As you have all seen, the holiday spirit is missing in SWTOR. Indeed, there are no one-off events yet, you know, these holidays accompanying particular moments of our daily calendar, Christmas, New Year, Halloween ... And therefore no tree or snowman. !
However, it is currently a fashion and all the games conform to it, we were thus entitled to the Festival of the Winter Veil in World of Warcraft, the Festival of Winter in Rift, the Solorius in Aion, the Finale of Solstice in League of Legends ... the list goes on and I could go on and on. But that's not the point!
But is this spirit really totally absent? As for the moment nothing has been announced for our favorite MMO and the month of January promises to be sad on this back-to-school day, I offer you a little game! The competition is canceled due to lack of participation. The prizes will be put back into play.
The stillborn contest
Walk around all the planets of Star Wars: The Old Republic and take a screenshot of your character in a holiday atmosphere! Are you going to opt for the relaxing atmosphere of white flakes from Ilum or Hoth? Unless you prefer the electric atmosphere of a crowded cantina? Bring the Christmas spirit back to life in Star Wars: the Old Republic for maybe win 2 beautiful t-shirts, the same ones that were handed out at the launch party, the same ones worn by the entire EA team.
How to participate ?
I would take the day of the 11th to compile all your proposals and I would post between 10 and 20 proposals, on the evening of January 11. You will then have a week, until January 19, midnight, to vote for your favorite proposal! The two winners will be those whose screenshot receives the most votes from the community!
What to send me?
A screen impression of your Star Wars: The Old Republic character in an atmosphere (decor, costume, etc.) reminiscent of the spirit of Christmas and the holiday season. No modification allowed (Photoshop, effects…). Only one screen impression per player please