A deck of this price (1280 dust) usually relies on very fast and aggressive play, but this style of play can be repetitive over time. This deck gives players the chance to play a more mid-game game. Also, this deck is a winner (positive win rate) against a large number of aggressive decks that you are likely to encounter during your ascension. As a result, if you are tired of playing against or with aggressive Hunters and the like, but are running out of things to buy boosters, this deck may be for you.
If you're able to get a drop 2 in your starting hand, it's a long way to victory. It establishes table control to fight against ultra aggressive decks while positioning you to start favorably against a control deck. The Burning Battle Ax, Berserker Amani, and Savage Pyromancer are generally good ways to manage the table. Meanwhile, Whirlwind, Bloodsail Moss, and the Cruel Subchief are there to handle the situation depending on your hand and the opposing class. The Acolyte of Suffering should definitely be kept if you already have a drop 2 like Berserker Amani or Wild Pyromancer.
Start of game
Try to establish table control early with The Amani Berserker and the Burning Battle Ax. This will allow you to take control and impose your dominance to effectively trade your opponent's creatures. Don't hesitate to consume weapons to get rid of problematic creatures (like Knife Juggler, Claw Druid, Twilight Drake ...). Inner Rage and Cruel Sous Chef are essential for pings (1 point of damage) to keep up the tempo.
Mid game
Make sure to apply constant pressure but avoid putting more than 3 creatures into play except if you are against a Zoo Warlock. If possible, try to set up a Whirlwind at the right time to activate the Wild Pyromancer and clear your opponent's table. The use of the Weaponmaker and the Arcanite Reaper are there to force your opponent to play defensively. This should increase the chances of winning. That said, be sure to avoid wasting the elite Kor'krons just to do 4 damage to your opponent. Keep in mind that table management is essential to winning.
Game over
Save your Death Strikes until you are below 12 health to get a direct damage spell of 6. Sometimes you will even need to attack an enemy creature to lower your health. Because this deck doesn't have a finish, if you can't kill your opponent, make sure you have armor to withstand a potential finish. Ideally, you should have 12 health points and maximum armor.
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