Earlier, while I was chatting with Juliaan, he asked me if the names of the waiters had any significance related to the Lore or if they had been chosen at random. Of course, all of them belong to the Star Wars universe. And there is no "Luke Skywalker", "Darth Vader" or other "Millenium Falcon" server among them. All the names refer either directly to elements of TOR, or to the two KOTOR games of Bioware and Obsdian, of which TOR has long been presented as the sequel, or more widely of timeless elements of the Extended Universe as combat techniques in the lightsaber. Here is a small list of the origins of the names of our servers.
And I'll start with the spanish, the ones most of us play on:
- Darth Nihilus (pvj): Darth Nihilus is one of the three Sith Lords who are members of the Triumvirate, an organization born from the Sith of Darth Revan and which represents the main antagonists of the game KOTOR II. Note that they had no connection with the Empire of SWTOR. We do not know what is hidden under the mask of this Sith, his name, his gender, his age or even his race. When first encountered, he is even so ravaged by the Dark side that he is unable to express himself intelligibly. You have to be able to use the Force to interpret the meaning of his grunts. He was nonetheless extremely powerful. He is responsible for the deaths of several members of the Jedi Council, forcing the Order into hiding. And ravaged by witchcraft the miraluka colony of Katarr, leaving only one survivor. He will eventually be defeated in an attack on the Onderon system by Mandalore the Savior and the Jedi Visas Marr and Meetra Surik (known at that time as the Exile).
- Mantle of the Force (jce): There are Force-charged lightsaber crystals, making the weapon more dangerous than originally. The Force Cloak was one of these, and one of the treasures of the Jedi Order. Giving the weapon that would have equipped it a cyan blue color, it was kept at the Jedi Academy in Ossus until the Sith Exar Kun (no connection to the Empire) ravaged the planet. He then disappeared until a smuggler found him on Yavin IV, Kun's main base, several years after his defeat. He will sell it back to Revan during the KOTOR game.
- Battle Meditation (rd): Combat Meditation is a Force technique that allows better coordination of the participants of an army during a battle. Unconsciously, the combatants will position themselves better in relation to their comrades and will react more quickly to the evolutions of the fronts. Among the most famous followers of this technique are Yoda, Darth Sidious, Jacen Solo and Bastila Shan. The latter is one of the main characters of the game KOTOR, she was also the companion of Revan, with whom she had a child. Their lineage continues to Grand Master of the Jedi Council Satele Shan and her son Theron.
On the German side, we find similar references:
- Jar'Kai Sword (pvp): Jar'Kai is a lightsaber combat technique. It is not a classic form commonly taught by the Jedi Order. Its main feature is to use two lightsabers. The Jar'Kai sword therefore refers to the weapon wielded in the left hand.
- T3-M4 (jce): In the KOTOR game, T3-M4 was the astromech droid of exchange leader Davik Kang. It was stolen from Taris by Canderous Ordo (future Mandalore the Savior) and Revan, and very quickly became a faithful companion of the latter. He was one of the few to accompany him to the Unknown Regions in search of the Empire. Seeing him being captured, he went to seek help which he found in Meetra Surik (the Exiled), even if it was necessary before helping him stabilize the Republic during the events of KOTOR II. With the help of the Sith Apprentice Scourge, they succeeded in freeing Revan but the betrayal of their ally during a fight against the Emperor resulted in their death and destruction to both. It is not known what happened to the main memory of T3-M4, and therefore whether it is possible to download it to a new body.
- Vanjervalis Chain (jdr): The Vanjervalis Chain is a military tactic developed during the Mandalorian Wars. I'm not talking about the Mandalorian Blockade during the return of the Empire but those that took place over 320 years ago, when they faced Revan and which can be seen in the KOTOR comics. There was one in place around Coruscant then.
Let's finish our European tour to go now to the British Isles side:
- Tomb of Freedon Nadd (pvp): Freedon Nadd was a Jedi who sank to the Dark Side. He found the tomb of the last Dark Lord of the Sith Empire, Naga Sadow, and became his ghost's apprentice. During his lifetime, he didn't do much that was memorable. He contented himself with seizing power on the planet Onderon. But his dynasty will cause several problems that will eventually require the intervention of the Jedi. They will discover that the ghost of this Sith was manipulating everyone. Unable to neutralize it, they will have to be content to weaken it by moving the place of its last rest on the moon Dxun. The Tomb of Freedon Nadd is a focal point of the Dark Side that many Sith will visit throughout history. One can among other things take a tour in the game KOTOR II.
