After Kira Carsen, Kaliyo Djannis and Vette, here is the 4th article on partners from A to Z with Aric Jorgan. Future soldiers should avoid going any further on pain of spoiling certain discoveries.
General information
- Départ
- Breed
- customizations
Ord Mantell
Aric Jorgan has 4 different customizations

- The player
- The other companions
- Motivational
- Amour
He considers the soldier to be a rookie, a beginner who has talent but no experience in the field. He doesn't want his success to go to his head and make him too sure of himself.
Away from the battlefield, Jorgan is cranky and struggles to befriend:
- He respects the discipline and efficiency of Elara Dorne without being able to agree with his absolute respect for the rules.
- M1-4X is reliable, not talkative and courageous against the Imperials (even a little too much) and he likes it
- Tanno Vik an unruly free spirit you can't count on
- Yuun is efficient at his job, loyal and conscientious but Jorgan struggles with his methods.
Aric is driven by revenge. This is how he joined the Chaos squad and then the soldier's crew. Gradually, he realizes that it is easier to face the Empire personally than to remain within the strict framework of orders.
To let Aric let his guard down, you have to start by inspiring him with admiration, there is no room for failure for this soldier inspired by duty! Nervous, he will have to be put in confidence to discover a loyal, devoted and affectionate man.

Two links to finish. You will find more details about Aric Jorgan on his dedicated holonet page. In addition, you can discuss here on the official forum between soldiers or help choose which partner will be put forward next week (knowing that it will be from the Empire in order to respect the alternation).
They scare its customizations I find ... especially the blue version! I prefer it naturally.