I am Nailbor, Vanguard DPS of the Keibatsu guild on Mantle of the Force, since the release playing this character who remains my main character despite the ups and downs suffered during the various updates.
I intend to present the specialization "Assault" (right branch in the talent tree) which is currently the most played. The left specialization is a "Tank" spec that I never touch and the central specialization (Strategy) is also interesting but for this one, I refer you to the very good guide of Kagerro.
I do not pretend to teach you how to play this specialization in an optimal way, but to present my vision and the choices I make by trying to argue at best. These choices allowed me to discover part of the HL content and to confront myself with the NiM content (4/10). I won't be offering a parse here but you know where to find them if needed.
Considering my low level in Vanguard PvP, I am focusing here on the PvE approach only.
- Introduction
- Talent tree
- Powers
- Treatments
- Statistics and equipment
- Proposals on Fortress and Palace of Dread
- Tips and tricks
- Conclusion
To understand the Avant-Garde, it is above all necessary to fight the received ideas about this class:
The Vanguard does not DPS, it is a TANK
The Avant-Garde, like the Shadow, is one of the classes which, for a long time, were particularly known for their Tank specialization and little played in DPS, the RL preferring a full senti / FT composition.
A small point of history is essential: at the release of SWTOR, the Avant-Garde DPS was really OP (especially in BG) with an abused burst which led the developers to reduce the effectiveness of the various specializations. Like its Shadow counterpart, the versatility with 3 trees very marked at the time (Tank, PvP, PvE) also resulted in the release of many hybrid specializations frowned upon by the developers.
Depending on the nerf of the critical (2.0), the different damage over time (DoT) and the disappearance of hybrid specializations (abused in PvP), the Vanguard took dear on its DPS and was difficult to reconcile with of PvE HL (NiM is understood).
Since the 2,8 and a readjustment of the damage of the DoT (+ 35%), the Vanguard finds itself with a DPS closer to the other classes.
The Avant-Garde is a one-touch class
Without going into detail (see section on cycles), indeed for a long time the cycle of the Avant-Garde seemed to be limited to Ionic pulse - High impact shooting - Ionic pulse - High impact shooting. It's very cartoonish and absolutely not playable as it is. The part on the cycle will prove that we use a lot more powers and in my opinion many specializations revolve around 6 to 8 main powers.
Vanguard is a burst class only
Yes and no. It is a class capable of a big burst but used as such, it makes PvE unaffordable because the big difficulty of the Vanguard is its ammunition management. Having no incantation or channeling, it is very tempting to send the mash instantly, without handling. But in this case, we are very quickly in the harbor of ammunition (Out of Munitions - Oom) and the DPS drops very quickly.
The golden rule (with rare exceptions) is not to drop below 80% ammunition in order to keep a minimum regeneration of ¾.
Talent tree
4 / 6 / 36
I will detail the powers in the next part. Here I limit myself to offering my specialty and trying to explain my choices.
Assault Tree
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
- 8
Ionized ignition (3/3)
Lacrosse Strike has a 100% chance and Ionic Pulse 60% chance to trigger your plasma cell when activated - it's just a must-have. The plasma cell should be continuously active if possible on the target. In order to maintain the DoT.
Heavy stock (2/2)
Butt Strike Damage Increases 8% - Butt Strike is an integral part of your cycle and should be used as soon as possible, so its damage is maximized.
I choose not to add endurance (via soldier endurance) because, with optimized equipment, we already have enough HP.
Superheated plasma (3/3)
Increases damage dealt by Plasma Cell by 30% and Chance to trigger by 9% - GA Assault is played in Plasma Cell so that speaks for itself.
Paralactic Combat Stimulus (2/2)
In the event of immobilization, dizziness, knockdown or other incapacities, you have a 100% chance of recharging 8 energy cells - useful on certain occasions (see tips and tricks). Can be traded with Stifling Heat especially on bosses with adds to slow down (see Grob'thok)
Electrobouclier (2/2)
When activated, your Reactive Shield has a 100% chance to launch an Electric Charge, dealing 64 elemental damage to attackers for the duration of its activation. This effect is only available once per second - a good defensive power and helping to damage bosses.
