After C'thun, a second god was revealed, it is about the god with the unknown face of all I speak of course of N'zoth the Corruptor. Blizzard therefore decided to show this legendary card and also revealed 2 new cards to us: a thief card and a Warlock card.
The cards
What to say ... wow. Very clearly a powerful card for the second revealed god. The stats don't match the cost of the card, but you don't play it for its physical power, rather for its effect. Right now, too few cards have been revealed, and especially too few death-rattles, to really tell if N'Zoth has a place in a deck.
But imagine him resurrecting a Sylvanas, a Cairne or even Big manes clearly it can be potentially very loud at the end of the game.
In a control-oriented metagame, this card clearly has a place in a death rattle deck. One can imagine it in combo with the legendary news of the priest, the tokens with death rattle would theoretically return in their original form in order to be quite simply unmanageable for the adversary. It's a very slow combo and very dependent on the output.
A very good legendary but extremely sensitive to the change of meta. It only takes a very aggressive meta for it to become too slow.
A new hawker, surely a colleague from Sinister peddler. For 2 mana, a 2/2 has the same stats as its cousin but the effect is clearly different. The card does not have a battle cry but a death rattle, it adds a random card to your hand of your opponent's class.
It's a less good version of the sinister peddler, it gives you a random map so we can't really get an idea of a curve, the map can be totally useless so clearly a kind of Larceny but less well.
A very average card for the thief, it does not really belong in the classroom and chance takes too much of a place in this game, making the card quite weak and impractical to use.

Replace your heroic power and cards with another class. These cards cost 1 less
A very average card for the Warlock. Do we really want to replace our deck with cards chosen at random even though it all costs one mana less? For that as a warlock we have Jaraxxus who does the job very well at the end of the game. We cannot take away its very fun side which could lead to very funny situations, in part against friends.
But clearly a card that is not viable in competitive terms, even if it allows you to recycle a few unnecessary cards, its effect is far too random to be 100% effective.
A new god revealed that gives hope to the control deck, a very powerful card that will delight all players who are fans of the death rattle, strongly the revelation of the other two gods to get a real idea of the power of the cards already presented.