In games, you sometimes find cool ideas, other strange ones, and some wacky ones. Today we have a train game, in a futuristic world, where everything is to be done. It's quite funny for a first approach, but I promise, the game won't bite you! Do you have your ticket? Too bad, it's only freight trains!
Graphics & atmosphere
The game evolves in small maps which are quite clean on their own, and give quite a bit of small detail, even if it crumbles a bit when looking inside the train. The joy of seeing a map dotted with our railways is also quite good, with a sound environment that makes everything concrete to achieve your primary objectives. Nothing really special to say about all that, except that it does the job, without really being unforgettable, we have a good time.

In the future, you manage a colony that has various needs. And nothing better to deal with all this than a good old method: railroads to transport resources automatically. You are Mr. Yoshida, a new administrator who takes his instructions from a gugus who cheated to get his job, and who is incompetent enough to pass on all the dirty work to you. Zone after zone, you give your full potential to ensure a bright future for the colony.
The game offers you a little tutorial to get you up and running and show you the tricks of the trade. Quickly, you will go from challenge to challenge with increasingly difficult conditions to fulfill the tasks that your superior entrusts to you. In the meantime, here is a little more precision.
To fulfill your objectives, you will have to build railways between the different buildings that are present and those that you will build to obtain more resources. But sometimes, you will also have to build factories, which will be connected by resource wells, all to meet the demands of the surrounding cities, or orders that will leave by air terminal. But each factory will have to run at maximum capacity with workers that you will have to hire, catalysts to increase production, improvements that will increase storage and production, and all this, always faster and more demanding in resources. But it can help you grow the population of cities, with all that that entails.

But all this has a price, the maintenance price, the construction price, which you will be asked for everything, and which will have to be balanced by your profits to improve further. To make money, you can use new locomotives, or new factories that you can buy at the coupon shop, valid for your entire career. Coupons will require you to get good times on your missions, which will sometimes require you to come back with new technologies to get better times.
Your goal is to succeed in completing all the missions so that the colony regains its brilliance, and all in the best possible time to have the most coupons. The progression of the difficulty is quite smooth and allows us to improve each time. For example, I did not grasp the subtleties of the lane changers the first time, which was quickly corrected because it is vital for space and finances, or even for the catalysts which will have to be distributed according to the needs. and the place of the factories. Sometimes, a resource will have to be shared between two places with a lane changer for simplicity. The choice will remain yours to do the best to fulfill your objectives with your means and your ideas!
RAILGRADE is a game that is quite sweet and friendly. Personally, I quickly took to the game, and I preferred to play it in small sessions of an hour or two. The title is fairly simple to learn, however, it has many subtleties to use it 100%. If you like puzzle challenges and clear goals with multiple ways to get there, if you like trains and railways... this game is for you. If you're an action fan... on the other hand, go your way, there's not really any here!
RAILGRADE on the Epic Games Store