Incendiary Blast (1/1)
Launches an incendiary projectile that ignites the target, inflicting 216 elemental damage and an additional 689 elemental damage over 18 seconds - one of your base spells, a DoT that also maximizes the damage of your powers (via Rain of Fire) - Is part of your cycle.
Friction shots (2/2)
High Impact Shot ignores 30% of the target's armor. If High Impact Shot hits a burning target, it has a 100% chance to generate 8 energy cells and reset the duration of your plasma cell's burn effect if it does - reduce the target's armor on one of your most powerful shots, recharge 8 cells on burning targets (which must always be the case): essential
Attack window (2/2)
Reduces damage from all regular effects by 15% - can also be traded with Soldier Stamina but I prefer it, if only for Draxus if the affliction does pass.
Ion accelerator (1/1)
While the plasma cell is active, the Ion Pulse has a 45% chance and the Butt Strike has a 60% chance to negate the cooldown of the next High Impact Shot and make it free. This effect is only available every 6 seconds - the basis of your cycle, High Impact Shot (TFI), should never be cast without this gratuity. In addition, it cancels the cooldown of TFI which makes it available every 6 seconds (a start of a cycle).
Hyperattack cell (2/2)
Reduces the cost of Explosive Surge by 4 and grants Explosive Surge a 100% chance to trigger your plasma cell on all affected targets - Explosive Surge is not part of my cycle but when used "situational", this reduces its cost and above all casts damage over time on the affected targets (see tips and tricks).
Assault soldier (2/2)
Increases bonus critical damage from Plasma Cell, High Impact Shot, Ion Pulse, Searing Burst, and Assault Plastic by 30% - this increases the influx on affected spells, not the chance criticism but it's still very interesting.
Rain of Fire (3/3)
Pestle Shot, Butt Shot, High Impact Shot, and Explosive Surge deal 9% more damage to targets on fire - so 3 of your spells in your cycle receive 9% more damage, one more reason to maintain the Fire DoT of Incendiary Blast.
Hyperburn (3/3)
Increases Tech Critical Hit Chance by 3% and Regular Elemental Effects damage by 30% to targets under 30% Max Health - base your final burst below 30%, your DoTs deal over damage and you take 3% crit on tech spells.
Demagnetization (2/2)
Activating the diversion increases your chance of defense by 25% for 6 seconds - the diversion should be used fairly regularly (a bad DPS takes aggro, a good one handles it) so the deaggro which gives defense, ok.
Critical recharge (2/2)
Increases critical strike chance by 2% and reduces cooldown of Cell Cooldown and Cell Saving by 30 seconds - since the difficulty is managing ammo, you gain Cooldown Reduction and 2% criticism is a gift.
Doped with adrenaline (2/2)
While Adrenaline Rush is active, your damage reduction is increased by 30%, and attacks taken reduce the active cooldown of Adrenaline Rush by 6 seconds. This effect is only available every 1.5 seconds - a new defensive power to use as a preventative rather than an emergency (see tips and tricks).
Riot Improvements (1/1)
Increases damage dealt by Butt Strike, Searing Salvo, and Assault Plastic by 6%, and increases damage dealt by regular elemental effects by 35% - a must have.
Assault Plastic (1/1)
Launches a plastic explosive that sticks to the target and explodes after several seconds. The explosion causes 206 - 228 kinetic damage and burns the target, inflicting 174 elemental damage over 12 seconds. When the explosive sets in, weak and standard enemies panic then are blown away by the explosion - Basic spell to include in the cycle that adds an elemental DoT (maximized by your skills).
Strategy Tree
- 1
- 2
Demolition (2/2)
Increases the critical strike chance of elemental attacks by 6% - + 6% critical strike on elemental attacks, we take ^^
Concentrated impact (3/3)
Increases ranged and tech accuracy by 3%. Additionally, High Impact Shot punctures target's armor by 45% - Improves TFI armor piercing and adds 3% accuracy.
Improvements for blaster (1/1)
Increases the effect of your cells when they are active. Plasma cell: techno critical hit chance: + 3% - Critical damage techno, we also take.
