Hello everyone !
I will present to you the first article in a series of three that I will distribute to you in three months.
A lot of information about the target class will be shared with you. You will discover the profession, my ways of playing, the various combos effective attacks, my equipment, my jobs, my weapons, in short ... I share with you a maximum of information on the elementalist!
The title "In the footsteps ..." will therefore be used for the three articles that will appear in the next few months, I hope you will enjoy my feedback on my three main gaming professions: Elementalist - Guardian - Engineer.
In short, forward with our elements!
- Presentation
- skills">Weapons and skills
- Other abilities
- skills
- Combos
- Gameplay
- Conclusion
Elementalists are very powerful and versatile spellcasters specializing in magic (elemental) damage. Althoughthey wear light armor, they have powerful healing abilities and advantages which give them a very respectable survival. Their uses of powerful direct damage spells combined with condition damage (fire and earth) make them formidable adversaries. The variety of spells available to an Elementalist is enormous, and everyone will find something to suit their style of play.
If they play alone, elementalists can cast a large number of deadly spells very quickly. Their mix of direct damage and area-of-effect abilities allow them to take down multiple enemies at once. If necessary, they can also use defense and healing abilities, which allows them to survive in battles where other professions would not survive.
In a group, they are a healing, anti-tampering, damage and crowd control platform not insignificant. Do not think that because they are wearing light armor, they have to keep their distance ... An Elementalist armed with two daggers is quite capable of rushing at his enemies and cutting them to pieces in melee! Melee ok ... Medium range spells ok ... And even very long range spells!
This profession can quite Thoughts, support his allies by healing or various anti-alteration spells, making huge damage whether it's a direct hit or an alteration. The Elementalist is clearly the swiss army knife and any self-respecting group needs them.
For my part, I am therefore this Asura elementalist who will guide you throughout this article. My name is Nicoulouakouzoulek and I am part of the College of Synergetics! Let's go !
skills">Weapons and skills
Elementalists therefore have access to 4 types of weapons: sticks, Sceptres, Focus et Daggers. These types of weapons give us various combat options because they can be combined differently: Staff, Scepter + Focus, Scepter + Dagger, Dagger + Focus or Dagger + Dagger
â–ş Which gives us several completely different styles of play; Not to mention the 4 interchangeable elements. We will see that in the GamePlay part. Let's detail these weapons.
Can be used in the right hand.
- Feu
- Water
- Air
- Earth
Flame shock: Hit your target with flames, low damage â–¬ Also applies burn
(2s) â–¬ No cooldown. 1s 1/4 cast. 900 range.
â–ş This automatic attack creates a flame rising from the ground and burning your enemy in addition to inflicting low damage. It's a powerful damage spell on a basic attack, and the burn is a nice hit.
Dragon's Tooth: A fire tooth crashes into your enemy, moderate damage â–¬ Also applies burn
(3s) + area of ​​effect: 180 ▬ 6s cooldown. 1s cast. 900 range.
â–ş Dragon tooth has everything to please! Although it takes some time to acquire this skill, it deals significant damage to enemies, strikes other targets, and causes Burning. Its low cooldown allows this spell to deal constant damage.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Phoenix: Release a phoenix to a desired area, moderate damage â–¬ Can hit multiple enemies, explode, then come back towards you (hitting enemies again if they get in the way). Removes your ailments and grants you vigor
(11s) + area of ​​effect when the phoenix passes + circle of effect 240 over its maximum distance before returning ▬ 20s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 900 range
► This skill hits all enemies in a straight line, then explodes, dealing damage. The phoenix then returns to your hero, granting him Stamina and removing ailments. Although it may seem complex, this spell does modest damage to an area of ​​effect and allows you to control the targeted area. Once the spell is released, move on to another attack while the phoenix does its job.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Ice shards: Throw three ice shards at your enemy, low damage â–¬ 3x more base damage to the teeth, presto! â–¬ No recharge time. 3/4 sec cast. 900 range
â–ş This automatic attack sends an arc of three shards of ice at your target. This is a simple attack, especially to use when your heavier spells are recharging.
Rock breaker: Creates an ice boulder in the target area that explodes after 2 seconds, moderate damage â–¬ Apply 4 vulnerability stacks
(15s) while dealing damage, you can inflict up to 16 vulnerability stacks + 180 ▬ 2s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1s 1/2 cast. 900 range
â–ş You place a large shard of ice in a circle, it grows for two seconds, then explodes. Everything he touches becomes vulnerable. As Rock breaker has a delay between when you place it and when it explodes, it's good to use it at the start of a fight, especially if you're up against a group of enemies. The vulnerability lasts a long time, so you can consistently attack targets and deal additional damage for most of the encounter.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Marine Trident: You throw a sea trident at the designated area, low damage â–¬ Heal
target area + 180 ▬ 20s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1/2 sec cast. 900 range.
â–ş You make a water trident and throw it in an area. The trident damages enemies in the target area, but allies are healed. This scepter attack has good group utility (in the form of healing), and allows you to stay at bay while coming to the aid of your allies. It's not as useful when soloed, due to its relatively low firepower. Save it to use it after Rock breaker.
Thunderous Bow: Creates an electric arc between your scepter and your enemy, dealing damage every second, moderate damage â–¬ The longer the cast, the greater the damage per second. 3s cast â–¬ no charge time. 3s 1/2 cast. 900 range.
â–ş Thundering Bow is channeled for three and a half seconds, dealing damage throughout that period. It only hits a single target, but all damage done is reasonable for a simple auto attack. WhileThundering Bow channel, you can also use Glare and a Lightning bolt, which increases the damage inflicted by your character and also increases your survival.
Lightning Bolt: Strike your enemy with a bolt of lightning, moderate damage â–¬ 5s cooldown. 900 range.
â–ş You strike your target with a large bolt of lightning. This single target damage spell is another great addition to your air element arsenal. It's easy to integrate into your attack lineup, and it provides good base power to your aerial attacks if you hold focus in your left hand. Focuses are a bit more defensive, so the extra damage offers a good possibility of withdrawal.
Glare: Blind your enemy with a burst of light, no damage â–¬ Inflicts blindness
(6s) to your enemy, no damage. â–¬ 10s cooldown. 900 range.
â–ş You create a ball of light that flashes to blind your opponent. This does no damage, but your enemy will miss their next attack. It's good to use it when your enemy is planning a big attack.
Stone chip: Throw 3 stone daggers at your enemy, low damage â–¬ Inflict 3 stacks of bleeding
(6s) and causes damage with each dagger hit, i.e. 3 times the damage of the basic weapon â–¬No loading time. 1s 1/2 cast. 900 range.
â–ş It's automatic attack is convenient: your hero shoots three waves of sharp stone pieces. Projectiles are quite close together and they puncture their target, causing bleeding damage. To kill a single target over time, stack the bleeds and use Boulder Barrier to outlast your enemy in a war of attrition.
Projectile Combo (20% chance)
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Stone barrier: Behind you stand 5 small blocks of rock, increasing your defense â–¬ Your toughness is increased (30s) and you will be able to throw these 5 rocks against your enemy s 15s cooldown. 1s cast.
â–ş You surround yourself with a barrier of five pieces of stone, improves your armor. The duration of this barrier is 30 seconds, after which the pieces of stone disappear. The pieces of stone themselves can be thrown in attack against enemies. Once all the shards are used up, Stone barrier disappears and begins to recharge. Cast this spell just before you begin an engagement.
Projection : Your 5 rocks launch against your enemies, moderate damage â–¬ You lose the toughness bonus when using â–¬ 900 range.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Dust vortex: Creates a whirlwind of sand that damages and blinds enemies in a straight line, low damage â–¬ Blinded enemies
(10s) and wounded â–¬ 15s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 900 range.
â–ş You send a small tornado of sand on a line of enemies to blind them. This attack allows you to exercise a little crowd control, which is handy for mitigating damage taken by you or your allies. Hitting your enemies in line can be difficult, so back off or go to corners to force them to regroup before throwing the Dust whirlwind.
Can be used in the left hand.
- Feu
- Water
- Air
- Earth
Wall of flame: Create a wall of flame at the target location, low damage â–¬ Apply scorch
(1s) to each enemy passing through this wall as well as damage + 8s area of ​​effect ▬ 20s cooldown. 1s cast. 900 range.
â–ş This skill creates a wall of fire at a target location. Everything that passes through it begins to burn. So you make sure you protect yourself and deal damage, both directly and over time. You can also set up a combo zone through which allies can fire. Because you choose the location of the wall, you can place it between your character and your enemy, between the battle and a party member (for example, a ranger or engineer), or even directly above an enemy. .
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Fire shield: Surround you with a shield of fire, no damage with the use of the spell, it is the enemy hitting you who inflicts the burn â–¬ Apply burn
and low damage to enemies attacking you while under this effect (3s shield) â–¬ 40s cooldown. Spell on yourself.
â–ş A fiery aura surrounds you for three seconds. Everything that strikes you during this time is burning. If you have a dagger in your right hand, use Fire shield to open the battle. You can quickly deal Burn damage, and the cooldown allows you to start with that spell for the next fight. If you have a scepter, brandish it on Fire shield until your enemies get closer to you. Use it at the same time as Dragon tooth and Phoenix to make the most of area-of-effect damage.
Freezing Burst: Freezes your target for a short time, low damage â–¬ Inflicts Freeze
to your enemy for 5 seconds which decreases his spells reload time by 66% as well as his movement speed â–¬ 25s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 900 range
â–ş To cool your enemy! This spell has two purposes: to prevent enemies from reaching you (perfect for scepter users) or to prevent them from moving away from you (for dagger users). It works as a powerful spell to counteract distance hold.
