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Be careful, in this guide there may be some spoilers on the story, in particular the names of partners involved in it.
With the deployment of update 4.0.1, the object Partner return terminal is now functional. This item can be found in your quarters within your alliance base on Odessen, in the Small Nameless Room. Be careful, because it is therefore only available after completing chapter 9 of KotFE.

It allows when you activate it to retrieve partners in your class that have not yet been encountered in the story of Knights of the Fallen Empire. Example with the Sith Inquisitor, you can get Andronikos Revel and Ashara Zavros.

No need to worry when clicking on the terminal, you are asked several times to confirm that you want to recover your partners (you recover them one by one by choosing them), and moreover, this will not impact your story in Knights of the Fallen Empire. For the story, your partners are still considered scattered in the Galaxy and you may well find them through the story even if you have collected them through the partner return terminal.
Note that the partners who will be available through the story in the near future are not recoverable, this is the case of Khem Val for example. We can therefore expect to find it soon in history or via the alerts of your Partners and Contacts (N).
Finally, another point to note, the partners that you recover through this terminal cannot be summoned in the phases related to Fallen Empire or on related planets like Odessen. They do, however, appear in your ship when you return, unlike the class mates you've picked up from alerts.

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