In addition to scenario missions, this new Hitman offers "Climbing" missions. The latter are somewhat special missions, taking place within the framework of the main missions, but with totally different objectives.
In addition, as the name suggests, these include several levels of difficulty which are unlocked only by completing the previous level. Each level adds conditions in the way to assassinate your targets (specific clothes and / or weapons, specific accident, etc.), the number of targets (which may also require different assassination conditions), the time allowed to complete certain actions (for example, hiding bodies before the end of a countdown) and even stealing certain items.
This first guide to Escalation missions will therefore focus on the very first one: the ascent of Snorrason. This mission takes place in the military base of the mission "The final test".
First level
This first level is easy to achieve. There is only one target, Cilas Netzke, without any other objective. However, there are 2 conditions to meet to assassinate the target:
- Target to shoot: Cilas Netzke
- Wear the habit: Soviet soldier.
- Eliminate using: Gun.
So you start outside the base. From the start, go to the right in order to climb the fence. Once on the other side, use the cars to cover your passage to the gates on the right of the building and climb the fence.

Once the latter has been climbed, turn off the generator so that a guard can come and see what is happening. As soon as the latter is at the level of the generator, do what you have to do (knock him out or kill him, as you wish.), Collect his clothes and hide the body in the container next to it.

Now that you are wearing the guard costume, you are free to move around. Be careful, however, the soldiers outside will immediately unmask you. In the building, only a guard patrols at the level of the radio room.
So once the costume is recovered, continue your journey to enter the building through the first window, just before the projector. Then go up the stairs and go quietly to the commander's office.

Once inside, you will have to be patient and wait for the target to arrive. Let Cilas do his little life in the office and wait for him to go to his private WC. Follow him, make sure you close the door behind you and do your job: assassinate him. Remember you have to kill him with a pistol. The favorite weapon of 47 does the job perfectly and, in addition, equipped with a silencer. What more !

For safety, hide the body in the trunk, then go to the extraction point. With the soldier's disguise, you can leave as a great lord through the main door, no one will tell you anything! The first level of the mission is successful!
Second level
The second level hardly changes compared to the first. The assassination objective remains the same, with the same conditions. However, you will also need to steal an item from a safe.
- Target to shoot: Cilas Netzke
- Wear the habit: Soviet soldier.
- Eliminate using: Gun.
- Force the safe and steal its contents.
The process for carrying out the assassination is exactly the same as for the first level. In addition, the safe is located in the commander's office. However, you will need to collect something to open the safe. There are two possibilities for this:
- Obtain the key.
- Force the trunk with a crowbar.
Let's start with the easiest to recover: the crowbar.
The latter is found at the start of the level. Just before climbing the first fence, you will find the crowbar on a crate, quite simply!
Now comes the second option: the key.
The latter must be recovered inside the building. Follow the path until you go up to the first floor. When you are at the offices, go to the catwalk to go to the radio room on the right. Be careful, the guard who patrols the bridge will recognize you if you have the disguise of a Soviet soldier! Once in the radio room, go to the bottom and get the key on the desk.
I recommend that you be very careful in the office, as it has large windows overlooking the catwalk. The patroller may see you.

Once the crowbar recovered, or the key, perform the mission as for the first level. During the time you wait for the target to arrive, you can take the opportunity to open the safe and steal the object there. The latter is located in the commander's office, against the wall behind his desk next to the chair.
If you open the safe with the key, you can do it even if there is the guard and the civilian, but not if the commander is there! If you are using the crowbar, make sure you are alone in the office, otherwise the alert will be given.
Once the safe looted, finish the mission in the same way as in the first level.
Third level
This third level becomes a little more full-bodied. In addition to the Commander to kill and the contents of the Vault to steal, you have a new target, which also has conditions. All the conditions to be met for this mission are therefore:
- Target to shoot: Cilas Netzke
- Wear the habit: Soviet soldier.
- Eliminate using: Gun.
- Target to Shoot: Moses Butusov
- Wear the habit: Hangar mechanic.
- Eliminate using: A choice.
- Force the safe and steal its contents.
The path will be a little different this time around. Indeed, as indicated previously, there is a new target to shoot down and what is more, with another disguise.
To begin with, it is imperative to get the crowbar and then take the right grid and go to the generator. However, now don't stop it! Continue on the path and go through the first window to enter the building. Be careful, crouch and slowly move forward to avoid alerting the guard. Also, watch out for whoever is patrolling the gate, they may see you entering through the window.
Once inside, go through the right door. You find yourself in the hangar, move forward, still hiding in order to go to the changing rooms opposite.

Once in the locker room, always move slowly, because there are two guards in the middle of a discussion. Go to the back of the locker room to retrieve the hangar Mechanic's suit.

Once dressed with this costume, you can take the usual path to go upstairs. Do not try to retrieve the key to the safe, access is prohibited. This is why you absolutely need to get the crowbar at the start of the level.
Go directly to the commander's office where your first target is, accompanied by a civilian. Wait in the room until the civilian leaves the room and the bodyguard decides to follow him. Take advantage of this moment to kill the guard!

Once murdered, drag the body into the toilet, steal his clothes and hide the body in the crate.
Get out of the toilet and pick up the guard's weapon! Indeed, if the latter drags on the ground, the alert will be given by the civilian or the commander if they fall on it. Then, go forcing the safe to retrieve the good inside. Since you have to use the crowbar, make sure the civilian and the commander are not there.
Finally, follow the path of the previous stages to execute the commander and complete the mission.
Fourth level
This level will not pose any difficulty. Indeed, the objectives are exactly the same as for the previous level, except that you only have 1 minute 30 to hide a body once the person has been murdered.
- Target to shoot: Cilas Netzke
- Wear the habit: Soviet soldier.
- Eliminate using: Gun.
- Target to Shoot: Moses Butusov
- Wear the habit: Hangar mechanic.
- Eliminate using: A choice.
- Force the safe and steal its contents.
- Hide all bodies in less than 90 seconds.
By following the path of level 3, you will have no problem carrying out level 4. In fact, the targets killed must be carried from the WC container and it is possible to "store" two bodies inside. So you have to drop Moses Butusov there first and then Cilas Netzke.
The 90-second countdown is tied to a separate target. This means that if you take 1 minute to hide the first body, you will again have 1 minute 30 to hide the second. In other words, you have plenty of time.
Fifth level
And here you are at the fifth and final level of the mission! This last level does not add the slightest difficulty if you follow the path of the previous four. Indeed, the only condition that is added to this last level is the prohibition of murdering people other than the two targets.
- Target to shoot: Cilas Netzke
- Wear the habit: Soviet soldier.
- Eliminate using: a gun.
- Target to Shoot: Moses Butusov
- Wear the habit: Hangar mechanic.
- Eliminate using: Au choice.
- Force the safe and steal its contents.
- Hide all bodies in less than 90 seconds.
- Neutralize no one outside of the two targets.
So follow the same path as stage 4 and you will complete this stage without the slightest problem.
Congratulations! You have completed all five stages of this very first climbing mission! There are, of course, other ways to carry out the missions, do not hesitate to share your techniques!