For a few years now, the fall has seen the release of a new game in the Assassin's Creed series. There's no reason it can't this year, and in-game elements from the last edition pointed to that. The Kotaku.com site has obtained some images and information. And these will be two games that will await us on next gen and old gen.
Are you not from Paris? Me neither, that does not prevent me from recognizing in these images Our Lady and the island of the city. It is therefore in Paris, at the end of the 4th century / beginning of the XNUMXth century, that the story would take place. The period of the spanish Revolution is precisely one of those which recurs most often among the periods dreamed for a game of the franchise. And while Connor Kenway (the hero of AC III) would still be alive at that time, he wouldn't be the hero. His build is much more massive, broad, than that of the assassin present in these images and who is advertised under the name of Arno. Assassin's Creed Unity would be released on PSXNUMX and Xbox One.
But there would also be another game coming out, Assassin's Creed Comet, on PS3 and Xbox 360. No more information on the subject.
For picture quality, remember these are not official Ubisoft screenshots and the game is still in development.