Comet: Drop a comet of ice on the targeted area and Disorient enemies, high damage â–¬ And go 2 seconds of stupor
, eat ? + area of ​​effect 120 ▬ 25s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 900 range
â–ş This spell creates a large comet of ice that falls on your enemies. Everything that the comet touches is struck with Stupor. This area-of-effect attack complements your water-based spells, allowing you to deal certain damage while stopping enemy attacks for a short time. Wait until enemies are grouped together to use this high end attack.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Swirling winds: Create a small cyclone that destroys enemy projectiles entering your area, no damage ▬ Are you bothering you too much from pistols, bows, rifles? Swirling winds for 6s is the solution! + 400 area of ​​effect around you ▬ 30s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. Go out on yourself.
â–ş A swirling wind surrounds you for five seconds and deflects enemy projectiles. It's a situation defense in PvE, but it's very useful in PvP. This is especially true for scepter users, who sometimes operate a little further away from combat, making them tempting targets for snipers. If you notice that you are touched p
Squall: Knock down your target
, no damage â–¬ The target will take a little time to get up, 2 seconds to be exact â–¬ 50s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 900 range.
â–ş Sends a blast that knocks your enemies down, hitting multiple targets if they are close together, causing definite disruption and mitigating enemy damage. Because the spell has a long cooldown, you should save it for times of great need, when enemies are really threatening your hero or team.
Magnetic wave: Injury surrounding enemies, anti-alteration on yourself and anti-projectiles, moderate damage â–¬ 3 in 1 spell that inflicts significant damage, removes 3 conditions and repels projectiles that come towards you for 3s â–¬ 25s cooldown. Sort out on oneself.
â–ş A magnetic wave deals damage to enemies, dispels ailments, and prevents projectiles from hitting you.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Obsidian flesh: Your skin is covered with stone and makes you invulnerable
for 4s to all spells for a few seconds, no damage â–¬ The effect is not very pretty, you just end up all brown-gray for a few moments ... On the other hand, the spell can be very practical â–¬ 50s of recharge. Sort out on oneself.
â–ş For four seconds, your hero becomes invulnerable, wrapped in stone armor. Use this time to survive enemy damage, to heal yourself or to flee your toughest enemies on the battlefield. Because the recharge time of Obsidian flesh is very long, avoid using it lightly. Wait until you are really in danger before choosing this skill.
Usable in right hand and left hand (depending on the type of dagger).
- Feu
- Water
- Air
- Earth
Right hand
Dragon's Claw: Hit your target with cone fire attacks in front of you, high damage â–¬ You will deal 3 times your basic attack to your enemy. You may only deal one or two hits depending on its location in your Cone of Attack â–¬ No cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 400 range
â–ş This basic fire attack spreads in a flaming claw-shaped explosion on your enemy. She's fast and deals heavy damage. If this attack lacks the Scorch condition present in a number of other fire attacks, it is characterized by greater damage. The only downside is its short range. You have to be right in front of a target, and it's a dangerous place. If you're at close range, the attack hits a target multiple times, making the skill much more effective at killing its prey.
Dragon's Breath: You breathe fire continuously, very high damage â–¬ Apply burn
(3s. Longer if dragon's breath remains active on target for a long time) and deals high damage to all enemies caught in your dragon's breath â–¬ 5s cooldown. 2s 1/4 cast. 400 range
â–ş The Drake Breath is a channeled skill that causes you to throw a cone of flame at your enemy. When the flame projection ends, your enemy burns, inflicting severe damage over time. This attack is powerful, but it requires a bit of commitment. Because you have to spend time channeling it, you open your guard to other attacks, especially those that hit you or that are launched at you. Even though you can move while casting the spell, if you are disturbed it then breaks the pipe. It is best to start a fight with this spell. The burning effect will scorch your enemies and you can stay on the move.
Incandescent velocity: You charge in front of you leaving a trail of fire behind you, moderate damage â–¬ Apply burn
and deals damage to enemies passing through this line of fire + 240 radius of effect + high damage from this end-of-travel explosion â–¬ 15s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 600 range
â–ş This attack triggers your hero to sprint forward. As you move, a wave of fire radiates outward, causing nearby enemies to burn. This attack compensates for the short range of your dagger attacks. Choose your enemies, use the Incandescent velocity to reach them, then hit them with the Drake Breath or Wave of flames. As an added bonus, you can help yourself with damage combos. Anyone who attacks through your flame trails receives elemental fire damage.
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Left hand
Ring of Fire: Wounds nearby enemies with a ring of fire and Burns enemies that pass through, low damage â–¬ Apply burn
to enemies entering or leaving this ring of fire (6s radius 240) while dealing damage â–¬ 15s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. Spell on oneself
â–ş This spell damages any enemy near your hero and burns everything that crosses them. This simple attack deals sure damage to a fair amount of enemies, so use it as often as it is available. It works well with Wave of flames/Drake Breath (if you have a dagger in your right hand) or Flaming Strike/Dragon tooth (for a scepter).
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
â–ş Consultancy, apply burn before your enemy, then use your Fire catch. Then use this Ring of fire and switch to Air affinity in order to use the Ascending current (Left hand dagger) to throw your enemy out of this circle of fire; which will aim to push it back, overthrow it
for a short time AND burn it. You are now in air affinity, use your talent and of course ... Do not give him any respite and go for him with your spell Ride the lightning ! (double dagger)
Fire catch: Hurts enemies in a cone in front of you, high damage â–¬ Deals 150% damage to enemies Burning! â–¬ 45s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 300 range.
â–ş Fire grip hits enemies with a forward cone. With this attack, enemies that are already on fire receive additional damage. A lot of elemental fire attacks inflict Scorch on targets, and you can add yet other utility skills that do the same. So there is no shortage of burnt enemies. You only have to remember to use Fire grip later in the fight, once your enemies are on fire.
Right hand
Steam blade: Hit your target on the back and forth of the steam blade, low damage â–¬ As they say, it's a round trip slap. In addition, each Blade of Steam hitting the enemy inflicts 1 vulnerability
(blade back and forth) up to 14 stacks. â–¬ No reload time. 1/2 sec cast. 600 range
â–ş This auto attack doesn't cause much damage, but it does weaken the armor of your opponents. They take more damage from your next attacks. The steam blades is a pretty essential attack. She depletes your enemies and you can nail them down with this attack until they disappear. The vulnerability makes it a good opening to battle. Another advantage of this attack is that it has a surprisingly good range. Use it to soften targets that kit your hero, or before reaching melee combat.
Cone of cold: Deal damage to the enemy in addition to healing you
each time you hit it, low damage â–¬ You deal low damage while healing yourself â–¬ 10s cooldown. 2s 1/4 cast. 400 range
â–ş The cone of cold blows forward an ice cream cone. It causes damage to enemies in the area and lightly heals allies. While you don't see the high damage count when you use this attack, it does add group utility to your dagger skills.
Icy Blast: Deal damage to enemy in addition to freezing them, low damage â–¬ Apply Freeze
to your target within a radius of 240 while inflicting damage â–¬ 15s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 240 range
â–ş This low damage area attack also cools your enemies. This is very nice to make sure enemies don't slip away from you, and it keeps them from using their skills against you so quickly. If you're surrounded by enemies, and the one you hit ends up escaping, hit it with Icy explosion, then continue with Vaporuse blades.
Left hand
Frost aura: Protects you with Frost Armor, no damage â–¬ While active, it Freezes
all enemies that hit you â–¬ 40s cooldown. Spell on oneself (7s)
â–ş You surround yourself with a sphere of ice that lasts seven seconds. Any enemies that hit you during this time are frozen. It is best to use this defensive spell with a scepter in your right hand. Scepters allow for mid-range attacks, and the stun effect prevents your enemy from getting in or out of your way when you hit them with them. Ice shards or place Rock breaker in front of him.
Wander purificatrice: Heals yourself and nearby allies, and removes a condition, no damage â–¬ Healing
and anti-tampering around you â–¬ 40s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 240 range around you
â–ş This spell grants dagger holders the ability to heal themselves (and others) while removing ailments. Additional healing is always welcome, and the ability to remove a condition means you also get damage mitigation or other handicaps. The long duration of Wander purificatrice means you can't cast her as many times as you want, so be sure to wait until you need her healing and condition removal.
Right hand
Flash whip: Hit your target twice, low damage â–¬ You deal twice the base damage of the weapon and you can hit up to three targets â–¬ No charge time. 1/2 sec cast. 300 range.
â–ş Lightning whip is a great skill! You create a wave of electricity that cuts through your enemies. This auto attack is slightly stronger than those of other elements, but its real asset is its speed. You can whip your enemies with this one until they drop, all in style!
Lightning caress : Electrocutes your enemy and leaves them weakened
, low damage â–¬ You can hit up to three targets â–¬ 10s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 300 range.
â–ş A cone of electricity bursts and causes a shock on your enemies, making them vulnerable and exposing them to more damage from your attacks. It is a good idea to combine it with Lightning whip and its short cooldown allows you to add it whenever you want. With him, you really can't go wrong.
Shock aura: Electrical energy surrounds you that Stuns
(1s) nearby attackers attacking you, no damage â–¬ Each enemy who wants to slap you while you are under 5s aura will be stunned for 1s â–¬ 25s cooldown. Spell on oneself
â–ş You form an electric field that stuns anyone who attacks you. Use this defensive ability just before choosing a target, or when you see an enemy launching a heavy attack. The stun does not last long, but it is disturbing. Once the enemy is stunned, take the risk of damaging them with Lightning caress ou Lightning whip.
Left hand
Riding the Lightning: Ride a lightning bolt to your enemy then strike all nearby enemies with an electric blast, moderate damage ▬ 180 area of ​​effect at end of travel ▬ 15s cooldown. 1200 range.
