As announced, Living History Season 2 will begin on July 1. Of new features that will change our gaming experience will be added on this occasion, these are the chronic. Each stage of Living History can be unlocked and replayed At leisure, the My Story section in the hero window will be modified to accommodate these new chapters. Note that only level 80 characters will be able to play the unlocked episodes.

To unlock the stages of History, it will be necessary to log in within 2 weeks following the update.
If a step is missed, it will still be possible to unlock it in exchange for 200 gems.
For now, this only concerns Season 2 and future Living History seasons; Season 1 not designed to be added to the Chronicles will not be available, it may be later. As the personal story involves irreversible choices, it cannot be replayed.
This system is not compatible with meta-achievements, so rewards will be available at the end of each episode of Living History. In addition, all characters on the account will have access to this episode.
De new successes specific to the stages, and harder to accomplish, will be to unlock. You will have to replay the step and try to pass them to obtain the associated rewards.
What do you think of chronicles, this method of making the Living World permanent?