When you are offered a game you know nothing about, you can't help but speculate a lot about the description and ramble about the product. And when the fateful moment arrives, what a joy to see that we were wrong from A to Z by discovering all that this game contains! Today, I am therefore giving you an overview of this game that we were able to test recently, and this with the curiosity that goes with the wait.

My opinion (Sodzunet)
First thing I thought: it looks like a Rocket League top view with skills and without aerials. Is that right ? Yes and no. In the form, we control one of the characters who will have to score a goal by hitting a puck with a panel of blows that ranges from the classic blow with an ultra-short recovery time to particular and sometimes devastating attacks that will be able to hit the puck and the players.
You will be able to gain levels, which will increase your stats, even if the rise in power is fairly equal on both sides, it does not feel too much. On the other hand, the power effects on the puck are visible and identifiable by its color which becomes reddish and its speed which will require crazy reflexes to succeed in catching it. But don't be afraid, if some are focused on the attack, others will make excellent guardians with objects that block, or rushes to succeed in moving quickly.

The game is played in 3 vs 3 and will end when enough goals have been scored, which will give rise to a recap with your actions and the MVP (most value players / best player in the game). Note that the game is in French as far as menus and skills are concerned, which is a very good thing, but in terms of controls... I had problems with two different controllers which made my character completely dissident. But it was indicated that the controllers are not yet officially supported, so a bit normal.
In summary, here we find a fairly dynamic game, with good ideas, but personally I will not play it for very long sessions. In terms of graphics, it's still beautiful, with well-worked characters, fairly varied skills, and a mastery system that you can modify to customize your style of play. later, when the final version is in place. The model will be Free-to-Play (without pay to win).

L'avis de Geofraynils
Omega, mixture of genres that does not suit me. Let me explain. First, the style of play is close to the football game system, which I don't particularly like. Very focused on the competitive, we quickly depend on our comrades and a well-oiled coordination, as well as a mastery of his/her characters and game controls. On this side, our test session allowed us to see a problem with controller compatibility, not yet implemented. In fact, it tainted our group experience, finding itself at 2 against 3.

Still, I think the competitive side and the need to learn and improve on the controls can appeal to its gamer audience. Especially since the basic principle is easy to integrate, like a League of Legends or Rocket League, from which it takes certain codes. We notice very quickly that this ease of understanding the game hides a difficulty in fully mastering it, and this will surely make it possible to target an audience attracted by e-sport, whether as a player for the challenge, or a spectator for the pleasure to observe and support his favorite players. So, is this the e-football of the future? Only the future will tell us.