The Paladins Closed Beta continues and we were able to have a new patch this Tuesday, November 24th.
Patch 0.7 in English
- The Paladins Store has been completely redone and now includes new features:
- 5-card Radiant Chests can now be purchased for either 50 Crystals or 3500 Gold.
- The Paladins Founder’s Pack can be purchased for $19.99 and includes 20 Radiant Chests plus the exclusive Infernal Warhorse mount.
- Crystal bundles are now available for purchase.
- Players can change their username for 400 Crystals.
- There are several adjustments planned to the Siege Engine game rules, here is the first:
- The Siege Engine no longer takes damage while traveling.
- Matchmaking has undergone several changes. You will now wait longer for matches, but should get better matchmaking.
- Map Changes in Casual Queue:
- Temple Ruins
- Added a new route for players to leave the base. This can be found to the left of the spawn area.
- Added various new environmental obstacles throughout the map.
- Now includes randomization that occurs on the points. Each point will change slightly each time it spawns, making each encounter unique. This can be new cover points appearing and entrances or exits being closed off temporarily.
- Enchanted Forest
- The spawn room has had a visual improvement
- Temple Ruins
- Updated the presentation of Death Recap, and this now defaults to "Y"
- Updated minimaps to properly display map layout and objective locations.
- Updated Loot Chest visuals in the Vault section of the main menu.
- New keybinds in the Settings menu:
- Card selection menu (default ‘U’)
- Auto-run forward (default ‘NumLock’)
- Bots draw cards when they level up.
- Removed jump height penalty for successive jumps.
- Whenever a target takes no damage due to being 100% damage immune, the combat text will now read “Immune”
- HP Drops can no longer be collected if you are at full Health. Cards like Soul Collector and Rehabilitation that rely on HP Drops override this rule.
- Mount Cooldown has been reduced from 5 to 1s.
- Barik
- Turret
- Increased damage from 185 to 215
- Reduced refire rate from 1.75 to 1.5
- Rifle
- Reduced damage from 337 to 300
- Turret
- Pip
- Weightless
- Reduced duration from 3 to 2.5s
- Reduced forward acceleration by 20%
- Reduced vertical acceleration by 20%
- Potion Launcher
- Reduced damage from 283 to 250
- Reduced projectile speed from 185 to 160
- Weightless
- Skye
- Removed reload on Skye’s weapon.
- Buck
- General
- Increased Movement Speed from 320 to 335
- Shrapnel Cannon
- Reduced accuracy from 85 to 70%
- Reduced range from 100 to 50
- Increased damage per projectile from 40 to 50
- Now has instant fire, hitting targets instantly
- General
- The following cards have new artwork:
- Accelerator Field (Barik)
- Backlash (Fernando)
- Big Game (Cassie)
- Sniper (Cassie)
- So Much Slime (Pip)
- Unstable Solution (Pip)
- Wind Totem (Grohk)
- The following cards have improved artwork:
- Infernal Wall (Barik)
- Inflame (Barik)
- Cards now correctly show their Cooldown on the card based on their rarity
- Barik
- *NEW* Combat Repair - Common
- [Turret] Standing nearby your Turret heals it for 125 Health every second.
- *NEW* Combat Repair - Common
- Buck
- *NEW* Galvanize - Epic
- [Recovery] Recovery heals 20% more for each enemy nearby when activated.
- *NEW* Unsettled
- [Cataclysm] When spawned, Cataclysm slows all targets in range by 40% for 3s
- *NEW* Stomping Ground - Legendary
- [Heroic Leap] You may Leap again for 4s after Leaping, and Leap Bleeds nearby enemies on landing for 400 damage over 3s.
- *NEW* Exhilarate
- [Heroic Leap] Take 15% less damage for 3s for each enemy nearby when you land from Leap
- Armor piercer
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Acid Rounds
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- *NEW* Galvanize - Epic
- Cassie
- Battle Focus
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Reduced Attack Speed from 50 to 30%
- Battle Frenzy
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- B
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic
- Exaction
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Lift off
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Sniper
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Megaton
- Updated description to correct values
- Battle Focus
- Fernando
- Incinerate
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Lance Strike
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Titan's Rage
- Increased amount of Health required per 2% damage from 250 to 350
- Incinerate
- Grohk
- *NEW* Sow the Seed - Epic
- [Weapon] 4% chance to spawn a Healing Totem at the target’s feet.
