You will get the locations of survivalist caches by talking to friendly NPCs in the area. Once there, you will find a letter with useful information on how to get out of it, so take the time to read before rushing into any traps. Inside, you will find a magazine (to get talent spoints), money and lots of equipment (weapons, ammunition, components ...).
Thanks to a code offered by KinguinHere is the guide to survivalist caches in John's area, Holland Valley.
Male den
The cache is in the farm garage. To enter, I reused the technique of approaching a car to climb over the fence. Pull the padlock to open the door, then release the trailer that prevents opening the door (with a grenade or with a truck to tow it). Once the door is clear, go through the tunnel to go back up to the garage.
Attention, grenade
This cache is located at the far south of the map, if you find a helicopter or a plane it will be faster to go there. Once in the hut, explode the boards on the left to enter the mine. Inside, move forward using dynamite to clear your way and defend yourself against the zombie miners that hang out in the tunnels.
Once in the room filled with water, use dynamite to get the water out of the cliff faster, this will fill the cave and allow it to pass to the other side of the ravine. The cache is just after.
Remote lock picking
Meet at Deep North Reservoir and use the zipline to cross the lake to the other side of the fishing house. From there you will have a perfect shooting angle on the door lock. Place a precise shot and you can cross the lake again to enter the cache.
This cache will require you to have a grappling hook (so you will need to have spent some talent points beforehand to get it). The departure is at the level of the small house of Bridge of Tears, east of Rae-Rae Pumpkin Farm.
Go down the cliff (either by road or by grappling hook), then go up the scaffolding. You will then have to use the grappling hook under the bridge to swing, up to a platform in the middle and finish in the same way on the platform where the cache is located, below. Only let go to jump on the platforms (middle and end), you can switch from one grapple attachment to another without problem.
High tension
This cache is started at the Lincoln Watchtower.
Use the zipline (just left in my screenshot below) then continue from tree to tree until you reach the cache. Gain good momentum on the jumps while running before jumping as there is a fair amount of distance to cover.
Play with fire
Meet at Hope County Jail Bus. From the bus, locate the wastewater outlet pipe. On the right, follow the traces of blood and you will find a body, collect the key at this level.
Then enter the pipe, paying attention to the animals inside. You will find the cache at the bottom.
Wasps nest
Le Grain elevator is at the edge of Faith's region. Go up on the roof, behind the note, thanks to the crates then break the boards to enter by the window. It will be necessary to pay attention to the wasp nests during your progression, it is possible to dodge them by putting yourself far enough to shoot in, but it will be necessary to take some of them. The cache is at the very top of the building so go up as much as you can.
Deep water diving
See you at the Laurel House, in the hut at the end of the garden, to the south of the main house. The key is at the bottom of the bunker on the left, you will have to go there in apnea to recover it, then quickly go up. Once the key is possessed, open the cabin, turn on the electricity, the water will go down and allow you to recover the things at the bottom after having broken a few planks.
Diving in dirty water
This cache is located at Dodd’s Dumps, go down along the warehouse and enter through the door hidden behind the vegetation. It will take electricity to open the cache, but it will electrify the water when you turn it on. You must then go back to the door to enter using the boxes and other barrels in the place. You can also teleport outside to come back ...
La Armstrong House sits between Lamb of God Church and Fall's End. The classic method should be to go through the only open window and then to go to the left along the walls. I pretended by bringing a pick-up along one of the walls to enter directly over the wall. Once you enter the bunker, you will find the cache without difficulty.
System D. death assured
This cache is located at Doverspike area and starts at the little wooden house in the courtyard. To enter, you will need a key, which you will find in the dressing room of the main house. A door is locked inside, there is not much else to do but walk around the bunker for the traps to activate and everything to burn, the sprinklers will kick in and she will unlock.
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