Overwatch officially released last week, and Blizzard is carefully monitoring the stats in order to keep the game as balanced and healthy as possible.
As rumors circulate about Sombra, a potential sniper support hero, Geoff Goodman responds to the Overwatch forums about possible changes to McCree, including his grenade, as well as changes to D.Va!
Perfect Geoff Goodman source
I've been watching McCree carefully since we've released. McCree's flashbang plays an important role in being a strong option against very fast/agile teams (tracers/genjis/etc). It is also a nice tool to prevent close range devastating abilities and ultimates such as Reaper's Death Blossom.
That said, its probably a bit too good at dealing damage to higher health targets such as Tanks and barriers. I don't have any concrete changes yet, but I'm going to be testing some things internally to see how he plays.
I've been watching McCree closely from the exit. McCree's grenade plays an important role for him as an option against fast / mobile teams (Tracer / Genji, etc ...). It's also a great tool for warding off devastating close-range abilities like the Deadly Reaper Hatching.
That being said, she's probably a little too strong when it comes to dealing damage to targets with more health like Tanks or barriers. I don't have a concrete change yet, but I'll be testing things internally and see what happens.
Perfect Geoff Goodman source
D.Va's damage is definitely on the lower side, much like Winstons. They are this way for a similar reason: They are both very mobile and hard to kill. Every character in the game has strengths and weaknesses, its part of what makes the teamplay work well.
That said, I do think the is some room for some D.Va improvements, but these are unlikely to take the shape of increasing her damage output significantly.
D.Va's damage is indeed rather low, much like Winston. This is so for the same reason as the scientist: both are mobile and hard to kill. Each hero in the game has his strengths and weaknesses, this is one of the reasons why teamplay is important!
That being said, I sincerely believe that there are areas for improvement for D.Va to explore, but a D.Va buff is unlikely to require a significant damage increase.
This is going to silence the people who are bitching all the time about McCree. We see that the developers of Overwatch are attentive, it's nice!