Only a week after the release of patch 0.7, the developers of Paladins are beefing up the beta with new content and a heroine!
Patch 0.8 in English
New Champion: Evie, The Winter Witch- Weapon - Ice Staff
- A blaster that fires an explosive blast of ice, dealing damage in an area.
- Ability 1 - Illusion
- Spawn an illusion of yourself that fires on enemies and deals damage.
- Ability 2 - Blink
- Teleport a short distance.
- Ability 3 - Soar
- Hop up on your staff and take flight, moving at great speed.
- Added a Single Player option for bot matches called "Practice". The current "Co-Op" queue will be against bots with other players on your team.
- Siege engine
"The Siege Engine and the entire Siege mode itself is still being evaluated, and we appreciate all your feedback. The goal with this change is to bring more focus to the fighting, and allow more strategic options during a match. Stay tuned to further updates on the core gamemode mechanics."- The Siege Engine is automatically destroyed if a gate is destroyed, meaning each Engine can destroy a single gate only.
- No longer is reduced to half Health if it destroys the second Gate.
- Reduced base Health from 15,000 to 12,000.
- Reduced base damage from 1,600 to 1,200.
- Each Gate now follows the same rules as the vault where it will return to half health if it is not fully destroyed when the Siege Engine goes down.
- Scoring
"We have increased the amount of points a player accrues for properly completing map objectives, rather than just killing. This gives a better representation of participation, and allows players who are focusing on tanking or supporting to still score the highest in the match."- Increased the amount of score points received for every 2s standing on the capture point from 1 to 2.
- Increased the amount score points received for capturing a capture point from 8 to 10.
- Increased the amount of score points received for assisting in the destruction of a Siege Engine from 8 to 10.
- Players now receive 30% additional match experience for kills against a player who has a higher level.
- A new notification system has been added to notify you of any Crowd Control or Status Effects that effect you, along with icons representing each effect. This can be seen in the top center of your screen and will include a timer for how long the effect will last.
"Our goal with this system is to make all negative effects, especially softer Crowd Control effects like Disarm or Attack Slow, more recognizable during the heat of battle to make it clear what is happening to your champion." - You may now mute other players when in a match.
- The Deserter system has been added for both abandoning a match and for not accepting a queue.
- The End of Match lobby scoreboard has been updated to include:
- A button to report players to our Support system.
- A button to add a player to your friends list to play with in the future.
- Bots have been updated in Co-Op and Practice to utilize randomized cover points in Temple Ruins.
- Enemies that enter any of your base healing wells will be rapidly damaged.
- Base
- Increased inner Gate Health from 26,000 to 30,000.
- Increased outer Gate Health from 16,000 to 20,000.
- The Gate health at the top of the screen has been updated to distinguish between the final Vault door and the Gates.
- The jump penalty has been reintroduced, and will slow your Movement Speed and reduce your jump height if you are repeatedly jumping.
- Respawn times have been reduced:
- Respawn time at the start of the game reduced from 10s to 5s.
- Respawn time if your team has destroyed one Gate reduced from 15s to 10s.
- Respawn time if your team has destroyed two Gates reduced from 20s to 15s.
- The lobby character presentation has received a visual pass. Champions in the Match Lobby while you are picking have improved lighting and textures.
- We have upgraded the AFK (Away From Keyboard) system to have much harsher rules around being AFK. You are considered AFK in the last two minutes you have:
- Not damaged another player.
- Not taken damage from another player.
- Not participated in a match objective (damaged a Siege Engine, damaged a Gate, or progressed a Capture Point).
- Sat in a healing well without leaving.
- If a player disconnects from a match for any reason, a bot will immediately take over their champion until they return or until the end of the match.
- A minimap has been added to the in-match HUD.
- Cards in your collection are now sorted by their rarity.
- Increased Mount cooldown from 1 to 3s.
- A blood splatter has been added to any target that is hit by your attacks, notifying you of a successful hit.
- Increasing your max Health will maintain your current Health percentage when applying the added Health.
- In-match leveling has been dramatically accelerated. Players on average should reach level 5 and gain access to their Legendary card pick within the first 5-7 minutes. After level 5, players will continue to level up to a maximum of 10. Levels 6-10 players will have a choice to replace their currently equipped cards with a new card. Cards chosen between levels 1-5 will have half stats, meaning higher level cards will provide more flat Health and damage.
- Fixed an issue where the indicator for the moving Siege Engine would appear high up in the air instead of just above the Siege Engine
- Fixed an issue where out of combat regeneration would get stuck on permanently.
- We have added a Challenge Match feature for those who want to play premade 5-man teams against each other. A party leader of a 5-man group can challenge another party leader who also has 5 members in their group. To challenge:
"Large groups of friends, streamers, and content creators can now use the Challenge Match feature to create pre-made matches to enjoy Paladins in a bigger group. We are working on a Custom Match system, but this system allows players to challenge until Custom Matches are available."- Both parties need to be out of match.
