Today, we present to you a guild that many players have come across: The Dread Masters!
How was the guild created?
tyrants : Actually, we were doing a bit of PvE in our corner, we realized that we had a lot of interests, like collecting weird artefacts or killing people by throwing punchlines that kill (that's the case of laughter). Wanting to continue on this path, we created our group all together to have fun.
How has the guild evolved?
tyrants : We took a little time to go on a regular raid. Kephess and Styrak opened the way a little by often going on a PickUp raid on Denova, Asation and Darvannis, but it was really with the arrival of operations on Oricon that we managed to start a guild roster.
We were lucky to have our fortress before all the other players and to be able to start the conquests first. It was also not super fun to have the conquest of Oricon every week given the lack of competition at the time but we are not going to complain.
Is the atmosphere good in the guild?
tyrants : We have a good time together and we have a lot of fun between us. Before we used telepathy between us, for some time we spent on Mumble, that changes completely. The mute function is very practical, because we still have not succeeded in making Styrak understand that hearing his dragon scream behind him during trys, that would justify euthanasia.
So there are some skirmishes among the members of the guild?
tyrants : Yes of course ! Sometimes the tone rises a bit between us, but that's normal in a guild, isn't it? When Bestia is away for 30 minutes because she has to go and feed her larvae, it inevitably makes things up a little bit between us. The last big fray was this summer, when Raptus pointed out to Calpha that it was a bullet as he mouse-clicks all the time. So Calpha teleported to the future and came back to tell us about the end of Game of Thrones. But hey, today it's behind us, we kind of expected that he was going to die anyway ...
Who is going to die ... uh, whatever. How is the guild organized?
tyrants : There is no hierarchy per se, although Raptus tends to be a little over his head. People who throw big lightning always feel like they have the biggest lightning bolt (my Lightning Blast is completely different!). Our roster 1 consists of Raptus, Calphayus, Bestia, Styrak, Brontès and me. Bestia also set up a roster 2, but a little less framed. It must be said that when Draxus shows up on the mumble with all his friends, it quickly becomes unmanageable for the Raid Leader.
Afterwards some have kept their PU habits from the early days of the guild like Styrak or Kephess. Kephess also had a bad experience of not being part of roster 1 and he is not satisfied with his role in roster 2. I think he clearly has an ego problem, because he already had Very badly lived the Darvannis period which had unfolded without him.
Is SWTOR's current PvE (or EcJ) content right for you right now?
tyrants : Let's say that things have changed quite a bit since 2.4. At first it was really too easy. We seldom needed to take out the whole roster to destroy the groups of players who pointed at Oricon. So we took things in hand, we gave them a little help.
The problem is that now we realize that we have given too much too easily, and even some players not necessarily helped at birth by the Force manage to put us in difficulty. It's a bit annoying.
Were you expecting new content on SWTOR?
tyrants : Yes, especially new classes in fact. It's not super fun killing the same 16 advanced classes for over 2 years. The addition of customizations and dye was a real plus because it felt less like killing the same clones in the chain, but hey, it remains the same capabilities. If I still see a single tracer missile, I think I might make a new Alderaan (sorry for the anachronism, but Calpha sees the future, so we know about it. And yes ...).
A word on the next class evolutions?
tyrants : We are clearly neglected. Even if the developers tell us that the other classes will keep the same DPS after 3.0, we are still waiting for our evolution announcements ... Personally, I have a 30s cooldown on my DoT, and in addition we can to take off ! So sure she kills instantly on the first tick, but she would need a real up or a revamp ... I'm not even talking about Raptus' AoE spell casting time, everyone has time to take the tour! Bestia and Calphayus would like to be immune to the provocation spell for once, all this so as not to have to systematically hit the strongest player first, it's a bit bad I think.
So, not in a hurry to play 3.0?
tyrants : If still. Because it's always nice to go back and level up with your friends to get to level 60. But in the end, this update is not going to bring us much. Our guild may have lived its golden age. There is this new guild who are starting to talk about her and who may take over. It seems that Kephess is looking to be recruited there ...
A big thank you to Alesterm, from the Mort Subite guild, who sent us this interview and who made us laugh. Well done !
rjprojectsonline (at) Gmail (dot) com