Disclaimer: This guide reveals part of the story, as it covers areas of the game one after another. So beware! Spoilers!
Arranged all over the different tables of the areas to explore are stumps, stones, benches, flowers and other decorative elements that hide interesting objects. Here is the complete list of all these items, such as potions, credits, resurrection potions and other useful equipment. If these elements are clearly optional in story mode (normal), they will be almost mandatory to have in hard mode where the difficulty is more important. The guide will therefore be based on this second mode.
Also note that the images serving as a plan are not extracted from the game and do not represent the graphics as they are visible while playing. They are only used to represent the zones and differ on certain details, such as the texture of the ground for example, to privilege the practical side of the schematization, to the detriment of any graphic interest.
Here are the different categories of information specified on the cards:
- red circle: hidden treasures
- blue circle: chests with equipment
- black circle: chests with profession resources
- purple circle: chest with potions
The dots on the map indicate the locations of the secrets inside the buildings in question, respecting the same color code.
At first, you will find chests in particular, the content of which is detailed in each area, and hidden treasures, the content of which is random. These treasures can drop three main items, up to level 10.
- Credits: quantity depends on zone level
- Small Healing Potion
- little mana potion
After that, hidden treasures will almost only give credits. Potions can be bought from these credits at the merchants you find in towns.
- Puinetourne Forest
- Puinetourne
- Plain of Puinetourne
- Path of Mortegarde
- World map
- Tour Galamadriabuyak
We start the adventure in the IRL part. However, there is nothing to recover in this area at the moment. Follow the story, buy Horizon 4.2 and log in. You will then arrive in the Puinetourne Forest. Start by getting the two quests on the first board, without forgetting the few secrets here:
Then continue east and go to the second painting. The continuation is relatively linear, it will be enough to collect the Globorosporom, a kind of mushroom which one finds everywhere in the following zones, then to advance towards Puinetourne. Remember to advance to level 5 before this passage, it's easier on these maps, not to mention the various treasures and chests.

Once you have completed the previous areas, you can go east. You will encounter DarkAvenger the PK, which cannot be dodged or killed, and will send you to the graveyard. In this area you will find a very interesting weapon for Baster, since it will provide your first spell with area damage.

Exit the cemetery and enter the village of Puinetourne. It is in this city that you will meet Bartรฉmulius and Nostaria again to return their quest, in the house near the save point. After meeting Logs and completing their quest, you will be offered to join Mortegarde. Take the quests at the passage and to the east. You'll talk to Mopenko to pick up the pet learning craft quest. Then, go towards the east and pass in the plain of Puinetourne.
In the plains, you will have a few new items to unlock. In addition to the treasures and chests, you will find your first pet in the center and, not far away, Ardastout. This NPC will teach you how to use character talent trees, the first element of role customization.

Remember to complete the two side quests before leaving, then go southeast to exit to Mortegarde Path.
As the name suggests, you will head through this area to Mortegarde Keep. Along the way, you will discover several chests giving you equipment. Follow the leader :

When you arrive at the foot of the dungeon, you will encounter your first boss: Dardane. The first cutscene will teach you that you have to be careful with one of his spells. For this, a new character will intervene and help you to interrupt it. In the dungeon, you will have to face a boss halfway through. After that, your team will be separated and will need to be reunited. In the room where you will find the last of them, you will have a door to the north. It leads to an adjoining room where there are two chests containing a map for May and a resurrection potion.
Once completed, you can return to the previous area and go southeast. You can then go to the boss: the Baron of Mortegarde. Once killed, you will be teleported to Puinetourne, where May will learn cartography to access Olydri's world map.
To explore the world map, we share with you a tool developed by Noircc, a member of the community, and shared on the Olydri forum. You will find various useful indications there, such as the location of the caves and clearings where there are chests and other interesting elements, harvestable resources, etc. Otherwise, here is a map of Keos, extracted from the game to find your way between the different cities.

At this point, you are asked to find the Galamadriabuyak Tower, which is north of your location. But, for example, you could go through a clearing west of Puinetourne beforehand and pick up some root armor (lvl 10) for Logs and the anti-hemorrhage map for May.
Once you enter the area, you will have two fairly short tables to navigate to enter the tower and access the first floor. Here are the small elements hidden in the decor.

Once through, you enter the tower, where there is a save point. It will not be possible to save once stage 1 has started. It will therefore have to be done in one go. Also note that there are no hidden items in these floors. The quest for this floor will ask you to find 10 Rosaphire Crystals. Here are their locations.

With that, we'll let you discover the story of Olydri, and we'll meet you later for the next level of levels 11 to 21.