At the end of July, the test server had started posting images of the next set of Packs on the Cartel Marketplace, which is themed Galactic Strongholds. The first two were already very full, which is why we didn't feel the need to go back over them. The other two, on the other hand ... Judge for yourself.
But before describing the contents of the Sénéchal Pack, added to the preview of the collections, there are other elements to report in the same register. Recently added green lightsaber blades, already available for purchase. While two new outfits are present in the collections, in the armor tab only and not that of a pack. In the outfits tab available for purchase directly. These are the armors of Theron Shan and Lana Beniko, created on the occasion of Forged Alliances to give a special appearance to these two NPCs. They should therefore soon no longer be exclusive to them.
From the Seneschal's pack, we already knew of two armors: the Feral Visionary and the cybernetic series 616. Others have been added, such as the Determined, Valiant and Menacing Soldier Protector. Mandalore the Indomitable was one of the greatest leaders the Mandalorians ever had and revered. He only bowed to Ulic Qel-Droma, after he had dueled him. Living around the same time, Vrook Lamar was a member of the Jedi Council during the Mandalorian War and the Jedi Civil War, and one of the representatives of the more traditional branch. A big name for many Jedi. The last two outfits added are Subversive Armor and Casual Tracksuit. Practical and / or light equipment.
As for weapons, we already knew, they will be from the Old Socorro Cresh series.
A new pack involves new speeders. Like an Ikas SK-1 all tabby. Or this good little Rark 21X all green. The Tobus Cruiser comes straight from Alderande. And the fourth bears the name of Prophecy Valkhar. If you prefer a seat rather than a motorcycle, then choose the Sovereign Tirsa. And the beautiful animal here? It is an Uxibête straight out of its Convoy.
Who says new pack also says new mini-pets, new partner customization, new titles and new emotes. Here we can count on a Czerka EW-94 probe droid, a miniature spearhead and the companion in the spotlight is Nadia Grell. Casually, this comrade of the Jedi consular is still in his ninth possible transformation. We are going forward. For others, names are included with the images below.
Did I miss something? Ah yes, the new crystals for your weapons. Golden heart and Navy green. Pretty names aren't they? Finally, I say that I say nothing. I still haven't gone out of the classic colors on my own characters.
So, have you found anything that interests you in this next Seneschal Pack?