- The syntax is in chat is:
- /quickchallenge
- The opposing leader will then reply in chat:
- /quickaccept
- For example, HiRezStew challenges Drybear to a Challenge Match:
- HiRezStew, with 5 members in his party, types:
- /quickchallenge Drybear
- Drybear, after being challenged and has 5 members in his party, types:
- /quickaccept HiRezStew
- HiRezStew, with 5 members in his party, types:
Champions - Balance/Updates/Fixes
- Barik
"Barik's main concentration is his Turret, and it's something no other champion has. These changes are to move him even more towards utilizing his strengths rather than using his Rifle as his primary damage dealer."- Turret
- Reduced time to deploy from 5 to 4s.
- Increased Attack Speed from 1.5 to 1.2.
- Increased Health from 1000 to 1100.
- Fixed an issue where the Turret would gain maximum Health but would not heal it.
- Rifle
- Reduced damage from 300 to 250.
- Turret
- Buck
- Cataclysm
- Is now team colored
- Is no longer destroyed if Buck dies
- Now has a targeter for placement
- Cataclysm
- Cassie
- Dodge Roll
- Fixed an issue where if you jumped and then used Dodge Roll you wouldn't move forward.
- Dodge Roll
- Grohk
- Lightning Staff
- Fixed an issue where this would fire through the randomized cover in Temple Ruins.
- Chain Lightning
- Fixed an issue which would cause players to crash while using Chain Lightning.
- Lightning Staff
- Pip
- Potion Launcher
- Fixed an issue where direct hits on shields would not deal the full damage that a direct hit deals.
- Adhesive
"Adhesive was deploying a slow field directly in front of you, and with this change Pip can actually toss the goo down onto a point or in front of one of his gates - giving more options to the use of the ability."- Now drops an actual projectile, meaning this can be dropped off of ledges so that the slow field will be deployed below.
- Potion Launcher
- Ruckus
- Hover
"Hover was getting stuck on ledges and archways, and this change allows him to have a more consistent flight."- Reduced height to allow Ruckus to hover under gateways more easily.
- Hover
- Skye
- Crossbow
- Reduced damage from 120 to 110.
- Poison Bolts
- Reduced damage per tick from 12 to 10.
- Time Bomb
- Recolored team effects to be all blue.
- Hidden
- Added a small grace period after activating Hidden where you cannot reactivate it, preventing accidental cancels.
- Crossbow
Card Art
- Card frames have been updated to reflect rarity. Common cards have the same frame, but now Rare, Epic, and Legendary cards have frames of escalating embellishments.
- The following cards have updated art:
- Backstab (Skye)
- Bullet Sponge (Ruckus and Bolt)
- Bully (Buck)
- Bunker (Barik)
- Compound Reaction (Pip)
- Driver (Grohk)
- Divebomb (Cassie)
- Fatal Sign (Cassie)
- Fortification (Barik)
- Front Line (Fernando)
- Gunship (Ruckus and Bolt)
- Kinetic Reactor (Ruckus and Bolt)
- Life Rip (Ruckus and Bolt)
- Masterful (Pip)
- Malady (Pip)
- No Surrender (Barik)
- Rigged (Barik)
- Short Fuse (Skye)
- Stickiness (Pip)
- Targeting (Barik)
- Thermite Load (Pip)
Cards - Balance/Update/Fixes
- The beginning cards for each Champion have been updated. Each starting set of cards will include 4 Common cards, 1 Rare card, 1 Epic card, and 1 Legendary card:
"We have adjusted the starting decks, or the cards that each new account starts with, for each Champion to include a free Legendary card. We want the very first match of Paladins to feel awesome, and for everyone to be on an equal field with each other from the get go."- Barik
- Chronos, Targeting, Accelerator Field, Fuel Efficiency, Healing Station, Overdrive, Capsule.
- Buck
- Accelerate, Blessed, Leg Day, Cornered, Unsettled, Buck Shot, Stomping Ground.
- Cassie
- Lunge, Survival Instincts, Flee, Reload, Stay Here, Big Game, Blast Shower.
- Evie
- Safeguarded, Teleport, Journey, Ice Storm, Snowfall, Frostbite, Distortion.
- Fernando
- Aegis, Field Dressing, Queen of the Hill, Launch, Safe Travel, Scorch, Towering Barrier.
- Grohk
- Astral Traveler, Totemic Rescue, Gale, Forethought, Momentum, Overload, Arc Lightning.
- Pip
- Marathon, Refreshing Jog, Side Tanks, Rebound, Stickiness, Fortune Fury, Acidic Ooze.
- Ruckus
- First Class, Heat Diffuser, Fuel Reserves, Turbocharger, E.M.P., Cull the Weak, Proximity.
- Skye
- Cloak, Lie in Wait, Master Riding, Re-entry, Weakening Poison, Surprise Attack, Well Rested.
- Barik
- *NEW* Capsule - Legendary
- [Barricade] Barricade is now a complete dome.
- Accelerator Field
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Coming Through
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Epicenter
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Healing Station
- Increased Health per second from 100 to 125.
- Infernal Wall
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Inflame
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic.
- On Guard
- Increased damage to Siege Engine from 60 to 100%.
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Overdrive
- Reduced Attack Speed from 100 to 60%.
- Reduced rarity from Legendary to Epic.
