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Ships are one of the major elements of No Man's Sky. It is with them that the player can move from one planet to another, between systems, reach stations, etc. With the big NEXT update that happened a few weeks ago, some (small) changes have been made to the ships.
When choosing your ship, there are a lot of things to take into account: the type of ship, its class, its inventory, its bonuses and the number of technologies that can be installed, these last three points being entirely defined by the ship. type and class of vessel. Note that, even if the inventory depends on the type of ship, it has several possible sizes and it is the size that defines its inventory and its number of technologies. For example, a small transporter might have a smaller inventory than a large combat ship. And finally, know that all ships are generated randomly, both appearance (based on its type) as its class, bonuses, etc. So you might come across two big carriers with a completely different appearance.
Let's start by talking about the types of vessels. There are 5, namely:
- Shuttle
- Carrier
- Explorateur
- Of fight
- Exotic
Each oriented towards a specific type of gameplay / use, even if it is quite possible to use a combat ship for transport for example, but the latter will necessarily be less efficient (in terms of storage space) than a carrier. Just as it is perfectly possible to do space combat with an explorer ship, but it will necessarily be less powerful than a combat ship.
Ships can be obtained in three different ways:
- Shipwrecks : on planets, you can sometimes come across ship wreckage (not to be confused with cargo ship crashes, which are much more massive!). If you can fix it, it will be yours. The repair cost varies depending on the type of ship and its class. A Class C combat ship will require fewer resources to be fully repaired than a Tier S transporter, for example. It should also be noted that the “technologies out of use” that are repaired on wrecks are in fact only repairs to free up the corresponding inventory location. They are by no means technologies granting bonuses and which can be recovered.

- The exchanges : when you are in a civilized place (space station, trading post, base.), you may come across NPCs who roam and park with their ships on the platforms. You can go chat with the "ship" (well, the NPC in the ship) and offer to exchange your ship for theirs. The trade will allow the cost of your ship to be deducted from the cost of theirs. Be careful, however, if your ship is worth more than that of the NPC, the latter will be exchanged for free, but there will be no refund of the difference in price!
- The purchase: the purchase is made using the same method as the exchange. Except you keep your ship, and you're paying a heavy price for the NPC's ship!

So now, let's see in detail the ships and their characteristics:
Shuttles - Balanced use
This is the "default" ship. The latter has no greater bonus than another and it has an average storage space. However, these ships are very inexpensive: when you want to buy one, you can ask in terms of resources to repair the wrecks. It is a balanced type of vessel and can be used for any type of use, without necessarily being good at one of them.
Class bonus
- Rank C: 0% bonus for all three stats
- Rang A: Between 5 and 10% bonus.
- Rang B: Between 0 and 5% bonus.
- Rang S: Between 15 and 20% bonus.
Inventory and technology space
Small :
- Between 18 and 23 inventory locations.
- Between 3 and 6 technology locations.
Way :
- Between 19 and 28 inventory locations.
- Between 5 and 8 technology locations.
Battleship - Damage Bonus
Combat ships are probably the type of ship you will come across most often (especially at the start of the game). These have excellent maneuverability, do very high damage and have a very interesting shield bonus. In return, they have no hyperdrive bonus and an average inventory.
Class bonus
- Class C:
- Damage: 5-10%
- Shield: no bonus.
- Hyperpropulsion : no bonus.
- Class A:
- Damage: 35-50%
- Shield: 15-20%
- Hyperpropulsion : no bonus.
- Class B:
- Damage: 15-30%
- Shield: 5-10%
- Hyperpropulsion : no bonus.
- Class S:
- Damage: 55-60%
- Shield: 15-25%
- Hyperpropulsion : no bonus.
Inventory and technology space
- Small :
- 15-19 inventory locations.
- 2-4 technology slots.
- Way :
- 20-29 inventory locations.
- 3-5 technology slots.
Tall :
- 30-38 inventory locations.
- 5-12 technology slots.
Transporter - Shield and Inventory Bonus
Transporters are the largest spaceships that can be piloted by players. These offer the greatest storage capacity in addition to being quite solid (shield bonus). On the other hand, they have poor handling and above all, these are the ships that cost a lot of credits, regularly costing several tens of millions, often even exceeding 100 million credits, and needing a lot of repairs if you find them in. the state of wreckage.
Class bonus
- Class C:
- Damage: no bonus
- Shield: 12-20%
- Hyperpropulsion : 0-5%
- Class A:
- Damage: 5-10%
- Shield: 40-50%
- Hyperpropulsion : 15-25%
- Class B:
- Damage: 0-5%
- Shield: 25-35%
- Hyperpropulsion : 5-10%
- Class S:
- Damage: 10-20%
- Shield: 55-60%
- Hyperpropulsion : 30-35%
Inventory and technology space
- Small :
- 25-31 inventory locations.
- 2-4 technology slots.
- Way :
- 32-39 inventory locations.
- 4-6 technology slots.
Tall :
- 40-48 inventory locations.
- 6-8 technology slots.
Exploration Ship - Hyperdrive Bonus
Exploration ships are the best for ... exploring (well done, that one was difficult! O /). Therefore, they have a very big bonus in hyperdrive. They are also quite fast in normal space and very well maneuverable. They also have a lot of technology slots, which allows the most important of these to be installed, especially those that allow systems with specific types of sun to be reached.
Class bonus
- Class C:
- Damage: no bonus
- Shield: no bonus
- Hyperpropulsion : 7-15%
- Class A:
- Damage: no bonus
- Shield: 10-15%
- Hyperpropulsion : 35-45%
- Class B:
- Damage: no bonus
- Shield: 0-8%
- Hyperpropulsion : 20-30%
- Class S:
- Damage: no bonus
- Shield: 20-25%
- Hyperpropulsion : 50-65%
Inventory and technology space
- Small :
- 15-19 inventory locations.
- 3-5 technology slots.
- Way :
- 20-29 inventory locations.
- 5-8 technology slots.
Tall :
- 30-38 inventory locations.
- 8-12 technology slots.
Exotic ship - Balanced ship and very important bonuses

Exotic ships are the rarest ships in the game. These have an appearance that stands out hugely from other ships, if you come across one you will know immediately (and Babylon 5 fans may think they are Vorlons). Exotic ships are always S-class, are the most expensive of all, and have huge bonuses in all three stats. In return, they have very little inventory space.
Class bonus
Class S:
Damage: 35-50%
Shield: 55-60%
Hyperpropulsion : 50-65%
Inventory and technology space
Unique size :
15-20 inventory locations.
4-6 technology slots.
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