Shield Mastery Tree
- 1
Steadfast Resolution (3/3)
Aim + 9% - essential and which further justifies the optimization with Reflex improvements. Thanks to this talent, we will choose in the optimization to move towards a maximization of the main statistic (Aim).
Impact brutal (1/2)
Increases the damage of high impact shot by 3% - some prefer to put the last point available in the Strategy tree (frontal attack) to have 3% more damage of the ion impulse. The 2 spells are frequent in our cycle and the pole tests do not show a big difference but since in my parses the biggest parts come from the TFI, I choose to optimize it.
- Important powers
- Situational powers
Assault Plastic - PA : The ultimate of the Assault tree which does respectable damage (between 6 and 7% of your DPS) but above all inflicts a DoT on the target for 12 seconds for about 9% of your DPS. This spell is maximized by:
- Assault Soldier + 30% influx.
- Hyperburn + 30% damage to targets under 30% health.
- Demolition + 6% critical chance.
- Riot buff + 6% damage.
PA must be cast as soon as continuously available, except in the event that High Impact Fire under proc is available and there is a risk of losing it.
Incendiary burst - SI : causes damage over time (DoT) of the burn type (techno) for 18 seconds for a marginal direct damage (between 2 and 3%) but unavoidable burn DoTs (approximately 9%). This spell is maximized by:
- Assault Soldier + 30% influx.
- Hyperburn + 30% damage to targets under 30% health.
- Demolition + 6% critical chance.
- Riot buff + 6% damage.
Setting the target on fire catalyzes the damage via Rain of Fire and triggers the Ion Boost.
Ionic pulse - IO : One of the essential elements of your cycles by its damage, its lack of cooldown and its ability to activate Ion Accelerator. Depending on your use of Ionic Pulse, this is approximately 15% of your DPS. It is affected by several talents: 60% chance of triggering our Plasma cells (Ionized Ignition), + 30% Critical Hit Damage (Assault Soldier), + 6% Critical Chance (Demolition because elemental damage).
This spell is maximized by:
- Assault Soldier + 30% influx.
- Hyperburn + 30% damage to targets under 30% health.
- Demolition + 6% critical chance.
Lacrosse Strike - FC : like Ionic Pulse, it allows to trigger Ionic Accelerator but with a higher chance rate (50% against 45%). It represents between 10 and 12% of your DPS and triggers the Plasma Cell at 100% via Ionized Ignition. When we know that the DoT of the Plasma Cell makes about 13% of our DPS, we understand that it must be kept on target and, as such, the Lacrosse Strike is a "must have".
High Impact Shooting - TFI : the most powerful blow, it alone represents 26% of our DPS knowing that it must be launched for free and with a "minimum" frequency of 6 seconds. It is maximized by:
- Concentrated Impact 45% Armor Piercing
- Friction Shots ignore 30% of armor
- Brutal impact + 3% damage
- Rain of Fire + 9% damage
- Assault Soldier + 30% influx
Its cooldown is reset to zero when you have an Ion Boost trigger. It is also free in this case. It is then theoretically usable every 6 seconds.
Combat Concentration - CC : it gives 25% more critical for 15 seconds, to be used as soon as possible continuously, unless planning a close burst phase.
Shoulder cannon : Charges 4 missiles that will be available for 4 minutes before the ability restarts its cooldown. The advantage of this spell is mainly that it goes out of GCD so in combination with other spells (long live the bind ^^) and if possible in a "big DPS" phase (relic, Inspiration, doping and especially Concentration at combat). It represents a low DPS (between 2 and 3%) but free, instantaneous and excluding GCD therefore not to be neglected.
Tir Pilon - City : Does very low damage but it will appear (the minimum possible) in your cycle, often replacing an Ionic Pulse to ensure that regeneration remains between 80 and 100%. This is your "risk" variable, as we will see in the "Cycles" section, which generally represents 2,5% of your DPS. Above is that it is overused and this indicates a cycle problem.
Plasma cell: it is the "phantom" power of the Vanguard, it does not activate manually and yet this plasma cell produces about 15% of your damage via its burns. The only way to trigger it is to use Lacrosse Strike, Ionic Pulse, and High Impact Fire. Note that the latter, when used on a burning target, refreshes the DoT of the plasma cell. So Incendiary Salvo obligatory in order to maintain the DoT of the cell via High Impact Fire.
