Let's focus for a moment on the community, on the team that will manage it and on the way in which the content will be inserted on the different networks: blogs, social media ...
Our team
SWTOR players will certainly recognize these names, as indeed, it is the same team that runs this other game from Bioware.
- Eric Musco : Community Manager, it is generally him that we see intervening most often during livestreams or direct interactions with the community.
- Courtney Woods : she carries out more work in the shadows, she is responsible for the content on blogs, social networks, etc.
- Tait Watson : he takes care of reporting bugs, writes and publishes patch-notes.
- Hillary Nicole : it manages the relations between fansites, youtuber, podcaster, etc.
The contents
Each week will be devoted to a particular theme: for example, Week of the Assassin, Week of Embra ... and the information will be given by several means:
Shadowrealms.com : the goal is to post 3 entries per week on the blog. On Monday will be posted the first part and will reveal the theme of the week. On Thursday a second part and every Friday, a summary will be offered, with "the week in Embra".
Social Networks : you can also find a lot of information on social networks. Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, YouTube.
Livestream Twitch Seeing the game in action is also important, and there are plans to stream the game regularly.
Social Networks : as indicated above, they will be a source of information, but can also be used to communicate with the team.
Official Forums : for the moment not yet open, but it will not be long.
Reddit : the official channel for SHadow Realms.
Activities : no other events announced for the moment, but there will be more.