A while ago, I introduced you to Outriders, while Talish did the same! This FPS that sends you to a planet, Enoch, to provide a new starting point for the human race. Today, I present to you its first paid DLC: Worldslayer, which offers its share of novelty and additional hours of history.
History & lifespan
The story will be done in a few hours, at most, and proposes to fight the commander-in-chief of the insurgents. But more than that...we also learn many revelations about the Pax and the obelisks that protect them from the anomaly. Quite classic in some aspects, the many script twists are really well done and offer an interesting conclusion to the fight. We will end with an exploration of the city of "Father", the leader of the Pax at the time, which will be used for endgame content.

General atmosphere
The atmosphere is in the continuity of what we knew in the basic game, with some variations. At the level of the bestiary, no change, only known, except for certain bosses. On the other hand, big disappointment for me between two bosses of Tarya Agrar who are almost identical both in terms of pattern and appearance. But apart from that, we feel the atmosphere of Enoch which we liked so much originally.

For those who want to start a new character, you can have a character directly level 30, summarily equipped to start the adventure, with a low world/apocalypse level. Perfect for starting a new class, on the other hand, you will have to get brand new equipment and climb the levels before being part of the big leagues.

We have the right here to new things that will allow you to customize your style of play a little more. The ascension points that will increase your characteristics, but don't panic, you can fill everything. And PAX points which will amplify your power significantly by awarding points to it. Here on the other hand, the points will be more than limited and the means to have some will be done by accomplishing certain facts, like one of the bosses of the final zone.

On top of that, we'll have a new Worldslayer-exclusive gear type: Apocalypse Gear that has a third non-moddable upgrade slot. Suffice to say that the power it will contain will greatly depend on your luck and will ask you to increase the level of apocalypse to increase your chances of finding more.

You will have 40 levels that will drastically increase the power of enemies as well as their accuracy. Passing a level, the bonuses and advantages will decrease very strongly, such as resurrections between teammates which will take much longer, the healing received is significantly reduced and other things of the same kind. Big risks for big rewards.

However, as said above, it is a pity that at the level of the classic enemies, there is only little change, on the other hand, at the level of the bosses, we find fights sometimes exhilarating, sometimes a little weak. of your exploration of the city of the Father, you will pass by several areas full of history, and you will have several real bosses to fight there. Of these, two are almost the same as attacks / appearances that change very little: strength, resistance, and an additional creature spawn for the evolved version. Too bad in itself, when a totally different creature would have been so much more exhilarating for the final boss identical to one of the first bosses.
As much to say it immediately, this extension offers the player a few hours and endgame in an interesting way, but it is less provided than the expeditions which send us to look for the capsules, unless you like to climb the levels by chaining the same area and chain farmer apocalypse equipment. Personally, I enjoyed the new story and what it entails. It remains to be seen if a new DLC is planned to continue the adventure, or if we will stay on this end which is relatively satisfactory.