â–ş Ride the lightning shoot an enemy from a distance, then teleport your hero to the target. When you reach your enemy, lightning explosions occur and damage all enemies nearby. If you have a dagger in your right hand, this spell is fantastic! It completely changes the range of your fight, from very close range to long range. Pick your targets, ride the lightning bolt towards them, then continue with your best attacks. As an added bonus, you can even deal damage to a party. The reasonable cooldown means you can use it to start the next fight.
Ascending current: Grants you speed
(11s) and projects
all surrounding enemies back, no damage ▬ Enemies are thrown to the ground ▬ ​​40s cooldown. Spell on oneself
â–ş This attack hits a group of enemies head-on and throws them into the air; you gain at the same time Speed. Updraft pairs well with scepter attacks (Arc Flash protection et Lightning bolt). It is especially useful if you find yourself surrounded by a group of enemies. Lightning attacks excel at damage to individual targets. Meanwhile, Ascendant allows you to separate from enemies, move farther away, and then strike a vulnerable target with other spells.
Right hand
Impale: Pierces your enemy with a giant stone spike â–¬ 1 bleed stack
(8s) on each impale, low damage â–¬ No reload time. 3/4 s cast. 300 range.
â–ş A huge spike of dirt rises out of the ground, impales your enemies and causes them to bleed. This auto attack has the potential to deal more damage than it looks, there is no cooldown and the bleeding accumulates, so you can hit your enemies over and over again and with bleeding.
Ring of Earth: Create a ring of stone around you, moderate damage â–¬ Deal damage while causing them to bleed
(12s) â–¬ 6s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 240 range
â–ş TheRing of the earth can strike multiple enemies, causing bleeding on all of them. Combine this with a Impale to drop enemies' health as fast as possible. If you are fighting a group, this is a good way to deal damage to all targets when you go after an unlucky enemy.
Magnetic socket: Launch a magnetic ball towards your target. If you hit the mark you will be drawn to him immobilizing him
a few moments, low damage â–¬ Immobilize the enemy in addition to being drawn into melee? What more to ask for? Bleeding, roh should not be abused? â–¬ 12s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 900 range.
â–ş This attack mitigates the main drawback of the dagger: its short range. Choose your target, enter it with the Magnetic grip (to immobilize him), then hit him with any of your attacks that deal Bleeding damage. The cooldown has just the right duration (more or less) to use it to start the next fight.
Left hand
Earthquake: You jump so hard on the ground that it shakes, high damage â–¬ Enemies take heavy damage and are knocked down
2 seconds for a radius of 240 around you; just enough time to cast the next spell â–¬ 45s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. Spell on oneself
► This spell is particularly fun! You trigger an earthquake that hits your enemy and inflicts heavy damage. This offensive spell should be “used whenever you can”: why are you depriving of knockdown and easy damage to inflict?
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Earthly upheaval: Slowing Long Cast Spell
(4 times before the end of the cast) moving enemies then releases a huge shock wave injuring enemies, crippling them
(1s) and inflicting 8 bleeding stacks on them
, very high damage â–¬ Cripples, bleeds and creates large area damage at 360 range around you. â–¬ 30s cooldown. 3s 1/4 cast. 360 range around you
â–ş This channeled spell creates a circle of land landslide. Players inside the area are inflicted with Cripples and Bleeds in addition to direct damage. This attack takes a long time to launch, so be careful and avoid using it when enemies are very mobile or have a good chance of countering you. Use a knockdown attack or some other effect that lets you in advance slow your enemies. This will make it easier for you to get the most out of this fantastic spell.
I advise you to have the ability to defend Earth armor in order to get the stability bonus and protection
-33% damage taken.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Can be used with both hands.
- Feu
- Water
- Air
- Earth
Fireball : Launches a fireball that explodes on impact, injuring enemies within the blast perimeter, moderate damage ▬ Damage + 120 area of ​​effect around target hit ▬ No cooldown. 1s cast. 1200 range.
► A fireball explodes in the area of ​​effect and hits anything within its radius. It offers exactly what you can expect from an elemental fire attack: heavy damage, quick summon time, and the ability to strike multiple opponents.
Lava fountain : A lava fountain emerges at the desired location, moderate to high damage ▬ 4s area of ​​effect damage and 120 radius ▬ 6s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş The lava produces an eruption in the targeted area. The attack does noticeable damage to anything within its radius. All players on your team attacking in the shooting range have a chance to fire effect on their victims.
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Flame Jet: The enemies at the targeted location ignite, high damage â–¬ We are talking about a nice big burn here
as you like + radius of effect of 180 around the target hit â–¬ 10s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range.
â–ş All enemies in the area are set on fire, and suffer Burns over time. Associate Jet of flames with Lava fountain to continue dealing elemental damage.
Flaming Retreat: You dodge back, leaving a line of fire behind, low damage â–¬ Apply scorch
to enemies hitting this line of fire (6s) while inflicting damage â–¬ 20s cooldown. Rear dodge + fire trail.
â–ş You roll back quickly, leaving behind a scorching trail of death. It is a mixed ability, offensive and defensive. Use it to avoid damage from oncoming enemies and to keep them at bay. If targets follow, they will have to take Burning damage. If you have a lot of ranged allies, one trick is to roll in a horizontal line facing them. This creates a wall of fire that your comrades can shoot through. In addition to the visual effect, this allows your ranged allies to deal bonus damage.
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Meteor shower : Shoot down a meteor shower on the targeted area, high damage ▬ A short casting time (4 1/4 s maximum and 2s minimum) then it will rain flaming rocks! The longer you cast, the more flaming rocks crashing to the ground will be. + 360 area of ​​effect + 90 ▬ 30s cooldown area of ​​effect for each meteor. 4s 1/4 cast. 1200 range
► The meteor shower creates a sizable area of ​​effect that hits anything in its path. It's a channeled spell, and it takes a few seconds to cast it. The benefit is the enormous amount of damage produced on all targets within its radius. This spell is best used when you (and your party) face a large number of enemies: wait until moving targets are in the middle of the battle to take advantage of this spell.
Aqueous explosion: Sends a burst of water at the enemy causing damage and healing allies within its range, low damage â–¬ Low damage and healing
+ radius of effect of 120 around the hit target â–¬ No cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş This simple automatic water attack deals low damage, but also heals you a little. Your Elementalist has a wide range, so it's a good spell to start fights and to stay away from enemies. The healing effect, while modest, also applies to your allies.
Shard of ice: Summons a giant shard of ice that crashes into enemies, moderate damage â–¬ Inflicts vulnerability
per stack of 5 (10s) and a maximum of 10 + area of ​​effect of 240 ▬ 4s cooldown. 3s 1/4 cast. 1200 range
â–ş A shard of ice giant falls from the sky, hits the entire impact zone and causes Vulnerability. This is the damage spell for water based stick attacks. Use it as quickly and as often as possible.
Geyser : Create a geyser that heals
nearby allies, no damage ▬ High healing area of ​​effect 120 for 2s ▬ 20s cooldown. 1s cast. 1200 range.
â–ş You create a geyser that spills over a small area and heals all nearby allies. This spell provides additional modest healing for you and your allies. Keep it in reserve for emergencies or when the group can resist for a short time.
â–˛ Combo: Water Zone
Frozen ground: Freezes the targeted ground, no damage â–¬ Freezes
enemies that pass over it for 2s + 5s area of ​​effect and 240 radius ▬ 40s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş You coat the target area with an ice field. All enemies in the Icefield cool down, and allies in that area gain Ice Combo Potential. Because you control the region the spell affects, you can keep enemies very far away from you. This keeps them very close to your allies (if any) and gives you time to keep them within range of your damage spells, such as Shard of ice.
â–˛ Combo: Ice Zone
Healing rain : Cared for
allies under the area and grants regeneration
(4 stacks for 4 1 / 4s). In addition, Healing Rain removes all ailments every 3s, no damage ▬ 360 area of ​​effect for 9s ▬ 45s cooldown. 1s cast. 1200 range
► Rain falls on a large circle for nine seconds, heals all players in the circle, regenerates them, and removes conditions once every three seconds. This is the best cure! The area of ​​effect is so large that a large number of players can benefit from it, and the benefits are quite substantial. The only downside is the spell's long cooldown.
â–˛ Combo: Water Zone
Lightning chain: Electric arcs strike multiple enemies at long range, moderate damage â–¬ Your lightning bolt bounces between multiple enemy targets (up to 3 targets) dealing damage to them â–¬ No cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1200 range
► The chain of lightning hits multiple targets in a moderate area of ​​effect. It's a simple lightning attack, but one that deals appropriate damage when you need it.
Lightning Discharge : Charge a lightning bolt at your enemy, moderate damage â–¬ Apply Blind
(5s) on the target + radius of effect of 120 â–¬ 10s cooldown. 1s 1/2 cast. 1200 range
â–ş Lightning Discharge causes blindness to your enemy and those nearby. With this attack, you deal moderate damage to an individual target. For the next few seconds, the target and anyone nearby will fail their attacks against you or one of your allies. Use this spell to start fights and to maintain the effect as often as you can.
Gust : Projects
back enemies with a gust of wind, no damage â–¬ Enemies in front of you are knocked to the ground at 400 distance â–¬ 30s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş Gust is a disturbance spell. Instead of dealing damage, it hits anything that is far from the launcher. This comes in handy in a number of situations: it keeps you from being overwhelmed, you can cast a spell at long range, and your enemies are confused. The implications for PvP are pretty obvious as well. The only thing you need to pay attention to is working with party members who like melee combat - they might not like you sending their targets away from them.
