First of all, why this guide? It aims to allow you to be able to obtain a magenta crystal without having to pay the millions of credits to the galactic market. Indeed if you are without credit or if you do not want to spend it for that, you might as well do it yourself.
First of all, here are the ingredients needed to be able to create it:
- crystal magenta cellar
- jeweled
- save loridiennes
- blank magenta crystal
After that their number varies according to the plan (because yes there are several). The base plan (+41 Critical) can be obtained from the World Boss in Belsavis. A good group of 16 level 50 is therefore recommended. It seems that the other plans can be obtained from mobs in the Black Hole as well as from any World Boss (1 in 10 chance) but I didn't have time to check (I just had the plan +41 stamina while doing H4, torvix drop, to black hole). Do not hesitate to tell me where you found your plans!
The crystal adega magenta
STAGE1 : The first step to obtaining the magenta adega crystal is to go to Tatooine, in the Judland area. You can use panels like the one at coordinates 335, -1862. You will see these structures scattered all over the desert. In the base of the structure a called improvement is taken "refreshed and sustained". Only a few of the panels can achieve the improvement. Ice Water is not salable to a merchant or the galactic market.
Other places
You can find water elsewhere, especially here:

Only the structures which have the first form and which have a base above the ground have water. So the bases driven into the ground will never have any:

ETAPE2 : Then go to Hoth to freeze the water! You need to climb the highest point on planet Hoth, a mount at coordinates -915, 634 (about ten minutes).
Climb until you get the "Altitude Extreme" debuff. This will freeze the water.
STAGE3 : Finally, with the frozen water in your inventory, go to Illum and activate the crystal at coordinates -548,38. This will summon a champion with 250k health. A group of 4 characters of level 50 is necessary but I recommend 6. Once dead, he drops crystals that must be clicked.
The virgin magenta crystal
STAGE 1: To start, you have to go to Alderaan where there are several places of appearance:
- In 1366,350. Be careful, you will have to jump from rock to rock and the mining location can have 4 different positions in order to avoid people disconnecting at the location.
- In 1187, -443 or 1299, -564
- In 1301, -563,
- In 1087, 1029 or 1093, -1034 or 1075, -1032
It is not necessarily very easy to find the crystals the first time when you do not really know where to look, so take your courage in both hands and be patient. You do not have to be an Archaeologist to collect them and they have a 2 hour respawn delay. What to do with these rough crystals? It's very simple: to transform them, just go to Tython's forge at -4. Under a broken staircase, there is an object to be clicked on. For the Empire, you have to go to Korriban at coordinates (139,882) behind a wall.
For Corusca and Loridian gems, they are obtained through treasure hunting so it's not complicated. Good luck to you in your quest and do not hesitate to offer me ideas for future articles.
14/02: article updated thanks to additional information provided by Leny