We are talking about spells that you will use but which are not an integral part of your cycle:
Explosive Surge - AE : a 360 ° damage zone that can, via Hyperattack Cell, have its cost reduced and trigger Plasma Cell on all targets (DoT) within a radius of 5 meters on 5 targets maximum.
Pulse cannon - CI (18s, 24 cells, 10 meters, channeling time of 3 s): exits an area that channels for 3 seconds so be careful of interruptions, to be launched under immutability if there is a risk of interruption (Grob'thok type). It is a spell that takes all its interest from the moment we have several targets in front of us (grob'thok, draexus, corruptor 0 and calphayus P1 left)
Volley of Mortar - VM : large zone channeled for 3 seconds and which needs to be at least between 5 and 30 meters. Same use and problematic as pulse gun, to be coupled with immutability if there is a risk of interruption.
Choc neural : your mono taunt in off-tanking situations or to be sure to fix your subteroth on Draxus NiM (see dismantler recovery in off-tanking on Draexus)
Riot strike : the interruption with an 8-second CD
Harpoon : to catch the adds (the bosses are immune). Little interest in current operations but on trash between Draexus and Grob it can be fatal to colleagues ^^ (followed by immutability of course, sadists will understand ^^)
Adrenaline rush (3 minute cooldown): A defensive spell often slammed when it sucks a max. It heals by small tic so does not absorb the big slaps but allows to raise the life or to keep alive when everyone is low alive to help the healers. It triggers as soon as you go below 35% health to get you up to that barrier to the max and lasts for 10 seconds. Coupled with the Adrenaline Doped talent, you see your damage reduction increased by 30% and each damage tick reduces the cd of the adrenaline rush by 6 sec (therefore approximately 36 of the 10s of the spell). Suddenly, it is rather a proactive CD to be deployed in anticipation of a hard blow in order to fully benefit from the talent Doped with adrenaline.
Here we touch on the difficulty of GA Assault, or how to send DPS without being OOM in less than 20 seconds… As mentioned above, the Assault specialty has long been a "burst" special with PvP vocation but this is mitigated. with the will of the developers to make all the specialties of the different classes viable in PvP and PvE (I'm not saying they achieved their goal). From that moment on, the challenge of the Assault spec was to maintain a correct DPS (based on its burst) over time.
So beyond your DPS cycle you must constantly be mindful of not going (with a few exceptions) below 80% ammo to maintain proper regeneration.
To do so, I offer 3 DPS cycles according to your willingness to take risks with your regeneration and especially your ability to apply the cycle to an operation boss with the requirements and complexity of the strategy of each boss.
But above all the opening:
- Assault plastic (PA) - we place the first DoT
- Incendiary Burst (IS) - place the second DoT
- Dopant-relic (if clickable) + Concentration in combat + Shoulder cannon (preparation of a burst)
- High Impact Shooting (TFI)
- Lacrosse Strike - this triggers the Ionic Accelerator (AI) so next free TFI and reset of the cd)
- High Impact Shooting
- Ionic Pulse (IO)
- Pestle Shot (TP) - some regeneration
- Ionic Pulse
- High Impact Shooting - the second IO must trigger the TFI under AI
- Lacrosse Strike
- Assault plastic - we update the DoT
- Ionic Pulse - AI trigger
- High Impact Shooting - free
The choice to start with PA and SI is explained by the fact that we are full ammunition so we place the most expensive spells so that the regeneration during the GCD (1,5 sec) is still in an acceptable zone (approximately 80%) and allows the DoT to be activated immediately.
In addition, it leaves more than 6 seconds after the pull to the tanks before the weld is sent. They will thank you especially if in 15 you have the good idea to place a diversion (unless your tank prefers to lose aggro to over-taunt you and thus increase its threat ^^).
Cycle 1: The Safety cycle
It is a repeatable cycle of 8 GCD which aims to never put you in difficulty in terms of energy while ensuring the refreshing of DoTs and maintaining a good DPS.