Aquilon speed: Grant Rapidity
to you and your close allies while removing Disability
, Immobilization
and Freezing
, no damage â–¬ Increased mobility and spell-breaking + 240 â–¬ 30s radius cooldown. 1/4 s cast. Spell on oneself
â–ş Aquilon speed works as a situational ability and is a wonderful displacement spell. The situational aspect is that it removes the impairments that prevent circulation and restores your full mobility and that of your allies. Plus, it's easy to cast this spell out of combat to get a good speed boost. You and your party can then move around the territory quickly, helping you to move around the way you want to. It's nice in PvE, but it can be crucial in PvP, where speed of movement and territory control are a must.
Static field : Creates a static 4s field that stuns
(2s) enemies passing through it, low damage ▬ 180 ▬ 40s area of ​​effect cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş This skill summons a static field that stuns anyone who passes through it. Stun completely stops enemies for its duration, making it one of the best crowd control abilities. This is not a high damage attack, but you can combine it with other attack spells against a group (Lightning chain et Lightning Discharge). It becomes more useful in PvP, where you can prevent a number of opponents from attacking.
â–˛ Combo: Lightning Zone
Stoning: Throws a stone at your enemy at long range, low damage â–¬ Inflicts Weakness
(1s) â–¬ No cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş You create a huge rock and throw it at your enemy to weaken him. This is an automatic attack useful for mitigating enemy damage. Choose the most dangerous enemy on the battlefield and weaken it for as long as possible.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Rash: Create Earth Shatter, High Damage â–¬ Deal Heavy Damage and 6 Bleed Stacks
(12s) + 240 ▬ 6s cooldown area of ​​effect. 1s 3/4 cast. 1200 range
â–ş This earth spell shakes an area. Everything inside is shaken, then inflicted Bleeding. It is an attack that causes great damage and that you can launch very often.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Magnetic aura: Reflects projectiles with magnetic energy â–¬ All enemy shots will be reflected for 5s â–¬ 30s cooldown. Spell on oneself
â–ş For five seconds, the magnetic energy returns the projectiles fired at you. This situational spell is useful in specific PvE encounters, such as when dealing with Centaur Archers or Snipers. It is also useful in PvP, where you are likely to face anything. In PvP, you're probably still at long range, making you a prime target for ranged attackers. Take the time to protect yourself with Magnetic Aura when you need it.
Unstable ground: Creates unstable ground in line, very low damage â–¬ Enemies crossing this Sol instable are crippled
(2s) â–¬ 30s cooldown. 1/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş I use it very often just after placing my eruption, so the enemy has a harder time getting out of the area spell and takes damage + bleeding. Use this to disrupt moving forces and gain a chance to stay at bay, when they try to get close to you. This works best at the start of combat in PvE, when it holds off attackers from a distance. In PvP, use it to hold off enemies attacking you at long range.
Where's shocked: Creates a shock wave that causes bleeding
and immobilizes
your target, moderate damage â–¬ Combines very well with other earth affinity spells â–¬ 30s cooldown. 3/4 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş You release a shock wave that bleeds and immobilizes your enemy. This single target ability is powerful. Your hapless foe takes severe damage, then has to deal with immobilization and bleeding (which isn't fun, either). Combine Onde the choc with Eruption to multiply the pain by two!
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Can be used with both hands underwater.
- Feu
- Water
- Air
- Earth
Magma Orb: Throws a mass of molten rock that detonates delayed, low damage â–¬ radius of effect on target of 120 â–¬ No cooldown. 1/2 of incantation. 1200 range
â–ş This skill shoots small magma rocks that explode after a short time. Magma Orb deals regular damage whenever you need it and it's a good choice.
Boiling : The water around your enemy boils for 4s, moderate damage ▬ 240 area of ​​effect ▬ 10s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range
â–ş For four seconds, the water around your targets is brought to a boil. The damage of the attack is decent, and the visual effect of the spell is stunning!
Steam: Blind boiling water
(5s) your enemy, low damage â–¬25s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range
â–ş You hit your enemies with superheated water, which blinds them with steam created instantly. The attack isn't that powerful, but blindness is useful when you need to mitigate enemy damage.
Lava chains: Lava chains inflict infirmity
(5s) to multiple enemies, low damage â–¬ 30s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 deported
â–ş Some lava chains appear around your enemies and cause infirmities. This spell is visually impressive and it is very useful. The damage is noticeable and it lasts a long time. This hinders enemies and keeps them at bay when you revert to direct damage spells.
Heat wave : Heat wave, high damage â–¬ Target is burnt
(3s) and you gain stamina
(5s 1/2) â–¬ 40s cooldown. 1s cast. 1200 range
â–ş You burn your enemies with a blast of heat. Nearby allies gain Stamina, making it a strong PvP ability for areas that feature water combat. In PvE, Stamina allows your hero to dodge attacks from gaining enemies.
Water missile: Launches a self-guided projectile at low speed, low damage â–¬ No cooldown. 1/2 of incantation. 1200 range
â–ş You throw a slow ball of ice cream. This simple attack is a standard direct damage ability.
Ice Orb: Throws a slow, explosive ice globe, very high damage ▬ 240 area of ​​effect ▬ 10s cooldown. 1/2 of incantation. 1200 range
â–ş You shoot a slow ice globe that can be triggered for higher damage. This attack takes a bit of practice to master, but it's worth it. If you just hit the enemy with Ice orb, the damage caused by this attack is good. However, detonating the attack in advance is even more deadly.
Ice Orb Explosion: Explode your Ice Orb â–¬ Very high damage when exploding.
Ice wall: Summons a wall of ice that causes frost
(2s) to your enemies, no damage ▬ 320 area of ​​effect ▬ 20s cooldown. 1/2 of incantation. Spell on oneself
â–ş A wall of ice appears for 10 seconds. This wall can be broken to cause high damage to nearby enemies. Block any targets that get close with the Ice Wall, then smash the wall before its duration expires.
Detonation of the Ice Wall The wall of ice detonates, very high damage â–¬ Frost
(2s) to enemies in the area of ​​effect of 320 ▬ To be detonated during the 10s of the skill.
Underwater current: After a cast time, enemies around you are sucked down, low damage â–¬ Sinks
(2) your enemy targeted and provides regeneration
(5s 1/2) to you and your allies â–¬ 25s cooldown. 1s 1/4 cast. Spell on oneself
â–ş You guide a stream of water that affects nearby enemies while healing your allies. Additional healing for your team is always welcome, and you can deal damage during the maneuver. Underwater current is a weak attack spell, so we recommend that you reserve it for its regenerative effects.
Tsunami : You charge forward, moved by the force of the current; you highly injure your enemies caught in the wave and heal
your allies ▬ 240 area of ​​effect ▬ 25s cooldown. 1s 3/4 cast. 1200 range.
â–ş Tsunami propels your hero like an arrow through water. You hit your targets faster and hit them with the wave following you. The wave heals allies, then crashes into your targets, damaging them even more. Tidal Wave is a great water attack, feel free to use it often. It doubles the power of aquatic movement and lets you soar straight ahead into or out of the battle.
Lightning split: You shoot three lightning bolts in front of you â–¬ No cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range
â–ş You launch a lightning which forms forks at the moment of the impact and hits several enemies. This automatic attack deals lasting damage to a group of enemies. She is weak against isolated adversaries.
Electrocution: The water around your enemy becomes charged with electricity. moderate damage ▬ 240 area of ​​effect around target hit ▬ 5s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range
â–ş The water around your enemy charges with electricity. Electrocution is a single target attack with a short cooldown. Cast this spell often for remarkable damage against a single opponent.
Air pocket : You release a slow, explosive pocket of air. When it explodes you are teleported to that location, moderate damage â–¬ 12s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 1200 range
â–ş Your hero releases a air pocket slow moving. The pocket explodes when it hits a target, dealing damage and causing your Elementalist to teleport to the victim. This attack requires some practice before it is mastered. Try not to be disoriented when your position changes and not to cast the spell when trying to maintain ranged attacks against your enemies.
Air bubble : Traps the enemy in an air bubble that pulls them towards the surface for 2 seconds â–¬ Floats
(2s) your target upwards â–¬ 35s cooldown. 1s cast. 1200 range
â–ş Enter a control spell! You will have a third in earth affinity. Be careful, this spell does not cause any damage. It is a good disturbance capacity. And since the trident uses long range, you can keep attacking your enemy for that period. If you want to follow the target upwards, hit it with Air Pocket when it's near the surface.
Electric cage: Creates a 5s static field that Stuns
(1s) enemies passing through it ▬ 240 area of ​​effect ▬ 35s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 900 range
â–ş Your target is trapped in an air bubble. The attack immobilizes the enemy and makes them float to the surface without being able to intervene. It is a good disturbance capacity. And since the trident uses long range, you can keep attacking your enemy for that period. If you want to follow the target upwards, hit it with Air pocket when it is near the surface.
Stone blade: Throws three stone blades at your target, low damage â–¬ Causes 3 bleeds
(1s) â–¬ No cooldown. 1/2 s cast. 1200 range
â–ş This auto attack does a surprising amount of damage once you activate the bleed condition stack. It also has good range and you can subdue enemies without resorting to more complex skills or tactics.
Rock surge: A flurry of rubble hits the enemies, high damage â–¬ Inflicts 2 to 3 bleed (s)
(10s) â–¬ 12s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 400 range
â–ş When you want to inflict Bleed on more targets, you can rely on Rock surge. You throw a cone of gravel through the water, causing multiple targets to hit. Pair it with Rock Blade to rack up condition damage.
