An article by ktull
A quick recap of all the modifiable heirloom weapons in the game as well as how to get them and their price.
Summary :
- Saber / Blades
- Blasters Pistols
- Cannons
- Blaster Rifles
- Sniper rifles
- Secondary hands
Sabers / Blades
Sword of Vigilance
Reputation : Champion with "The Artillery Acquisition Corps" (Daily Quests CZ-198)
Credits : 500 000
Lightsaber Gree propeller
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 18 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Double saber laser Helix gree
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 18 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Rakghoul lightsaber
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 4 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Double Sabre laser Rakgoules
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 6 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Zero Corruptor Blade
Booty : Defeat Corruptor Zero (Dread Fortress) on hard difficulty
Wholesale Lightsaber Beanie
Credits : 3 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Wholesale Laser Baton Beanie
Credits : 3 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Blasters Pistols
Helix gree blaster
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 18 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Blaster Rakgoule
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 4 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Bounty Hunt Blaster
Modified heavy blaster rifle
Reputation : Friends with "ACP" (Daily Quests "Bounty Hunting Week")
Credits : 12 Bounty Hunting Contracts completed
Big Bonnet Blaster Pistol
Credits : 2 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Canon Propeller gree
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 24 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Rakghoul Cannon
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 6 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Big Bonnet Assault Cannon
Credits : 3 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Blaster rifles
Blaster rifle Gree propeller
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 24 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Fusils Blasters Chevins
Thanks Obi

No longer available in-game.
Rakghoul Blaster Rifle
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 6 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Bounty Hunting Blaster Rifle
Stalker's Crossbow and Elite Stalker's Crossbow
Reputation : Friends with "ACP" (Daily Quests "Bounty Hunting Week")
Credits : 12 Bounty Hunting Contracts completed
Big Bonnet Blaster Rifle
Credits : 3 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Sniper rifles
Gree propeller sniper rifle
Reputation : Champion with "The Enclave of the Gree" (Daily Quests "Relics of the Gree")
Credits : 24 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Chevins sniper rifle
Thanks Obi

No longer available in-game.
Rakghouls Sniper Rifle
Reputation : Heroes with "OHNR" (Daily Quests "Rakghouls Resurgence")
Credits : 6 DNA capsules (Daily reward)
Bounty hunting sniper rifle
Reputation : Friends with "ACP" (Daily Quests "Bounty Hunting Week")
Credits : 12 Bounty Hunting Contracts completed
Wholesale Bonnet Sniper Rifle
Credits : 3 Gold Certificates (Nar Shaddaa Slot Machines - "Festival of Splendor)
Secondary hands
No longer available in-game.
Reputation : Hero with "The Gree Enclave" (Daily Quests "Gree Relics")
Credits : 8 gray propeller components (on the Boss instanced "Xeno-analyst" + The daily H4)
Credits for two images: Dulfy