- Lacrosse Strike (or Ionic Pulse if FP is under CD)
- Pilon shooting
- Ionic pulse (or FC if IO in GCD 1)
- TFI (free)
- Lacrosse Strike (or Ionic Pulse if FP is under CD)
- Assault Plastic (or Incendiary Blast if AP under Cd)
- Lacrosse Strike (or Ionic Pulse if FP is under CD)
- TFI (free)
And we start again
In terms of regeneration, we see that out of 8 GCDs, 3 cost nothing (pestle fire and 2 free TFIs thanks to the triggering of AI) and that the 2 TFIs give us back 2x8 ammunition thanks to the Friction Shot talent.
It is a very secure and easy to remember cycle having for default a late refresh of the DoT of SI and PA therefore a loss of DPS. It can therefore evolve by replacing the GCD 2 1 time out of 2 by SI (rather than TP) under cell economy when it is available. To test this cycle I did a test on a pole (without debuff or 1m of HP) while waiting to be OOM ... I stopped after 35 minutes still having no worries about ammunition (I promise, heal ^^).
Cycle 2: natural cycle of GA
The goal here is to maintain ammo regeneration by ensuring that DoTs are constantly refreshed in order to optimize DPS. The cycle here consists of 3 blocks of 4 GCDs (6 seconds) with the objective of maintaining the DoTs on the 12 GCDs and to trigger and consume the TFI under AI within each block of 4 GCDs. With this in mind, the GCD 4 of each block will be the TFI (under IA)
We end up with a cycle basis as follows:
- GCD 1.1 PA
- GCD 1.2 YES
- GCD 1.3 FC
- GCD 1.4 TFI under AI
- GCD 2.1 IO
- GCD 2.2 TP
- GCD 2.3 IO
- GCD 2.4 TFI under AI
- GCD 3.1 IO (TP and low munitions)
- GCD 3.2 IO
- GCD 3.3 FC
- GCD 3.4 TFI under AI
And we go back to the beginning ...
In terms of energy, we have 4 (or 5) regeneration phases out of 12 GCDs (3TFI and 1 TP) with the possibility, if low in energy, to exchange the GCD 3.1 in TP, to use cell economy on GCD 1.1 or 1.2 and place the energy recharge after GCD 3.4 (every 5 turns). On this cycle, the DoT of SI is constantly on target and the DoT of the assault plastic is 3 sec off CD but we counterbalance by a more than correct regeneration.
Always keep in mind that when AI is triggered, we have 6 seconds to consume it so in this case there is no possibility of losing an AI trigger. Indeed, the announced 6 second delay is based on the fact that the AI trigger is only available every 6 seconds so in order to maximize our DPS it is necessary that the trigger always be in cd ("ghost" delay of the trigger AI).
The complex cycle
The complexity of this cycle comes from the fact that it is less fixed and works according to a principle of respect for GCDs and priority of certain spells. Basically, it should be remembered that:
- the incendiary salvo must be asked every 18 seconds so every 12 spells
- plastic assault must be placed every 15 seconds so every 10 spells
- the butt must be sent every 9 seconds so every 6 spells
Then we find the principle of the natural cycle of GA with a cycle of 3 blocks of 4 GCD (GCD 1.3 to 3.3). Beyond the 3 priorities above, it will be necessary to ensure:
- the butt is still in GC 1.4 and 3.2 (therefore spaced 5 spells, 6 GCD so 9 seconds)
- the IS is always in GCD 1.2 (so every 12 spells or 18 seconds)
- on a single pylon for a series of 12 sorts (3 blocs of 4 sorts)
- the TFI must be present in each block of 4 spells (compulsory) and it is always positioned in GCD 1 (gcd1.1, gcd 2.1 and gcd 3.1) except when the AP is available. What happens once per series if you have followed the pledge scrupulously.
- the ionic impulse (IO) always intervenes in GCD 2.4 and 3.4 because these positions do not interfere with the "dispos" of PA or SI and it is necessary to have enough IO to ensure the accelerator pig ionic.