Magnetic current: You rush at your target, inflicting low damage â–¬ 18s cooldown. 1/2 sec cast. 600 range
â–ş A magnetic attraction appears between you and your enemy. Your hero is pulled towards the target, and the enemy is suddenly immobilized. This attack is great for preventing enemies from swimming in PvP. It's also a perfect way to fill in your gaps in relation to targets if you're worried about being kept at bay or want to nail your enemies with it. Rock surge.
Rock anchor: A rock anchor is pegged to the sinking enemy
then peak for 2s â–¬ 35s of recharge. 1s cast. 1200 range
â–ş A rock anchor draw your enemy to the depths. It's a disruptive ability that gives you time to run away or stack free damage.
Troubled Water : enemies around you are blinded
(1s), no damage ▬ 120 area of ​​effect for 6s ▬ 45s cooldown. 1s 1/4 cast. 1200 range
â–ş This attack creates a water screen full of debris, which blinds all nearby enemies. This attack is useful in longer or more extended fights to help you mitigate damage. It can prevent you from being overwhelmed by an enemy force.
You will use your mimines to get out of the mess you got yourself into: p
Flash discharge: Strike down your enemy â–¬ moderate damage.
â–ş This quick spell gives you the opportunity to shoot down an enemy to get back up. In addition to draining the health of your enemies, it hits them with the Vulnerability spell and reduces their defense potential. Always aim at the enemy with the lowest health: this is your best chance of winning a kill. If you have allies nearby, focus on what they're attacking to further improve your odds.
Gripping earth: Immobilizes
your enemy with hands rising from the ground.
â–ş If you're worried about enemies running away just before you can bring them back, Gripping Earth allows you to immobilize your enemies. They won't be able to run or dodge either. Use this spell to hold your enemies in place: pair it with Lightning discharge if you attempt a simple kill.
Vapor forms: You put on a vaporous shape that allows you to move around. You will also regain some health, so do not hesitate to launch it as soon as possible to better position yourself. Besides, if there is water nearby, jump in! Will you have a 99% chance of getting by with this technique?
â–ş You become an invulnerable fog, preventing damage to you and allowing you to move away from enemies or towards friends. Follow this spell with Bandage to gain health after spinning to a better position.
Bandage: Like all professions, allows you to heal yourself
â–ş Heals you slowly to get back on your feet.
This is the "Ashore" function underwater.
Water fist: Deploys an explosive mine, low damage â–¬ No cooldown.
â–ş You throw an aquatic fist at your enemy. This low damage attack gives you a chance to kill your target and get back up. You can use it while you are on the move, and therefore swim to the top while you are running it. As in any situation where you have the downside, aim for the enemy with the lower health for a better chance of healing.
Stone foot: Hit your enemy hard, moderate to high damage â–¬ 6s cooldown.
â–ş You wrap your foot in stone and kick your enemy. This causes serious damage. Use it whenever the cooldown expires.
Steam flow: Takes you back
quickly to the surface â–¬ Apply Blind
(3s) and Burn
(3s) to the enemy â–¬ 15s cooldown.
â–ş You are propelled to the surface and you leave the enemies behind your character blinded and burnt. If you have no choice but to flee to rally, this is the best way to gain distance and steal some time to heal before enemies catch up with you and hurt you.
Bandage: Like all professions, allows you to heal yourself
â–ş This is the same as the terrestrial version of the dressing. Use it to improve your character's health. If your bar is fully recharged, your character will recover, even without killing a target.
Other abilities
In addition to all of these weapon skills, you have healing skills (3), utility skills (20), and elite skills (3); which gives us 26 additional skills to select. Depending on your race, you will have some pretty useful extra skills that you can choose to add or not to your extra skill bar; but that is not the subject (Surely later?).
As described in our article on skill bars, you will only be able to choosea skill of care, three utility skills et elite skill. If you do not have three utility skills and / or elite skill, your level is not sufficient, see our article on skill bars.
The skills that we will study below are purchasable against skill points which you can earn in various ways:
- At the rate of one skill point per level crossed ;
- By passing the skills challenges offered by Tyria. Kill a veteran, drink a potion, challenge the skill NPC.
It exists 3 levels of utility skills where you have to buy 5 skills from tier 1 to go to 2 and also buy 5 skills from tier 2 to go to 3.
It also exists 2 levels of elite skills where you need to buy 2 skills from tier 1 to advance to tier 2.
So let's take a look at these different skills.
- Glyph
- Seal
- Black
Glyph of Elemental Harmony : Heals you
moderately and grants a blessing according to your affinity â–¬ Fire: Power 21s
/ air: Speed ​​11s
/ Water: Regeneration 11s
/ Earth : Protection 3s 1/4
â–¬ 25s cooldown
â–ş You start the game with this skill and it never gets outdated. Your Elementalist restores a fair amount of his health when you cast this spell, and then you gain a boon as well.
Restoration aura : Passive -> grants health each time you cast a spell / Active -> Heals you for a moderate amount of life but temporarily deactivates the passive â–¬ Healing
via passive and active â–¬ 25s cooldown
â–ş This is a perfect healing skill for defensive players, especially those who travel the world in groups. Each time you cast a spell, you receive a small health boost. It's not a lot, but it builds up and keeps you in shape for the next fight. If you ever get into trouble, you can activate the skill for a bigger upgrade.
Ethereal renewal : Heals you
weakly and causes you to lose a condition with each pulse for 4s â–¬ Weak healing and you lose a condition every second while casting (That is 3 to 4 conditions) â–¬ 15s cooldown
â–ş This is a good healing skill for PvE, but it really excels in PvP. Most enemies in PvE don't have a lot of ailments. However, as you move to fight against players, they stack ailments. The short recharge time of Ethereal renewal means you can use it in every fight or once in every other fight. This makes for a wonderful spell when you don't know what will happen during the next set of events.
- Seal
- Conjuration
- Mini-sort
- Arcane
- Glyph
Fire seal : Passive -> Increase your critical chance rate / Active -> Burn
your enemy (9 seconds), low damage â–¬ Increased crit and burn on activation â–¬ 20s cooldown
â–ş Simply select the location of the Fire seal increases your chances of making critical hits. This is a good way to increase your character's simple damage and explosion potential. But that's not all ! If you activate this sign, you lose the passive effect, but you can inflict burns on your target, regardless of your affinity.
Seal of'air : Passive -> Grants you 10% additional movement speed / Active -> Blind
your enemy (5 seconds) 240 area of ​​effect on actively hit target, low damage ▬ Bonus movement and blindness to enemy ▬ 20s cooldown
â–ş This seal is just as nice in PvE as it is in PvP. The improvement in movement is at its peak when traversing great distances in the Eternal Battlegrounds, or while searching for monsters and resources across Tyria. When you suddenly need a chance to evade enemies, use the sign to blind them and run away when they are planning their next attack. Use the seal at the start of a major engagement to give your group a big advantage. The damage isn't that great, but it's almost free when you use it to blind the enemy.
Water seal : Passive -> Remove a condition every 10 seconds / Active -> Freeze
your enemy (4 seconds) â–¬ Ailments passively removed every 10 seconds and freeze effective, low damage â–¬ 30s cooldown
â–ş It's a wonderful PvP skill. Removing conditions is essential for PvP or battles against higher level monsters in PvE, because many of them expose your character to more damage and attack. Having the ability to slow enemies and reduce their damage output makes Water seal even better in this environment. When you hit your enemy with the Frost effect activated, they even deal some modest damage.
Earth seal : Passive -> Increases your robustness / Active -> Immobile
your enemy (3 seconds), low damage â–¬ 3 seconds immobilization and increased toughness! â–¬ 30s cooldown
â–ş Seal of the earth doesn't give you a lot of defensive bonus, so it's considered a minor advantage. Its strong option is the immobilizing effect on a target. If you are carrying a dagger, use it when kiting with ranged spells or when catching up with enemies.
Summons replace your current weapon skill bar
Conjuring a Lava Ax : Summons a lava ax in your hands and at the target location â–¬ 60s cooldown
Lava ax : Throw a lava ax at your enemy. Single target.
Explosive lava ax : Throws an explosive flaming ax at target area. Multi-target â–¬ 5s cooldown
Flaming Retreat : You back up quickly, leaving a trail of fire behind you â–¬ Applique burn
and deals damage to enemies passing through this line of fire â–¬ 15s cooldown
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Flaming ring : Wounds nearby enemies with a ring of fire and Burns enemies that pass through â–¬ Apply burn
to enemies entering or getting out of this ring of fire while dealing damage â–¬ 15s cooldown
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Leap of flames : You pounce on your enemy with a flaming attack â–¬ Causes Burn
â–¬ 20s cooldown
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
â–ş This skill grants you a lava ax and spawns a second ax at the target location. The lava ax has 15 charges
Conjuring a Arc of Frost : Summons a bow of frost into your hands and at the target location â–¬ 60s cooldown
Aquatic arrow : Unleash a water arrow that heals
the allies.
Frost burst : Quickly shoot your enemy making them Vulnerable
on each hit â–¬ 8s cooldown
Frost fan : Injury enemies with a fan of ice arrows that inflict freezing
â–¬ 15s cooldown
Ice storm : Destroy an ice storm on the target area and confuse x3
to enemies â–¬ 20s cooldown
Freezing : after a casting time, an arrow of frost falls on the enemy and freezes him
on site for 2 seconds â–¬ 30s recharge
â–ş This skill grants you a Arc of Frost and spawns a second Arc of Frost at the target location. The Arc of Frost has 15 charges
Conjuring a Lightning Hammer : Summons a lightning hammer in your hands and at the targeted location â–¬ Not really understood why the choice of this image finally made me ... Maybe it's a hammer that Rocks? Who loves Metal? â–¬ 60s cooldown
Lightning strike : Produces moderate melee damage.
Lightning leap : Leap forward to strike enemies with moderate damage.