- Discharge
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Stimulate
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Precinct
- Fixed description reading Totem instead of Healing Totem
- *NEW* Sow the Seed - Epic
- Pip
- *NEW* Ambush - Epic
- [Weapon] Deal 60% increased damage to enemies on the Capture Point
- *NEW* Caustic - Epic
- [Weapon] Deal 4% of your target’s current Health
- *NEW* Ambush - Epic
- Ruckus
- turbocharger
- Reduced Movement Speed from 50 to 30%
- turbocharger
- Skye
- Lethal Dose
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare
- Lethal Dose
- Fixed an issue where spamming gamepad buttons could crash the game during map transitions.
- Fixed an issue where players would appear to slightly sink on a capture point.
- Fixed an issue where the camera on some Champions could clip into a wall.
- Resolved various application crash scenarios.
- Fixed an issue where the firing animation could get desynced from the actual firing mechanism.
- Fixed an issue causing texture maps on awnings and ropes in Enchanted Forest to disappear.
- Adjusted first-person gun positioning for Pip, Ruckus and Bolt, Buck, and Barik for non-widescreen resolutions.
- Fixed an issue where Flame Turret would deal 100 damage over 2s instead of 400 damage over 2s.
- Fixed an issue where Field Deploy would not affect Flame Turret.
- Weightless now has a grace period shortly after activation preventing accidental cancels.
- Added a small delay on Backlash preventing it from dealing damage too quickly.
- Shop redesign
- Possibility to buy chests with gold coins.
- Possibility to buy chests with crystals.
- Possibility to buy crystals with real money.
- Mount activation delay after falling or deactivation has been reduced from 5 seconds to 1 second.
- The siege engine no longer takes damage while moving.
- Updated mini-maps to correctly display terrain and objectives.
- Heals that fall to the ground (after killing enemy) can no longer be picked up if your life is full. An exception is made for characters with cards asking to pick them up.
- The "Matchmaking" system has been improved to balance player levels, but it will take a bit longer to find a game.
- The zone changes to Casual queue
- Temple Ruins
- A new route has been added when you leave the base. It is on the left when you exit the spawn area.
- Added numerous environmental obstacles all over the map.
- The points will change randomly. This includes entrances that open or close, places to place, etc ... which should change every fight.
- Enchanted Forest
- The point of onset has undergone visual improvement.
- Temple Ruins
To begin with, we'll talk about the changes among the characters. In my opinion, the most important comes for Skye, who is going to become even more powerful than she is now, when many find that she deserves a nerf instead. Pip sees his power and mobility diminished.
- Barik
- Its turrets have been greatly improved in terms of damage, while their rate of fire has been reduced. Barik's rifle power has also been reduced.
- Pip
- A huge nerf for Pip: his movement speed given by his skill has been drastically reduced. Its firepower and the speed of its projectiles have been reduced.
- Skye
- The reload mechanism she had has been removed. She can now shoot continuously like other characters.
- Buck
- Buck's movement speed has been increased while his weapon's accuracy has been greatly reduced. His weapon's range is also halved as his projectiles (9 per shot) gain power. Importantly, targets are now instantly hit.
Many cards have been modified, whether they are simple changes in rarity (change from epic to rare, common to rare, etc.) or indeed.
- Barik
- * New * Combat Repair
- [Turret] Staying near a turret heals you for 125 health per second.
- * New * Combat Repair
- Buck
- * New * Galvanize
- [Recovery] recovers 20% health per nearby enemy while the skill is activated.
- * News * Unsettled
- [Cataclysm] When Cataclysm spawns, all targets are slowed by 40% for 3s.
- * New * Stomping Ground
- [Heroic Leap] When you leap you have 4 seconds to leap again inflicting bleeding on your ground targets for 400 damage over 3 seconds.
- * New * Exhilarate
- [Heroic Leap] You take 15% less damage per nearby enemy when you land.
- * New * Galvanize
- Cassie
- Battle Focus
- Decreased attack speed from 50 to 30%.
- Battle Focus
- Fernando
- Titan's Rage
- Increased the amount of Health required for 2% damage from 250 to 350.
- Titan's Rage
- Grohk
- * News * Sow the Seed
- [Weapon] 4% chance to spawn a healing totem at the target's foot.
- * News * Sow the Seed
- Pip
- * New * Ambush
- [Weapon] Damage increased by 60% on targets standing on a capture point.
- * New * Caustic
- [Weapon] Deals additional damage up to 4% of the target's current health.
- * New * Ambush
- Ruckus
- turbocharger
- Movement speed reduced from 50 to 30%.
- turbocharger
That's all for this patch 0.7. See you on the battlefields!