We meet again today for a new issue of Share Your Fortresses, this time dedicated not to a guild but to a player! We are going to visit the fortress of Elscer, a Sith pest of his state, more specialized in PvE and RPG. He's playing on the Battle Meditation server and has decided to share his Dromund Kaas estate with us.
Forward for the visit!
On our arrival, a charming little waiting room awaits us, for distinguished guests it goes without saying. They will be able to wait while reading information about Tatooïne or Dromund Kaas. The owner of the premises also has everything necessary here to take care of himself if necessary before leaving on a mission.
We then advance in the corridor allowing us to go to the various parts of the fortress. And there, impossible to be mistaken, one is well in imperial territory: guards and banners remind us bluntly.
If we go straight, we will find ourselves in the private quarters of the sith, with all the comforts it needs, an office that allows it to access network news and an obvious privacy.
If we had turned right, we would have been in His Excellency's Officers' Room. Here they can relax between two missions and enjoy the sober and relaxing atmosphere within these decorations which are admittedly a little cold, but comfortable.
However, we can go rather to the left. In addition to the stairs to go up to the upper floor, there is mainly the hangar. It has an imperial scout allowing reconnaissance and espionage missions, the whole being managed by the many computers available in the room. Part of the hangar is also devoted to the rest of the pilots and allows briefings for the crews.
As we head upstairs, we can smell some green plants and admire some Elscer's trophies on the walls. Once in the central room upstairs, visitors, whether official or unofficial, will be able to entertain themselves in various ways, around a game table for example, listening to some music, or admiring dancers. and dancers. The emphasis here has been on luxury and greenery, in order to make this room with dark and not very warm walls more welcoming.
At the rear of this entertainment room is a second, a VIP lounge more particularly, dedicated to the personal use of the sith. There, he has access to several lockers allowing him to store his things and a bartender and a saleswoman will be happy to serve him.
In one of the adjoining rooms, a few jawas will offer you some barter deals, at your own risk.
In another, you will find the crew quarters, spartan, but sufficient for soldiers, and which will be improved over time.
In the middle room you will find the throne room, allowing various types of meetings, chaired by His Excellency.
Finally, on the terrace, travelers from other planets or distant lands will be able to wait for the vessel which will land on the platform to take them away. There too the symbol of the Empire is strong! Guards and statues of the Emperor will make us keep this in mind when we leave! For shorter round trips, it will be possible to borrow one of the speeders present.
For my mini-review: personally I appreciated the furniture in red or white shades in this fortress, all this gives consistency to the whole, with very imperial tones for my taste. Another point that I liked: all the greenery present, which gives a totally different aspect to the fortress, warmer. What I liked least: the hangar is too empty, well ... for the moment only!
This concludes this issue of Share Your Fortresses, thank you to Elscer for the guided tour he gave me and which I have retransmitted to you. Want to find out more about it? You can reach its fortress from the public listing.
Have a good weekend everyone and see you next week! Do not hesitate to contact us if you also wish to share your fortress.