Today we saw the appearance of update 2.2 on Swtor. Let's take a quick tour of the novelties that we are offered, through the Contraband packs of Archon.
Archon Contraband Pack
These contraband packs contain a whole mix of your favorite Cartel items. Mount lovers will be able to get six mounts, including the Aratech Lux. The “casual” clothing line is expanded with new additions, while Calo Nord's armor adds to the Lore's armor collection. These packs will also be the first to contain dyes, six exclusive combinations.
Fans of the Star Wars Lore will be in heaven, the Archon Pack adds a new type of Cartel item, Encrypted Datacubes. Collect all eight datacubes (there will be four more in the next Supreme Mogul pack), and you will receive a special reward.
A few changes have also been made based on player feedback, such as the addition of Rank 9 crafting materials, increased chances of obtaining Cartel Market Certificates, and reusable Jawagrams.
Color crystals
Advanced White-Black Crystal
Advanced Pale Green Crystal
Calo Nord Armor Set
Mantellian Separatist Armor Set
Waist Cover Power Armor and Wrist Cover Power Armor
Casual Dress Armor Set
Fleshworm Armor Set (Home)
Fleshworm Armor Set (Outdoor)
Froghound Armor Set (Home)
Froghound Armor Set (Outdoor)
Ulgo statesman armor set

Ulgo Loyalist Armor Set
Royal Outfit Armor Set
Pure toothpick
Green efficiency scanner
Ebony-winged Busaigle
Ribbed sleeping bag
Evil Blurrg
CH-R1 energy droid
Lylek slate shine
Extinguishing class B28 bomber
- Contraband collector
- Archon
Portable Relaxation Unit
Lux Aratech
Blur Aratech
Basic Aratech
Echo Praxon
Mante Adno
School Rendili
Archaic Assault Cannon
Dilapidated Saber Staff
Archaic blaster
Archaic Blaster Rifle
Dilapidated Lightsaber
Primordial Sniper Rifle
Emotes and Moods
Emote: Treating baby
Mood: very creepy
Emote: Wouhou
Emote: jitter
Credit explosion
Consumable: Credit explosion!
Dye Modules
- Orange and blue dye (medium)
- Red and brown (pale)
- Dark yellow and Yellow (medium)
- Dark purple and Violet (pale)
- Brown and green (medium)
- Blue and gray (pale)
- Encrypted Datacubes
- Boosts
- Partner Gifts
- Making materials
- Jawagrammes
- Reputation Items