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Blast of wind : Hit your targets around and throw them
Storm : Hit up to five enemies with low damage.
Static fields : Deals low damage to clustered enemies and stuns them
at the same time !
â–˛ Combo: Lightning Zone
â–ş This skill enables you to acquire a lightning hammer and spawns a second hammer at the targeted location. The Lightning Hammer has 15 charges
Conjuring an Earth Shield : Summons an earth shield in your hands and at the target location â–¬ The shield is alone, you do not keep your weapon in your left hand â–¬ 60s cooldown
Shield Slam : Produces moderate melee damage.
Disabling shield : Strike enemies with infirmity
: effect lasts 2 seconds â–¬ 8s cooldown
Magnetic reinforcement : Deals low damage and disorientates them
your enemy for 2 seconds â–¬ 12s cooldown
Magnetic shield : Attracts enemies to your character, inflicting low damage â–¬ 245s cooldown
Fortification : Make your hero invulnerable
for 3 seconds, protecting it under a dome of earth. If you move, the spell breaks â–¬ 45s cooldown
â–ş This skill grants you an earth shield and spawns a second earth shield at the target location. The earth shield has 15 charges
Earth armor : Gives you stability
and protection
for 8s â–¬ Unable to push you back, topple over, nothing will make you move from your current position. You also benefit from -33% self-damage â–¬ 90s cooldown
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
â–ş This "mini-spell" armor envelops your hero in earth for 12 seconds. You woke up from dizziness and cannot be hit or stunned again for the duration of the effect. Select the location of this skill before going in PvP or head-to-head against leaders in group events. You don't have to wait for a stun to activate this. Equally important are the protective elements of the spell, and your hero can survive a lot more damage when the armor is in place. Use this option to withstand explosion damage from the most formidable enemies.
Purifying fire : Removes 3 accidentals while burning
the enemy ▬ Too many alterations? Hop, we remove everything and we burn the enemies on an area of ​​effect of 240.
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general) â–¬ 50s cooldown
â–ş If you don't know what will happen, Purifying fire is a sure skill to put on a site. While not as powerful as another individual effect, like some other utility skills, this pick has a bit of everything. Use this mini-spell to get out of a mess and ignite all the players behind you.
Vaporuse forms : You transform into an Invulnerable Steam Mist
for 3 seconds â–¬ With buff, you will freeze all enemies you hit with this spell â–¬ 75s cooldown
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
â–ş For three seconds, you transform into a wispy mist. During this time, you are invulnerable, but you cannot use your weapons or skills. Use this time to flee, gain distance, dodge heavy channeled attacks from your enemies, or just save time when cooldowns are running.
Flash flash : You instantly teleport to the target location ▬ A teleportation dealing moderate damage over an area of ​​effect of 120 around the spell's maximum range ▬ 45s cooldown. 900 range
â–˛ Spell breaker (against immobilization, stupor, knockdown, stun ... Control spells in general)
â–ş Use this mini-spell to jump away from enemies or to move quickly to a new target. Flash Lightning gets you out of trouble. If you pair it with other mini-spells, your caster can use it to gain distance in a number of ways. This makes it harder for kiting characters to catch you. They have to do this over and over again before their abilities start to work.
Energy explosion : Shoots a bolt of energy at your target â–¬ Fairly good damage and low cooldown â–¬ 20s cooldown. 1500 range
â–ş You shoot your target with an explosion of arcane energy. This single target spell does high damage and recharges quite quickly. You can use it after every fight (or even inside a battle) as needed. Many skills enhance the effects of arcane spells, so browse through your skill options if you like to specialize your arcane spells.
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes ailments from allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blind target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Arcane wave : Projects a wave of energy at nearby enemies, dealing very high damage ▬ Hits multiple enemies, average cooldown ▬ 30s cooldown. Spell on oneself has area of ​​effect of 360
â–ş This skill hits nearby enemies with area-of-effect damage. Everything in the area receives a wave of energy right on it. If you need more damage at close range, that's good for your party. Dagger Elementalists do well in this area already, but having even more potential is nice for dealing heavy burning damage.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes it stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Arcane power : Your next 5 attacks are critical â–¬ 45s cooldown
â–ş Guaranteed critical hits basically add free explosion damage to your squad roster. You can activate Arcane Power before combat or when entering battle. Use your higher damage spells next, to make sure you get the most out of them.
Arcane shield : You block attacks for 5s with an energy shield ▬ If it blocks three attacks, it explodes, dealing moderate damage in an area of ​​effect of 360 ▬ 75s cooldown
â–ş This spell protects your caster for three attacks and then it explodes. The explosion tears nearby enemies to shreds and deals moderate damage to them. This Arcane spell is as good in PvP as it is in PvE. It is especially useful against melee enemies, if you are a ranged character or a close spell caster.
â–ş This shield also blocks alterations.
Glyph of Storms : Create a storm based on your affinity â–¬ Fire: Small meteors / air: Lightning storm / Water: Ice storm, watch out for falling large hailstones! / Earth : Sandstorm 240 â–¬ 60s cooldown effects zones. 900 range
â–ş This skill creates a huge elemental storm over a targeted area. This skill provides significant damage. Glyph of Storms is especially recommended for supporting elementalists who want damage potential, even when they have an affinity with water (or other support configurations).
Glyph of Elemental Power : Allows your spells to have a chance to inflict a condition based on your affinity. For 30 seconds you will therefore have a percentage of chance to inflict â–¬ Fire: Burn
(3s) / Water: Freezing
(2s) / air: Weakness
(6s) / Earth : Infirmity
(5s) â–¬ 45s cooldown
â–ş For 30 seconds, all of your spells can communicate a condition. The added alteration depends on your affinity element.
Glyph of Renewal : Revive one or more allies, with effects based on affinity â–¬ Fire: Revives a downed ally and revives you the next time you're down / air: Revive an ally and teleport them to your location / Water: Revive an ally with full hit points / Earth : Revive 3 allies â–¬ 165s cooldown
â–ş Immediately casting this spell relieves a downed group or allied NPCs. This often happens in certain events, when it is good to have allies to distract enemy attention. It's also a boon in PvP, when stopping to heal a fallen buddy can be very dangerous.
Glyph of Minor Elementals : Summons an elemental based on your affinity â–¬ Fire: Minor Fire Elemental, shoot fireballs and create a fire explosion / air: Minor Air Elemental, Quick and Multiple Attacks, and grants swiftness / Water: Minor Ice Elemental, Frozen Ground Spear / Earth : Minor Earth Elemental, Heavily Armored â–¬ 45s cooldown
â–ş For 60 seconds you gain an elemental familiar. The Elemental summoned depends on your affinity. You cannot directly control your elemental, but it will attack your enemies and deal damage to them and it is difficult to kill it. This distracts enemies from following your Elementalist, so the extra damage is combined with increased survival for your caster.
Minor elementaries
- Transformation
- Conjuration
- Glyph
Transformation into Tornado : You become a tornado (or a whirlwind underwater) which makes enemies waltz in the air and absorbs projectiles â–¬ You gain stability
and you plan
all enemies within range every few seconds â–¬ 1s cooldown
Lightning chain : Electrify your tornado, allowing it to send lightning bolts.
Dust whirlwind : Sucks up the dust in your tornado, allowing it to send out blinding dust swirls
the targets.
Tornado debris : Your tornado sends debris all around you, crippling you
â–ş This elite skill is perfect for PvP. You morph into a swirling tornado: As you strike the area, you deal damage to any enemies you encounter and knock them into the air. Your path of destruction cannot be stopped by conditions that prevent movement.
Whirlpool combo
Whirlpool combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Sends projectiles that inflict Theft of life to nearby enemies.
Arcane: Sends projectiles that inflict confusion to nearby enemies.
Fire: Sends projectiles that inflict burn to nearby enemies.
Ice: Sends projectiles that inflict frosted to nearby enemies.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Fires projectiles that inflict vulnerability to nearby enemies.
Poison: Sends projectiles that inflict poisoning to nearby enemies.
Smoke: Fires projectiles that inflict blindly to nearby enemies.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Conjuring the Burning Swordfish : Summons a fiery sword into your hands and at target location â–¬ When dropped at target location, it damages and burns enemies approximately â–¬ 180s cooldown
Wave of flames : Throws fireballs at your enemy, dealing moderate damage.
Fiery eruptione: Brûle
erupt enemies, ignite each of them for 3 seconds â–¬ You stick your sword into the ground and this acts on the target enemy creating an area damage eruption.
Fiery whirlwind : You go straight ahead in the desired direction and inflict area damage while burning
Whirlpool combo
Whirlpool combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Sends projectiles that inflict Theft of life to nearby enemies.
Arcane: Sends projectiles that inflict confusion to nearby enemies.
Fire: Sends projectiles that inflict burn to nearby enemies.
Ice: Sends projectiles that inflict frosted to nearby enemies.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Fires projectiles that inflict vulnerability to nearby enemies.
Poison: Sends projectiles that inflict poisoning to nearby enemies.
Smoke: Fires projectiles that inflict blindly to nearby enemies.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Fiery race : Charges your target, deals moderate damage and leaves a trail of flame â–¬ Apply scorch
and deals damage to enemies passing through that line of fire.
â–˛ Combo: Fire Zone
Flame storm : Summons a storm of flame and deals moderate damage to all enemies near the target area â–¬
â–ş This skill grants you a Fire Greatsword and spawns a Burning Greatsword at the target location. Also, the second blade burns the area where it spawns and damages enemies on this occasion. The Burning Greatsword has 15 charges.
