Since its release in 2018, Megaquarium (which we have already talked about in our columns) has been enriched with two DLCs. The first released last year focused on the addition of freshwater fish and reptiles, on breeding or on pH management for a few capricious species. Already pleasant additions, but which have generated expectations on "the rest": how can we further personalize our aquariums to give them a unique identity and remove the artificial side of our creations? It is to this need that Megaquarium: Architect's Collection, released on November 11, and I relaunched the title for the occasion.

The campaign mode will hold your hand for a while!
For the curious who have never heard of Megaquarium, this is a management game where you take care of an aquarium! No roller coaster or goat enclosure to mark out here, but ponds to put here and there, with all that that entails in terms of logistics, to keep fish alive in various aquariums designed specifically for them. We are getting closer to the games Zoo Tycoon ou Dinosaurus which Roller Coaster to tell the truth, since we will have to, on the one hand, ensure the survival and the development of our dear friends with gills, while delighting the public who came here to drop a few denarii hoping to see a whole bunch of fish . Of course, the campaign mode will ask us to accomplish lots of objectives in order to make us discover all the possibilities of the title to better let us go in its Sandbox mode.
Like other tycoons where you have to manage animals, it will therefore be necessary to ensure that everyone's needs are met, with the appropriate staff and the appropriate equipment. Indeed, do not expect to get away with it by putting a small pond with just a can of food to pour from time to time. You will have to heat the water to the right temperature and filter it using a pump, install lights for the fish that cannot stand the dark... and take care to hide all the paraphernalia used for the survival of these latter. To make the public dream, we have no choice but to hide the unsightly and noisy machines by installing a maintenance room or ramparts. Everything must be skilfully studied to best balance the happiness of all.
In addition to the pool facilities, it will also be necessary to decorate the facilities to charm our visitors. Put benches here and there, a few garbage cans, souvenir shops, offer toilets in several places... it's relatively classic and it should be noted that the DLC "Architect's Collection" makes this aspect a little richer and more diverse than before. Bridges and tunnels can now be made to allow visitors to look above (or below) the pools. New types of fences are also coming, as well only paints and other colors for the windows of our aquariums. An "Ancient Greece" decoration theme is also appearing, and if you're a fan of the style, that's all good! Finally, as with each DLC, we are entitled to new marine species, about fifteen this time.
Megaquarium continues to improve over time. The added content is of high quality, and you don't have to spend more than reason: €6.59 for this collection by the architect. In addition, it should be remembered that the game is compatible with the Steam Workshop, so you can add additional content at no additional cost, it would be wrong to deprive yourself!