We just had the information just now. Landmark's alpha begins. As explained to us on the official Facebook page:
EverQuest Next Landmark Alpha will open today! Founders Packs are still available for purchase at www.eqnlandmark.com/founders-pack. PLEASE NOTE: If you buy a Trailblazer or Explorer pack today in order to access Alpha, you will likely not receive your e-mails until tomorrow, but your accounts will be flagged. We will post instructions in the Alpha forums (which will be open to Trailblazers and Explorers) once e-mails begin to be deployed.
It's official! Alpha for #Landmark starts TODAY! Emails will be sent later this evening. [Dexella] pic.twitter.com/iOUza2cwV0
— EQN Landmark (@EQNLandmark) January 31, 2014
Founder's packs are still on sale. Be careful, however, if you buy your pack today, you may not receive the invitation email until tomorrow, but your account will be directly identified as being able to access the beta. Watch the alpha forums, information will be posted there as soon as emails start going.
This launch will be an opportunity to test the servers. On Twitter, John Smedley is very confident in the quality of his product. Even if he suspects that there may be some bugs with the servers, he reassures all buyers of founding packs:
We will offer a full refund no to anyone not satisfied with the Alpha.
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) January 31, 2014
So you can buy a pack, test it out, and if you don't like it, request a refund.
We will offer a full refund to anyone not satisfied with the Alpha.
— John Smedley (@j_smedley) January 31, 2014
This is good news !