The arrival of Guild Wars 2 in the MMOèsque landscape has aroused curiosity and several players, after seeing how the game was going, are now wondering if the removal of the "holy" trinity Tank / DPS / Heal, did not produce in the end a messy and boring game to play.
I see, at least, two ways of looking at it.
We can consider a structural organization, integrated into the game, implemented by the developers and that the players must follow slavishly. Yes, "slavery" is not objective ^^ This leads to scripted, fixed boss fighting strategies that you only need to learn by heart to master.
We can also consider a human organization, based on communication andformal player agreement. Of course, the fights against the monsters at the end of the boss level are also scripted there, but the course will be more random due to the human presence in the event. Each will then have to master not the script (by heart, accessible to all) of the boss but the gameplay style of his own character in order to emerge victorious (because of the less mechanized aspect of the meeting).
In the first case, which represents all classic MMOs, we make the game accessible to all. It is a concern of democratization. We learn the game of linear way, regular, and we necessarily reach a moment when we master it perfectly. It's just a matter of time which differentiates over-equipped "pgm" (1) from occasional "casual" players to achieve the same objectives.
In the other case, time will do nothing. Time will undoubtedly reduce disparities, but it is the enhancement of individual instinct and adaptability of players themselves who will make the difference between those who struggle and the others. Of course, even in this second case one cannot escape a necessary organization, precisely so as not to fall into the "mess" of which Valauxa spoke. Except that here, it goes through the players, not by the developers ... hence theguild interest. On est dans GUILD Wars 2, pas WORLD of I'm in a famous game CRAFT.
It takes something for everyone I think. Personally, I prefer that I be given the reins and that I organize myself with my friends rather than having strict rules imposed on me. I play an MMO, I don't want to work on it ... And you? Is Guild Wars 2 confusing you?
(1) Pgm, for "Professional GaMers": super efficient players who have a lot of time to play.