- GCD 1.1 TFI (unless PA available)
- GCD 1.2 Incendiary burst
- GCD 1.3 Files
- GCD 1.4 Butt kick
- GCD 2.1 TFI (unless PA available)
- GCD 2.2 Files
- GCD 2.3Filer
- GCD 2.4 IO
- GCD 3.1 TFI (unless PA available)
- GCD 3.2 Butt kick
- GCD 3.3 Files
- GCD 3.4 IO
We therefore have in this structure of 12 spells, 4 filling spells which will be in order of priority:
- TFI (if the PA has shifted it to 2.1 or 3.1)
- Ionic pulse
- Pestle firing with mastering our ammunition and with obligatorily one TP per series of 12 spells
If you have followed the opening cycle and the cycle described above you will need to intersperse your cell recharge after the first full group of 12 spells in order to keep the regeneration full. The cell economy being reserved for use before the assault plastic in a cycle of 12 as soon as one deviates from the 60% ammunition. We therefore end up with a cycle structure as follows:
Statistics and equipment
Let's be very clear, a majority of Vanguard tokens are stuffed with alacrity and criticism so it will require going to look for optimized modifications on out of set and sophistication on tokens of other classes (or via crafting until at 180). Alacrity is a filth that offers no interest except to mess up your GCDs. Not to be touched.
Our skill tree gives us a 9% bonus on our primary stat. Suddenly, we maximize in aim.
The precision heading is essential so we aim for 100% precision in distance and 110% in techno. Currently, being mid 180/186 I am slightly below (99,88%) but it remains an optimization objective.
The vanguard is one of the classes that send a lot of spells (via no casting and channeling) and has, in assault, a mixture of DoT and big instant hits (TFI = 10 to 11K crit). We have a relatively high APM (between 42 and 45 APM) and therefore a strong interest in increasing criticism knowing that we do not have self-criticism but a spell that greatly increases our percentage of criticism (concentration in combat) over a short period of time. There may be debate around the critical index but personally I go with an index between 400 and 500 for a mid 180/186 equipment.
Once these statistics are reached, we maximize the rest in Surge and Power.
Aim> Accuracy (110% in tech)> critical (400/500 index)> Power-Surge> Alacrity (0)
Choose the Combat Technician set as a set bonus. The 2 piece bonus reduces the cooldown of Focus in Combat by 15 seconds while the 4 piece bonus offers 8% more damage on the TFI. In fact, it is better to keep 168 armor with set bonus than to be with 180 armor without being able to benefit from this bonus.
My AMR: not having had the opportunity to go out much on the NiM during the summer, this equipment is being optimized and certain points need to be reviewed but it gives an idea of the objective.
Proposals on Fortress and Palace of Dread
The Assault specialization is strongly recommended. Nothing special except to ask the healers not to dispel you. Indeed, your talents allow you to have ammunition regeneration when you suffer area damage. As Nefra's dowry is considered such, it allows more DPS to be sent by changing a pestle shot to a TFI. Additionally, the Reactive Shield talent reflects some damage back when activated. It's anecdotal but interesting to place all the same so on CD as soon as possible.Draxus
Doable in Prototype as well as Assault. If the latter is retained, do not hesitate to use the explosive surge when you arrive on an add pack in order to do a maximum of damage and to endow each add.If you go in a group, 1 tank, 5 DPS and 2 healers, the role of off tank will surely be yours.
Nothing very complex in Assault is a pole that moves (a little). On the other hand, when adding grenade, pulse cannon, mortar volley, and explosive surge add spawns can be interesting to place to kill adds quickly. In this case, do not forget to use them as often as possible with immutability to avoid any interruption.Corruptor 0
I strongly recommend doing this boss in strategy specialization for 2 reasons: the management of adds with the 3-charge impulse cannon, the mobility to get out of the boss area without immutability and especially the reduction of very high area damage on this boss . However, if you want to do it in Assault, I advise you to focus on the golden add in order to drop it very quickly on your burst and use your interrupt at 8 seconds compared to classes at 12 seconds.Brontes
On the tentacle phase the tentacles (P1) be careful not to reactivate your DoT (PA and SI) when the small tentacles are ready to die or when the large ones will change. The dot cycle does not have time to produce all of its DPS.To take your ball in P3, avoid slamming the reactive shield too early before taking the ball (16 to 20 charges). The reactive shield reflects damage but also the ball so boomerang effect not necessary.
