On the occasion of the three months of the release of Operation Darvannis, we offer you a guide on the last boss of this long operation.
Hard Mode: 1 health

- Mode normal
- Hard mode
Capacities in normal mode:
- Projection jump: this is a leap that produces an explosion and therefore area damage.
- Acid slime: this dragon does not spit flames, but green acid slime that will force the tank to move.
- Thorns: This attack deals damage by throwing thorns in all directions and hits the first player encountered.
- Lightning storm: as the name suggests, it is several lightning bolts coming from the sky.
- Shock / Force Bolt: Two well-known attacks that deal small damage.
- Lightning explosion: this one often goes unnoticed within the group but this attack can make your healers cry since it causes damage to those present in front of Styrak. In conclusion, you will have more healing to provide if you decide not to place Styrak with your back to the party.
- Force Pull: Styrak strangles the tank and hurls it about 30 yards. In addition, the threat is reset.
- Saber Throw: This attack is the deadliest and only occurs in the last phase.
- Charge: Styrak will charge you before throwing you thirty yards away.
There is no additional ability but little details that make the fight somewhat difficult.
- On the Kell Dragon phase, enemies spawn more often.
- During the manifestations of lightning that we will explain a little below, a person is necessary near the enemies.
I do not say that the boss hurts more, and that he has more life, that goes without saying.
Course of the fight
Before starting the boss, you will have four packs of five enemies to kill. Each pack is composed of a healer located in the middle that will have to be killed first to hope to defeat the others. You can take your time because the timer does not start until the dragon Kell leaves his throne.
Dragon Kell
Styrak's pet isn't downright friendly and he's going to let you know that, but with a little technique, this one turns out to be harmless. In order to promote the care and damage of your limbs, gather at a specific point and do not move! This implies that your ranged damage classes will have to deal with any enemies that arrive on that phase. There are also several techniques for these enemies, but here are the two most interesting:
- The first is to kill the enemies as fast as possible so that they do not increase the resistance of the dragon.
- The second is to wait until the dragon is immune to its thorn attack to kill them. The only downside is that the damage is reduced as long as the enemies are present.
I pass quickly over the acid slime which asks the tank to move a few meters when the green puddles are on the ground, it reminds of Karraga!
Regarding the thorn attack, a tank must stand in front of party members to protect them. Since the damage is quite high, we recommend that you use a protection spell to relieve your healers. Also, don't forget to move before the end since the dragon Kell systematically spits after this attack.

A good way to know that your party is ready for this boss: the dragon Kell must be around 10% during the second attack of thorns. When you have come to the end of this big lizard, Styrak will launch his lightning attack. As this cannot be avoided, use your defensive spells!

From here, the fight becomes a succession of four repetitive phases.
- Phase de burst
This phase requires inflicting maximum damage because it is the only one that allows you to hit the boss. If your healers can, ask them to help as it plays out on the end for a few cents. In addition, if your tanks correctly place Styrak back to the raid, the damage remains easily tolerable by the healers.
- Chained manifestation
This manifestation is represented by a giant hologram that you will have to kill as quickly as possible. Four other enemies connected by a beam of light appear in the room and and slowly approach this manifestation. If they manage to regroup, the members of your group will be wiped out in a few thousandths of a second. You can't cross this beam either, so watch out for classes that can load, just a tab and you die! Note that if you kill this manifestation quickly, you can gain between 2 and 6 seconds on Styrak.

- Lightning manifestation
This requires organization beforehand since you have to kill four enemies at completely different locations without forgetting that they are enraged if no one is nearby within 3 seconds. So divide your group by respecting these few rules:
- Put tanks with ranged damage classes.
- Bring healers with nearby damage classes.
One person has to get close to their enemy so that the other can deal damage or heal from anywhere they want.

- nightmares
Randomly and regularly, a member leaves the fight to find himself in an office for a few seconds where a duel awaits him with his own partner. The purpose of this is to destabilize you during those few seconds. Be aware that if you do not kill your partner, he will inflict enormous damage on you during your exit.

Dragon kell, the return
When Styrak is at 14%, he will resurrect his pet. If you have the required level, it will happen before the fifth chained manifestation. During this resurrection, take the opportunity to gather at the entrance because what will happen to you will not be easy. Your first mission is going to be to re-decimate this damn dragon, it's just a formality because it doesn't really hurt. Indeed, if you alternate tanks often enough, you should not go above 5 charges. As soon as he is dead, all you have to do is finish Styrak. To do this, respect these vital rules:
- The tanks must constantly recover his attention, and get knocked against the walls.
- Each member must be protected in the event of loss of threat.
- Healers shouldn't be afraid to overheal as the health bars go down very quickly.

Some will surely contradict me, but there is no big difficulty in this fight except for the damage to be produced. You might even fall asleep on it because it's so boring! So of course, you risk dying dozens and dozens of times on the first few tries, but you should still see the boss's rage. To fill this gap, we advise you to ask your healers because 1/2% can reverse the trend.
- 1 torse type Token
- 2 random pieces out of set
- 1 exotic element equalizer
- 1 mass generator
- 6 ultimate distinctions
- 8 elite distinctions