to do with ultimate distinctions?
Verpine and Underworld gear have an index of 168 with 72 modifications. Similar to the difference between MN and Arkanian, Verpine gear has no set bonus and can be purchased with ultimate distinctions, whereas Underworld gear is only obtained during level 55 hard mode operations. Keep in mind that the set bonus of your Underworld gear is not cumulative with that of your old level 50 gear, but it does. is with that of the Arkanian equipment.
These items can be found at the corresponding vendors in the Fleet Reserves section.
How to obtain ultimate distinctions?
Ultimate Honors are only earned as a reward on HM Operations Bosses or by completing Weekly. You also earn it when you first complete CVA and B&I story mode (one-time reward, 5 ultimate accolades per operation).
How to earn Underworld tokens?
Level 55 Hard Mode operations can be attempted by players in full Dread Guard gear, but you may need to upgrade your gear a bit with MN / Arkanian to be more successful against Timer Enrage . CVA HM is much easier than B&I and players are encouraged to do CVA HM first to gear up a bit before attempting B&I. Golden Fury on Makeb on the other hand is slightly more difficult than most op bosses, due to tight enrage time and low tolerance for errors. Similar to Arkanian loots, Golden Fury on HM has a chance to drop any part of the Underworld.
Daily / Weekly Rewards
With so many daily and weekly newspapers all offering half a dozen different accolades, it can be a nightmare to keep track of.
Thanks again to Furyo, LaCieTrouille member on Mantle of the Force for this translation of the guide made by Dulfy.