- Promote
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Pyromancer
- Reduced damage from 100 to 75%.
- Rigged
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Siege Armor
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare
- Stagger
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Thumper
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- *NEW* Capsule - Legendary
- Buck
- Tracer Rounds
- No longer increases Projectile Speed, but instead increases Projectile Range by 150%.
- Acid Rounds
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Accelerate
- Fixed an issue where this would not effect your Cooldown if you had Imprisonment equipped.
- Blessed
- Reduced bonus healing from 80 to 50%.
- Buck Shot
- Increase rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Celerity
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Concussion
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Galvanized
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Giga Siphon
- Reduced Lifesteal from 100 to 60%.
- Immovable
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Into the Fray
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Leg Day
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- makes
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic,
- Seismic Wave
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Tightrope
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Unsettled
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Tracer Rounds
- Cassie
- Blast Shower
- Only triggers effects once per Champion rather than once per hit.
- Kinetics
- Reduced Disarm duration from 2.5 to 1.5s.
- Survival Instincts
- Reduced Lifesteal from 100 to 50% during Scout.
- Battle Frenzy
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Drain Life
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Dormancy
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Exaction
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Lift off
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Reload
- Only triggers its effect once per Champion rather than once per hit.
- Serrated Arrow
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Sniper
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Stalker
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Tranquility
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- trauma
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Blast Shower
- Fernando
- Bleeding heart
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Say Need
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Added a 10 second internal cooldown upon use.
- Incinerate
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Inferno
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Insurmountable
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Lance Strike
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Last Stand
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Launch
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Queen of the Hill
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Scorch
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Tenacity
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Titan's Rage
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Bleeding heart
- Grohk
- Anvil
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Blackout
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- cluster
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Electrical Imbalance
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Discharge
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic.
- Distribution
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Outreach
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Overcharge
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Planted
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Precinct
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Sow the Seed
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Spirit Steal
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Stimulate
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic
- Totemic Rescue
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Anvil
- Pip
- Gather
- Reduced healing from 60 to 50% of maximum Health.
- Acid cloud
- Reduced damage per second from 250 to 200.
- Compound Reaction
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Fortune Fury
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- From Above
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Masterful
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Panic
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Poison Cloud
- Fixed an issue where this would damage Grohk while he was in Ghost Walk.
- Stickiness
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Thermite Load
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic.
- Fixed an issue where Barik's Barricade and Fernando's Shield did not receive additional damage.
- Tyranny
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Gather
- Ruckus
- Suppressive Fire
- Reduced duration increase from 80 to 50%.
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Combat Station
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Gunship
- Increased rarity from Common to Epic.
- Harvest
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Heat Diffuser
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Life Rip
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Lined Up
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Nanotechnology
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Projector
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Rush
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Sabotage
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Sonar Upgrade
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Soul Collector
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Suppressive Fire
- Skye
- Circle of Life
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Decay
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Diminish
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Emergency Exit
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Harden
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Killstreak
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Lethal Dose
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Lie in Wait
- No longer heals Skye if she is in combat, even if standing still.
- Master Riding
- Reduced rarity from Rare to Common.
- Re-entry
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Common.
- Scales of Justice
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Shell Shock
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Sticky Bomb
- Reduced rarity from Epic to Rare.
- Victory Rush
- Increased rarity from Rare to Epic.
- Weakening Poison
- Increased rarity from Common to Rare.
- Well Rested
- Fixed an issue where Well Rested wouldn't activate if it came off of Cooldown while you were above 80% Health.
- Circle of Life
- Barik
- Both Temple Ruins and Enchanted Forest have received various updates and fixes:
- The Vault doors have received a visual update to help distinguish their importance over the outer Gates
- Several fixes to bugged collision
- Assets in base and in the levels have been updated to better reflect team coloring
- Temple Ruins
- The randomized cover on the Sunken City point has been updated to be less limiting on pathways to the Capture Point.
- Enchanted Forest
- Fixed an issue where you could fire through certain walls.
In this patch there are a lot of changes and content:
- Evie, a new heroine who plays with illusions and can quickly escape on her broomstick. His staff also inflicts area and ice attacks!
- Practice mode puts you in the game on your own and fills it with computer-controlled characters.
- Siege Engines are much more fragile and automatically destroy themselves if a door is destroyed.
- Doors revert to half their life if they are not destroyed during an attack.
- Killing an opponent higher than yourself grants more experience.
- You now have notifications on your screen when you are under a crowd control effect.
- The deserter detection system has been put in place.
- The doors of the bases are more resistant.
- Resurrection times are shorter, allowing you to defend your base a bit better.
- Gaining experience in part is much faster, allowing players to reach level 5 faster and choose a legendary card if they want.
- There is a Challenge mode that places two pre-designed teams of 5 players each, against each other. This is done through command lines in the chat.
- Most champions have received balance adjustments.
- Champion starting decks have been changed to accommodate 4 Common cards, 1 Rare card, 1 Epic card, and 1 Legendary card.
- In addition, champion cards have been balanced and their rarity levels have changed (both increased and decreased).
- And finally, some bug fixes!