Glyph of Elementals : Summons an elemental based on your affinity â–¬ Fire: Fire Elemental Major, shoots fireballs and creates an explosion of flames / air: Major Air Elemental, Quick and Multiple Attacks and grants Swiftness and Stun Orb / Water: Major Ice Elemental, casts frozen ground and heals allies / Earth : Elemental of Earth Major, very heavily battleship â–¬ 60s cooldown
â–ş You summon a great elemental. The elemental type is based on the element with which you are in affinity.
Elementary Major
Let us now focus on aptitudes.
We will therefore see to create three or four kinds of builds: Damage, Support, Tank (which some call Support).
You will have, at the maximum level, 70 skill points to be placed as you wish.
The traits of my level 53 elementalist turned to the staff support.
Bleeding and Burning
If you like to inflict a lot of damage on the enemy, especially in bleeding and burning
, this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the magic of water et the magic of the earth with a little bonus in arcane.
â–˛ 30 points in dirt â–ş You will passively gain 300 Toughness + 30 Malice to increase the damage of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Stone flesh, You benefit from an armor bonus when you are in affinity with the earth.
15 -> Earth Blast, Damages and cripples nearby enemies when you come into affinity with the earth.
25 -> Damage Resistance, Deals 10% more damage when your stamina is full.
Major Points:
: Salt Stone, Deals 5% more damage to bleeding enemies.
: Serrated Stones, The bleeds you inflict last 20% longer.
: Geomancer's Readiness, Your land weapon skills recharge 20% faster.
â–˛ 30 water points â–ş You will passively gain 300 vitality + 30 compassion to increase the power of healing.
Minor points:
5 -> Soothing mist, The affinity of water regenerates your health.
15 -> Healing Ripple, Nearby allies are healed when you enter into affinity with water.
25 -> Power of Abundance, Deals 2% more damage for each boon you gain.
Major Points:
: Hydromancer's Readiness, Your water weapon skills recharge 20% faster.
: Piercing Shards, While in affinity with water your attacks deal 20% more damage to vulnerable enemies.
: Fire roll, Dodge rolls remove a condition.
â–˛ 10 points in arcane â–ş You will passively gain 10 in concentration, the benefits will be on you longer + 20 in intelligence to increase the speed of reloading of your affinities. You will be able to change items more often.
Minor points:
5 -> Arcane Fury, Gives you fury in case of affinity change affinity.
Major Points:
: Elemental Affinity, When you enter into affinity with an element, you and nearby allies gain a temporary bonus Feu : Power
/ air: Fast
/ Earth : Protection
/ Water : Regeneration
â–˛ Explanations: You will have to play on your survival in combat thanks to your various skills while constantly applying burn and big bleeding stacks
. Note that the toughness (armor) of the target is not taken into account by your conditions and therefore directly penetrates its hit points! Apply your alterations over and over again, hold onto it that it doesn't escape, you have a lot of skill for that.
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in alteration damage, power if you want it as well as a mix of robustness / vitality.
- Level weapons, the stick or double daggers are the most beautiful effect.
- In care take it seal of restoration.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Opponent control (Example: Seal of the earth) 2) Your protection (Example: Purifying fire) 3) An attack (Example: Arcane explosion)
- En elite so use theFiery swordfish !
Direct and critical hits
If you like to inflict huge direct hits and have good mobility this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the magic of fire et the magic of the air with a little bonus in arcane. Be careful, you will be fragile.
â–˛ 30 points on fire â–ş You will passively gain 300 Power + 30 Expertise to increase the duration of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Flame barriers, 20% chance to inflict burn when an enemy attacks you in melee.
15 -> Sunspot, Inflicts damage to your location when you are in affinity with fire.
25 -> Burning Rage, Inflicts 5% more damage against enemies struck with burns.
Major Points:
: Burning Precision, 20% chance to burn when crit.
: Internal Fire, You do 10% more damage while under fire affinity.
: Pyromancer's power, All fire spells you cast grant you power
for a short time.
â–˛ 30 points in air â–ş You will passively gain 300 accuracy + 30 dexterity to increase critical hit multiplier.
Minor points:
5 -> Zephyr speed, You move 10% faster when you are in affinity with air.
15 -> Static Discharge, Thanks to your affinity with air, you unleash a bolt of lightning that strikes the target.
25 -> Weak point, 60% chance to inflict vulnerability on crit.
Major Points:
: Soothing Winds, 5% of your accuracy is converted to healing.
: Aeromancer's Readiness, All of your air weapon skills recharge 20% faster.
: Air training, Inflicts 10% more damage if affinity with air.
â–˛ 10 points in arcane â–ş You will passively gain 10 in concentration, the benefits will be on you longer + 20 in intelligence to increase the speed of reloading of your affinities. You will be able to change items more often.
Minor points:
5 -> Arcane Fury, Gives you fury in case of affinity change affinity.
Major Points:
: Elemental Affinity, When you enter into affinity with an element, you and nearby allies gain a temporary bonus Feu : Power
/ air: Fast
/ Earth : Protection
/ Water : Regeneration
â–˛ Explanations: You will have to master your game 100% because any error can be fatal. Deal maximum damage with your high potency and increased criticals. Keep moving and don't forget to control the enemy as much as possible!
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in power and precision mainly. You can always add a little robustness / vitality.
- In care take it seal of restoration.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Opponent control (Example: Seal of Earth or Conjuring Earth Shield) 2) Your protection (Example: Purifying fire because you have nothing against alterations) 3) An attack or other protection (Example: Earth Armor or Arcane Wave). Think you are VERY fragile, you will need good survival skills.
- En elite so use theFiery swordfish or Glyph of Major Elemental. the Tornado ! the Tornado is still less recommended, unless you have a very interesting whirlpool combo. Remember that you cannot cast any spells during Tornado.
Anti-alterations and care
If you like being at the back of a group to remove ailments from your allies and heal them , this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the magic of water et the magic of the earth with a little bonus in arcane.
â–˛ 30 water points â–ş You will passively gain 300 vitality + 30 compassion to increase the power of healing.
Minor points:
5 -> Soothing mist, The affinity of water regenerates your health.
15 -> Healing Ripple, Nearby allies are healed when you enter into affinity with water.
25 -> Power of Abundance, Deals 2% more damage for each boon you gain.
Major Points:
: Hydromancer's Readiness, Your water weapon skills recharge 20% faster.
: Cleansing Wave, Removes a condition that you and your allies suffer from when you come into affinity with water.
: Mighty aura, Auras apply to nearby allies.
â–˛ 30 points in dirt â–ş You will passively gain 300 Toughness + 30 Malice to increase the damage of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Stone flesh, You benefit from an armor bonus when you are in affinity with the earth.
15 -> Earth Blast, Damages and cripples nearby enemies when you come into affinity with the earth.
25 -> Damage Resistance, Deals 10% more damage when your stamina is full.
Major Points:
: Seal of Mastery, Seals recharge 20% faster.
: Elemental Shield, You gain protection when you apply an aura to an ally or to yourself.
: Rock Determination, Nearby allies gain stability when you come into affinity with the earth.
â–˛ 10 points in arcane â–ş You will passively gain 10 in concentration, the benefits will be on you longer + 20 in intelligence to increase the speed of reloading of your affinities. You will be able to change items more often.
Minor points:
5 -> Arcane Fury, Gives you fury in case of affinity change affinity.
Major Points:
: Elemental Affinity, When you enter into affinity with an element, you and nearby allies gain a temporary bonus Feu : Power
/ air: Fast
/ Earth : Protection
/ Water : Regeneration
â–˛ Explanations: Your allies will be delighted to have an anti-tampering and healing platform . Don't hesitate to attack as soon as possible but always keep an eye on your teammates! No one will slip on a banana peel anymore thanks to your earthly affinity.
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain bonuses in power of care as well as a mix of robustness / vitality.
- Level weapons, stick is recommended.
- In care take theaura of recovery, your partners will also benefit.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Help the ally (Example: Seal of Water or Conjuring of the Frost Bow) 2) Your protection (Example: Purifying fire) 3) An attack (Example: Conjuring of the Thundering Hammer or Glyph of Minor Elementals)
- En elite so use the Glyph of Major Elementals ! Take the tornado if you plan to do a Water zone + whirlpool = care combo
Tank (Support)
Go for it ... But with finesse!
If you like taking slaps and being at the front of a group, this build is for you! We will mainly focus on the magic of the earth et the magic of water with a little bonus in arcane.
â–˛ 30 points in dirt â–ş You will passively gain 300 Toughness + 30 Malice to increase the damage of your conditions.
Minor points:
5 -> Stone flesh, You benefit from an armor bonus when you are in affinity with the earth.
15 -> Earth Blast, Damages and cripples nearby enemies when you come into affinity with the earth.
25 -> Damage Resistance, Deals 10% more damage when your stamina is full.
Major Points:
: Embrace of the Earth, You gain Armor of the Earth when your health reaches 50% (cooldown: 90 seconds).
: Elemental Shield, You gain protection when you apply an aura to an ally or to yourself.
: Carved in Stone, Maintains the passive effects of seals when you activate them.
â–˛ 30 water points â–ş You will passively gain 300 vitality + 30 compassion to increase the power of healing.
Minor points:
5 -> Soothing mist, The affinity of water regenerates your health.
15 -> Healing Ripple, Nearby allies are healed when you enter into affinity with water.
25 -> Power of Abundance, Deals 2% more damage for each boon you gain.
Major Points:
: Soothing Disruption, Mini-spells grant you regeneration and stamina.
: Cleansing Wave, Removes a condition that you and your allies suffer from when you come into affinity with water.
: Fire roll, Dodge rolls remove a condition.
â–˛ 10 points in arcane â–ş You will passively gain 10 in concentration, the benefits will be on you longer + 20 in intelligence to increase the speed of reloading of your affinities. You will be able to change items more often.
