The final test is the last mission of the tutorial. The latter has many challenges of assassination, discovery and achievements!
Assassination challenges - 12 challenges
Silent assassin
- Assassinez Jasper Knight.
- Only kill your targets.
- Hide all the bodies.
- Don't get spotted.
No proof
- Assassinez Jasper Knight.
- Make sure that no body is found.
Costume only
- Assassinez Jasper Knight.
- Complete the mission without changing.
Mechanical solutions
- Assassinate Jasper Knight in an accident disguised as a mechanic.
Death by proxy
- Have the KGB officer shock the target while the target attempts to repair the overhead projector.
Attitude slide
- Shock Jasper Knight as he inspects the projector.
Drown your sorrow
- Assassinate Jasper Knight in the noyant.
Silent Assassin, costume only
- Assassinez Jasper Knight.
- Only kill your targets.
- Hide all the bodies.
- Don't get spotted.
- Do not use disguises.
Mild migraine
- Assassinate Jasper Knight with a searchlight.
Shooting star
- Assassinate Jasper Knight in an ejection seat crash.
Hazardous security
- Assassinate Jasper Knight with a pistol disguised as a security guard
In the Siberian snow
- Assassinate Jasper Knight with an assault rifle disguised as a Soviet soldier.
Discovery challenges - 12 challenges
Security breach
- Disguise yourself as a security guard.
A beautiful presentation
- Find the slides.
Mechanic incognito
- Disguise yourself as a mechanic.
It's you, the colonel
- Disguise yourself as a KGB colonel.
Armed insurrection
- Disguise yourself as a Soviet soldier.
The last word
- Disguise yourself as a KGB colonel.
- Escort the target.
Safety first
- Sabotage the ejection seat.
Bless you !
- Bring the vodka.
- Don't get spotted.
- Read the slides.
Fallen comrades
- Solve the chess problem.
Stomach aches
- Use an emetic to make Jasper Knight sick.
Fast and discreet
- Examine Jasper Knight's escape strategy.
Achievement challenges - 2 challenges
Master assassin
- Complete all Assassination challenges.
- Use all disguises present from the mission.
Completing challenges - Assassination challenges
These challenges are about how you get past your target.
Silent Assassin - Costume Only - Drown His Sorrow - No Evidence
These four challenges can be completed all at the same time by following the following method. In addition, this method will also allow you to validate the following challenges:
- Bless you !
- Fallen comrades
- Stomach aches
To start, you need to collect the bottle of Vodka. To do this, from the start of the mission, go to the right and climb the fence. Go from car to car to reach the second fence and climb it too.
Once on the other side, advance carefully to sneak through the window giving access to the interior of the building.

Once inside, go through the right door to get to the hangar. Hide from crate to crate to avoid being seen by the mechanic. Also watch out for the guard patrolling upstairs. Go to the door in the center and enter it. Pay attention to the two guards on the left, go straight to pass the door leading to the kitchen and get the bottle of vodka on the table. Be careful, the cook turns from time to time.

Once the bottle is collected, go all the way in the opposite direction until you come back to the starting point. Once there, go to the left and climb the fence. Hide from car to car to the guard post and go through the window. Pay attention to the two mechanics who come back and especially, to the Russian soldier who patrols.
Once inside, move forward hiding from crate to crate until you reach the end of the base. Once at the end, go around the guard protecting one of the entrances and place yourself at the level of the pipe.

Climb the pipe. Once at the top, watch the comings and goings of your target, his bodyguard and the general. When the way is clear, enter through the window and place the bottle of vodka on the desk. Then go to the toilet to collect the rat poison and pour it into the glass on the left. I then advise you to go back out the window to hide, because the target will certainly be on the way back to the office.

As soon as you have a little time, go to the chess board to solve the riddle. To do this, move the queen to G3. Once done, return to the WC and hide in the crate to wait for your prey. As soon as the target comes to vomit, get out of the crate and drown him. Once dead, hide the body in the crate and do not leave the window of the WC.

Once outside, follow the opposite path to return to the extraction area and finish the mission!
Mechanical solutions - Shooting stars
To carry out these assassinations, follow the path of opportunity " Safety first "
Death by proxy - Attitude slide
To carry out these assassinations, follow the path of opportunity "Except driven".
For "Death by proxy," all you have to do is let the general turn on the power himself.
Mild migraine
For this assassination challenge, you will have to kill Jasper by dropping a projector on his head.
To do this, start right at the start and climb the fence. Go from car to car to reach the second fence and climb it too.

Once on the other side, turn off the generator to attract the guard. Knock him out (or kill him, as desired) in order to take his uniform. Once done, enter the building through the window. Watch out for the patrol, as the soldiers outside will spot you.

Once inside, take the stairs on the left to go upstairs. Once in the offices, take the door located before the overhead projector to go outside.