- The Red Eclipse (jce): The Red Eclipse is an exchange affiliated vessel led by Captain Trandoshan Cahhmakt. His crew of trandoshans and weekays opposed that of Meetra Surik (the Exiled) on Nar Shaddaa in the game KOTOR II, for the sake of space at the spaceport.
- The Progenitor (jdr): In the game KOTOR, it is possible to visit Manaan and learn more about the conception of this drug which is the kolto. It is made from elements collected from the deep seabed. And more particularly the fixaran shark nests. And their queen, called the Progenitor in local legends. Its disappearance could be a disaster on the ecosystem and therefore on the production of kolto. Production which is already in decline ...
Now let's cross the Atlantic, and visit the American servers:
- Prophecy of the Five (pvj): In the KOTOR comics, a consular group affiliated with the Jedi Covenant had a vision of the galaxy where five individuals from different alignments would shift the fate of the galaxy. Attempting to reverse this prophecy caused internal strife and ultimately the destruction of the Covenant. In the end, like most prophecies, it's hard to say if it was fulfilled and by whom. Who have been the bright, the dark, the light hidden in the dark, the darkness hidden behind the light and the one in balance.
- The Bastion (pvp): This name must mean a lot to soldiers and certain Sith warriors who have mounted the affection of the good companion. In TOR, the Bastion is a major Republic military base, based on Corellia. Its existence makes it a target for the Empire, and is therefore one of the reasons why the Empire put this planet at the top of its list of conquests as soon as the war resumed.
- The Shadowlands (jce): The Shadowlands can be found on Kashyyyk, the planet of the wookies. Deep in the forest that covers the planet, where sunlight never touches the ground. The darkest part of this world. Where the most dangerous predators are found. Certain rituals take place there, such as the passage to adulthood. We visit them among others in the game KOTOR.
- Jedi Convenant (jce): Founded by Jedi Krynda Draay, the Jedi Convenant was originally a secret movement that disapproved of the path chosen by the Jedi Council after the war against Exar Kun. By accumulating knowledge and artefacts, its members hoped to one day be able to guide the policy of the Order. Unfortunately, No. 2 Hazeem manipulated to follow his own interests. His goal was anything but altruistic. Power definitively usurped, he became more and more daring. Trying to bend the Prophecy of the Five to his advantage, he caught the attention of the Force-responding Jedi Council. The conflict ended with Hazeem's death. You can follow the story of the Jedi Convenor in the KOTOR comics. But he also left another influence on TOR since two taxi stations on Taris bear the names of two of its members: Lucien Draay and Celeste Morne.
- The Harbinger (jce): The Harbinger was a Republic cruiser featured in the KOTOR II game. En route to Telos, he had picked up the wounded Jedi Exile Meetra Surik. Which earned him the attention of his pursuer, the Sith Darth Sion (no connection to the Empire). The latter slaughtered the entire crew, but his prey managed to escape him. He had a second chance when she returned to look for astronavigation coordinates but he still failed to catch her. The last time the Harbinger was seen, it was in the midst of the wreckage of mining planet Peragus. He failed to get out of this asteroid field.
- The Ebon Hawk (jdr): The Ebon Hawk was the private vessel of the Lord of the Exchange Davik Kang. In the KOTOR game, it is stolen by Revan on Taris who will make it his personal vehicle. After he was captured by the Empire, his Astromech droid T3-M4 returned him to Republic space to seek help. This is how it fell into the hands of Meetra Surik (the Exile), who used it to restore the Jedi Order in KOTOR II. She ends up going with Dromund Kaas to rescue Revan. She never left, nor did the droid, so it's totally unclear what happened to that freighter after that.
- Begeren Colony (jdr): Begeren was a planet of the former Sith Empire, abandoned after the Great Hyperspace War. The Republic established a mining colony there. But when the Empire returned, it made it one of its priority targets. The battle for the Colony of Begeren was fought by Lord Nankrang. One of the heroes of this attack was the young Teneb Kel, who would very quickly make a name for himself as Darth Thanaton. We can see her in one of the comics officially derived from TOR, made while waiting for the release.
- Jung Ma (jdr-jcj): The Jung Ma is a lightsaber combat maneuver, which has the particularity of hitting on 360 °. Ideal when surrounded by enemies.
So what do you think about the origin of your server name?