Activating detaunt also increases your defense chance by 25%. It is also interesting to snap it at this moment (6 seconds of effect, not to snap too quickly before the ball is taken).
In NiM, with the number of ads to manage, the strategy specialty is strongly recommended. For the HM mode, the assault special works very well because few packaged ads. You will either be assigned to quickly descend the larvae to protect the healers or to tap on the tentacle and then return to the boss. If you then have to start again on an add, don't forget to revive at least the IS (and maybe the PA) on Bestia before going on the add that maximizes your DPS.tyrants
Beware of the resumption of aggro when engaging this boss. The rest of the strategy is relatively straightforward (regarding the HM ^^). In NiM, the Assault spec has the advantage of maintaining your DPS while you are going to debuff on the holocron (via the 2 dots). In addition, your regen and reactive shield DPS (see Nefra)Calphayus
Depending on whether you will be positioned on the right or on the left, the choice of specialty may differ. For a P1 on the left, with the number of ads and Calpha, the strategy specialty can be interesting. If you are on the right with the add to go down in order to avoid the affliction, the burst of the assault specialty is more suitable.The rape
The only difficulty is to position yourself correctly in contact (on your side) to avoid unnecessary damage and to be able to drop the challenge add-on fairly quickly. For the rest, the cycle is relatively linear because the difficulty of this boss is based more on the tanking and the ability of the healers to keep the raid alive by keeping the burst healing for the challenge.Dread Council
Long confined to the kitting of Raptus on the board, it is also possible to find oneself on Tyrants or Calphayus. Our mobility DPS is appreciable on Calphayus because the tank must regularly take it out of its zone. You can only DPS in the cac because of its shield.No advice on the NiM not having had the chance (and even less the skill) to confront me.
Tips and tricks
If you need to use the pulse cannon, do it if possible with the economy of cells in order to cancel its cost but also to take advantage of the channeling time to raise your ammunition by automatic regeneration.
The DPS of the shoulder gun is not negligible and it should be kept in mind that it is a spell outside GCD therefore to constantly place in CD and try to maximize it by placing it under doping if possible, concentration in combat or inspi (if sentry in the op group).
High Impact Shooting yields 8 ammunition regeneration and also occupies a GCD (therefore 5 ammunition). So it regenerates 13 ammo if it is used under Ion Boost. In addition to being the basis of your DPS it is also the basis of your regeneration (see description of "friction shot").
In anticipation of a moment when you know that you will take maximum damage without being able to avoid it (type bombardments on corrupter 0), do not hesitate to slam your adrenaline rush. Each damage taken will reduce the cd for the next Adrenaline Rush via the Adrenaline Rush talent, and you can be sure you can last a short time at 30% health without your healers panicking. With a little communication, they can focus on other targets as a priority.
Without wanting to approach a multi-target cycle because, in the event of a big multi-target need, I largely recommend the strategy specialty, I offer you a multi-DPS base which would be: Volley of mortar (from a distance). We enter the pack with an explosive influx and we move back a little to place all the adds in the cone of the impulse cannon. Normally the pack should already be well attacked. You can also add a grenade after the mortar volley. Be careful, apart from the explosive influx that takes advantage of the hyperattack cell spell, this multi cycle can be relatively expensive and break your DPS cycle by putting you OOM - to master.
Hope you enjoyed reading this guide. I repeat it is more my shared vision of the GA Assault than a guide itself.
For months, I've been trying to keep me informed of changes and optimization of my character and its advanced class. This led me to consult many guides and to discuss with many players including some Americans (thank you Kwerty and C-tor ^^). If you find some common elements, don't be surprised, we've been discussing our tests and logs for a while, according to optimizations and cycles.
I tried to be as precise as possible but the error being human (just like me), there may remain small inaccuracies on which I am ready to discuss and debate. It will be a pleasure. On the other hand, in view of the different easy “taunt” that everyone allows themselves for free on the different guides, I will not answer the trolls… I apologize in advance to them. In the same spirit, I do not share any parse for 2 reasons. First, I have no pride (much less reason) to produce any parses and secondly I really don't want to fiddle with text files to play the kiki. If needed, type my nickname on Torparse or better put me on Mantle's fleet for any discussion.