Once outside, take the stairs to go to the roof. Once at the top, go to the left and collect the crowbar on the crate.

With the crowbar in hand, turn around and climb onto the scaffolding. Watch out for the patrolling guard, he'll detect you if he sees you coming up. Once at the top, enter the building and position yourself at the left spotlight.
Wait for the target to approach and lean on the railing. Once the target is propped up, disassemble the projector in order to make it crash into the target.

The accident being what it is, there's a good chance the bodyguard will die as well and you'll get the message "Innocent Victim".
Once the target is killed, go back in the opposite direction to return to the extraction site. With the soldier's uniform, you can exit the building through the main door.
Hazardous security
For this challenge, you will have to assassinate your target wearing the uniform of a security guard.
To do this, at the start of the mission, go to the left to climb the fence. Once on the other side, attack the guard and steal his uniform. Do not forget to hide the body, because a soldier patrols regularly at the level of the crossing post. Once the uniform is collected, enter the building through the hangar.

Collect the bottle of Vodka in the kitchen. Be careful, some guards may recognize you. Once the latter is recovered, go upstairs and go to the commander's office.
Once in the commander's office, put the bottle of vodka on the tray and go look for the rat poison in the toilets wait until there is no one in the office in order to pour it into the glass of left.

Once the rat poison has paid off, head to the chess board to solve the dilemma. Once done, wait for the target to come back and pour himself a small glass. As soon as he gets sick, follow him to the bathroom and murder him with the gun. The Silent Pistol of 47 works for this challenge.
Once, kill, hide the body and leave the area by the same path.
In the Siberian snow
This challenge asks you to kill Jasper Knight using an assault rifle and what's more, disguised as a Soviet soldier.
Obviously, his death will put the entire base on alert. If you want to escape without having to go through firefights, there is a technique. To do this, you must follow the path of the opportunity "Fallen comrades" by collecting the Soviet soldier's weapon along with his uniform.
Once inside at the commander's office, it won't be helpful to poison the glass. Just wait for the commander to go to the toilet in order to kill him and hide his body.
Once done, go back to the office and kill the target and the bodyguard with the assault rifle. Once the two people are dead, quickly return to the toilet and disguise yourself with the general's costume. Then go through the window and go down into the courtyard.
Once at the bottom, walk quietly to the extraction point.
Completing challenges - Discovery challenges
These challenges will self-fulfill when you complete the assassination challenges. There is none that requires a specific mechanic or path.
Security breach
- This challenge is validated by recovering the security agent costume by completing the "Safety first" opportunity.
A beautiful presentation
- This challenge is validated by collecting the slides during the "Unless Conducted" opportunity.
Mechanic incognito
- This challenge will be validated by finding the mechanic disguise during the "Safety first" opportunity. It can also be retrieved in the locker rooms by following the "Fallen comrades" opportunity.
It's you, the colonel
- This challenge is validated by collecting the colonel's costume. You can easily get it back by following the "The Last Word" opportunity.
Armed insurrection
- This challenge is validated by achieving by recovering the uniform of a Soviet soldier. You can easily recover it by following the opportunity "The last word" - "Unless driven" - "Fallen comrades"
The last word
- This challenge is validated by escorting the target to the radio room during the opportunity of the same name "The Last Word"
Safety first
- This challenge is validated by sabotaging the ejection seat during the “Safety First” opportunity of the same name.
Bless you !
- This challenge is validated by recovering the bottle of vodka without being spotted, during the "Fallen comrades" opportunity.
- This challenge is validated by recovering the slides during the opportunity of the same name "Sauf-conduit"
Fallen comrades
- This challenge is validated by collecting the chess problem of the opportunity of the same name "Fallen Comrade"
Stomach aches
- This challenge is validated as soon as Jasper Knight swallows the poison. You can make him swallow by following the opportunity "Fallen comrades"
Fast and discreet
- This challenge is validated by attending the presentation of the escape plan with Jasper and the Commander by following the "Safe-conduct" opportunity.
Completing challenges - Achievement challenges
Achievement challenges will also perform on their own if you have completed all of the Discovery and Assassination challenges.
Master assassin
For this feat, you will need to complete the following challenges:
- Silent assassin.
- No proof.
- Costume only.
- Mechanical solutions.
- Death by proxy.
- Slide attitude.
- Drown his sorrow.
- Silent Assassin, costume only.
- Mild migraine.
- Shooting star.
- Hazardous security.
- In the snow of Siberia.
For this achievement, you just need to find and equip all the uniforms of the level by completing the following "discovery challenges":
- Security breach.
- Mechanic incognito.
- It's you, the colonel.
- Armed insurrection.
Happy assassination to you all! And remember, a good assassin can even move in bright light without being discovered!