Having the most perfect control during your gaming sessions has become an obsession of many gamers. And not necessarily in the competitive field, for that matter.
This is why several manufacturers are struggling to find the one who will offer the best product at the best price.
Today we are going to take a closer look at the wired controller. Spectra Infinity for PowerA's Xbox environment to determine where it fits.
The Spectra Infinity controller is a much less expensive controller than its recently tested cousin, the Fusion Pro 2. From the top of its forty euros, it can easily be classified as an entry-level controller and not as a competitor to the elite models.
But that doesn't mean it's not good quality!
From the first grip, all fingers are naturally placed on the essential functions, even for the 2 additional programmable buttons on the back. And that's without the hefty weight of the Fusion Pro 2. Handling the Spectra Infinity is a pleasure, but isn't as comfortable as the Fusion Pro 2 due to the sticky plastic back while the latter benefited from a back layer in a more comfortable and flexible material than simple plastic.
On the contrary, the notched trigger adjustment mechanism present on both models is much more robust and reliable on the Spectra Infinity. As well as everything else that exudes robustness. Probably because the controller is not customizable and therefore does not require accessory change mechanisms which weakens the whole thing.
The steering cross is very nice with its recess in its center, but can end up being painful for fighting games. The analog joysticks do their job effectively. The buttons have a bit less resistance than on its big sister, but the difference is so minimal that their appreciation will be to everyone's taste. Personally, I prefer it that way.
The controller is equipped, as was the case for its big sister, with an ugly headphone volume control block that does a bit of a stain with the overall design of the controller. Especially since it very often duplicates headsets which almost all already have this kind of integrated functionality.
The 3 meter USB cable is appreciated for standard gaming setups, however could be a concern if you have a spacious gaming environment. Note that the connection on the controller side is in micro USB (the Fusion Pro 2 is in USB-C) and has a welcome locking system to avoid inadvertent disconnection on the controller side. On the console side, the cable is, as for the Fusion Pro 2, equipped with a safety system to avoid dropping everything if you trip over the cable.
The Spectra Infinity has 2 programmable buttons in a very simple way thanks to the programming button on the back. Ideal for quin games without going into the competition, deserve to have a controller with easily accessible buttons. And there, the job is successful because for me, who has a standard-sized hand, my two middle fingers instinctively fall on its welcome buttons.
But the main attraction of the Spectra Infinity is its backlight system.
Personally, I won't hide from you that I think it's a gadget feature to play like on a keyboard, even in the dark. But we must admit that the customization options are well thought out and can give nice results if you don't have the soul of an experimental artist like me.
The backlight is divided into several areas of the controller. To adjust each of these zones, simply press the light button present under the programming button, and select the zone using the cross. It will then suffice to press the colored buttons (A, B, Y and X) to add the said color, up to 3 intensities per color.
In short, the Spectra Infinity is a good wired controller that tries to successfully put one foot on the high end side with its programming and backlighting, while keeping the other in the entry level with a very plastic to be within reach of the smallest purses.
Buy on the official website