Minor points:
5 -> Arcane Fury, Gives you fury in case of affinity change affinity.
Major Points:
: Final Protection, Creates an Arcane Shield when your health reaches 25% â–¬ Arcane Shield blocks 3 attacks and explodes after 3 blocks.
â–˛ Explanation: So ... Tanking with cloth is really possible in Guild Wars 2 thanks to these skills and tips just below. Be careful though, your tanking will have to be responsive and very mobile. Dodge attacks as soon as possible!
â–˛ Tips:
- Your equipment must contain Robustness et Vitality at roughly equal rates. You will change into toughness against direct hits and vitality against ailments. Of the power of care is also important.
- Level weapons, Scepter + Focus are recommended.
- In care take it Glyph of Elemental Harmony.
- In utility, I can only advise you to take skills according to this scheme: 1) Protection / control (Example: Seal of the earth) 2) Your protection (Example: Earth Armor) 3) An attack (Example: Conjuring Earth Shield or Glyph of Minor Elementals)
- En elite so use the Glyph of Major Elementals !
There are obviously a number of ways to build skills. by mixing the 4 archetypes that I listed above. Everyone has their own way of doing things. These 4 specializations are MY examples of specializations.
Ask yourself, "What do I like to do with this Elementalist? Am I nag enough? Do I like supporting my allies ...?" First of all, if you like what you do, you will be all the more motivated to improve yourself. Read and reread your skills and abilities. With this article, I taught myself things, you never know enough!
Thanks to your spell skills, you will be able to perform combos with the other professions in the game. All you have to do is apply a base zone (Fire, lightning, ice, ...) as well as a situational combo (Jump, whirlwind, explosion, ...).
The Elementalist can perform spell combos alone, here is their list.
Initiator combo
â–ş Fire zone: Flaming Retreat / Searing Velocity / Wall of Flame / Ring of Fire / Lava Fountain
â–ş Water area: Geyser / Healing rain
â–ş Ice zone: Frozen ground
â–ş Lightning zone: Static field
Finisher combo
â–ş Projectile: Energy Blast / Ice Volley / Projection / Shockwave / Stone Daggers / Stoning
â–ş Explosion: Arcane Wave / Earth Upheaval / Ice Storm / Dragon's Tooth / Earthquake / Eruption / Magnetic Boost / Phoenix / Rockbreaker
â–ş Whirlpool: Blazing Advance / Tornado
â–ş Jump : Flaming Leap / Wind Gust / Thundering Leap
Final combos
Projectile combo
Projectile combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds alterations to attack.
Arcane: Adds confusion to attack.
Fire: Adds burn to attack.
Ice: Adds freezing to attack.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Adds vulnerability to attacks.
Poison: Adds poison to attacks.
Smoke: Blinded target
Water: Heals allies attacking the target.
Explosion combo
Explosion combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Confers power to the allies.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Whirlpool combo
Whirlpool combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Sends projectiles that inflict Theft of life to nearby enemies.
Arcane: Sends projectiles that inflict confusion to nearby enemies.
Fire: Sends projectiles that inflict burn to nearby enemies.
Ice: Sends projectiles that inflict frosted to nearby enemies.
Light: Removes alterations to the allies.
Lightning: Fires projectiles that inflict vulnerability to nearby enemies.
Poison: Sends projectiles that inflict poisoning to nearby enemies.
Smoke: Fires projectiles that inflict blindly to nearby enemies.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Jump combo
Jump combo. If this spell is cast in a special area, some effects will be created:
Shadow: Adds blindly to attack.
Arcane: Grants you chaos armor (grants you a random benefit to each hit and a random condition to the one that hits you).
Fire: Grants a fire shield burning enemies attacking you.
Ice: Applique frost armor to the allies (freezes enemies hitting you).
Light: Gives reprisals to the allies.
Lightning: Adds weakness to attacks.
Poison: Adds weakness to attacks.
Smoke: Makes stealthy allies near the area.
Water: Heals allies nearby.
Regarding Gameplay, I thought I would give you a list of the best attack sequences according to affinities but I think it would be a mistake to confine you to a single affinity.
As an Elementalist, you will need to change element All the time ! Don't just sit around with your fire spells waiting for your beloved spell loading time.
Cast your spells in thoughtful order, you know what you are doing, your spells must limit "help" each time. If I have an area spell, I have to apply an immobilization with it, that's obvious.
Whenever you want to switch weapons, read on or learn exactly what the effects of these spells are. Your healing skills, utility skills, and elite skill need to match perfectly with your weapon skills. You have a weapon skill that does an area spell but that same weapon gives you no immobilization â–ş You need a utility one.
After that, it's up to you to see exactly what kind of game you have. You can very well create an area spell, not to take the enemy in but to prevent him from going to a position that he could take to his advantage.
Think before you hit your keys?
Here are all the spells of all the weapons. Look especially at the order in which my spells are cast and the effect that goes with them. You will then be able to recognize at first glance what you have cast without looking at your spell bar. Likewise, you will easily recognize enemy spells and learn which ones are to be avoided absolutely and which can help you with your own combos.
Screenshots, all weapon skills

In JcE
In PvE, no worries the mobs are less intelligent than the players (At least in general ... Hannnn Oops ^^ ").
You can therefore place your area spells directly on the enemy without them saying to themselves "Damn I must get out of this right away!"
So train on them to learn how to chain your spells in the right order and react to some of their abilities. A big blow in preparation? Quickly I take out my blindness or my projection! I can also dodge if I don't have all of that.
Mobs are training in PvP.
In a dungeon group, here are the points to remember.
- Once the group is inside the dungeon, chat with your companions. Who does damage, who is the tank, who likes to support a team?
- You will need a Tank who keeps as many enemies as possible on him.
- Un Offtank being able to take over the role of the tank if it were to die or be in serious difficulty. This same person must still insure significant damage. If it causes damage from a distance, it is better.
- A big Dps which will do immeasurable damage whether in condition damage or direct hits. A distance is preferable.
- Two Support which, in addition to dps, will ensure the survival of the group. They will have to look very often at their companions in order to remove their dangerous alterations (too much vulnerability, burn-poison-bleeding, ...) and treat them as soon as possible. I insist on the fact that they must still have a substantial dps (maybe less than the Dps spec but they still have enough to show their teeth).
- Regarding dps, I am talking about distance because most people wanting to do damage totally forget their survival skills. They therefore arrive in melee and ... "Huh?! Chu already mor!". If you have foreseen these problems thanks to a good adapted healing spell, a seal of resistance, some survival skills ... You will obviously be able to go melee without worries.
- The Tank must always be in front of the others, it leads the group. Being the most resistant and the player with the most health, he will take more damage than other players. Handy if he were to set off a trap.
- Discuss before engaging in a fight and “Who does what?”.
- The tank will target an enemy that everyone will have to attack. Focus your damage on the same targets! Dispersing the damage won't help you, on the contrary.
- There are CTRL + T keys (when targeting an enemy) showing a red target above the target enemy. So let the tank do this unless they ask support to do it. The support being behind the group, he has a more global vision of the fight.
- When an enemy is targeted, text appears in the chat indicating that target. Press T and you will automatically target the enemy with the red target. Convenient.
- Preparing your own anti-alteration spells will save you a lot of misery. For example, Purifying Fire or Seal of Water.
- The tank must be careful where it puts its feet so as not to trigger devastating traps. The rest of the team must follow him.
- You can draw on the minimap: SHIFT pressed + left click and you will make your own drawing on the map! Handy for showing players where exactly to pass. Obviously the players have to look at this mini-map. Often we have the right to a "But I don't see!" - "Well look at your mini-map !!" - "Ah yes: 'D".
- Do not forget to have room in your bags before making the dungeon!
- Stay united, follow the guide and ... have fun! You will also have the group's conversations on the various screenshots above ... Proof that we had a lot of fun! ?
Read your skills carefully and use them when needed.
In PvP
Ah PvP ...
That's it, have you practiced enough what spells to use when you get poisoned (anti-alteration)? How to ward off a warlike adrenaline rush (dodges)? How do you chain your spells in the correct order and match your weapon skills to your healing / utility and elite skills?
Ok, let's go to the Jhearer cGAINST Joueur!
First, you need to know that being alone is not really the way to go. Do not play the kekou to go and take a job alone EXCEPT if it is part of a well-defined technique.
Talk to your teammates a lot to get news: Where are they? Complications? A group of enemy moving towards a point A? And you, is everything ok? Where are you going ?
Communication is the key to a winning team; unfortunately too few players use it. Play in a group, don't stay alone, communicate, learn the spells of your enemies, learn the elements of the map and the key places, where you can engage the opponent while being safe. Avoid engaging in open country combat. If you know where you are fighting, you leave with an advantage over your enemy.
Remember that by arriving in organized PvP you will have to redo all your skills as well as your skills.
Have fun !
The elementalist is therefore a class often played but little mastered, stand out from the others!
Many options are available to you, really think about testing many things, you will be able to discover really practical spells if they are put in combos with others. Create your own way of playing, manipulate your skills into what you want to be. Each point must be calculated; there is no room for chance among the elementalists. A mistake and we get a shard of ice in the eye and there ... The enemy can send us as many arrows in the knees as he wishes. ?
Hoping that this guide will serve you well and that you will come back and have a look at it if you have a hard time.
I also hope to provide you with an elementalist guide that is as complete as possible.
I might have missed things so do not hesitate to give me comments or add a few points in comments! I could edit the article based on that.
Want to make a guide following the same diagram concerning: The ranger, the mesmer, the necromancer or the thief? Contact us!
Once again, thank you for your support and see you very soon!
Next month we will meet again with ... The engineer!