In Final Fantasy XV, some weapons can be upgraded. These weapons, even at max level, are not the most potent in terms of damage, but have great bonuses and some also have very good side effects.
How to upgrade weapons
Weapons improve via quests. For this, it will first be necessary to reach the chapter 2 and talk to Cid, which is on the deckchair in front of Hammerhead's garage, until chapter 6. From the end of the chapter 6 and up to chapter 9, it will be at Cap Fall.
Cid will offer you a first quest, namely "Cid Sophiar, genius mechanic". This very long mission which lasts several chapters allows you to improve certain weapons with a yellow + icon next to them. Each weapon has a specific quest line to upgrade and requires two things: tear in question and a material very specific. But where it gets a little more complicated is that there is no indication of where or how to obtain said materials. Some are very simple to get and you will surely have them as soon as the quest is offered while others will require you to do specific content, to go and collect them in very specific places or to kill one or more enemies in particular.

Once you have these two items, you just have to give them to Cid andwait awhile let him improve the weapon. Once done, it will call you by phone to invite you to come and pick it up. The time between when you donate the materials and when Cid calls you differs from quest to quest and from stage to stage. For the "time to pass", you will have to perform side quests, sockets, advance a little in the scenario, and so on. It is to highlight that Cid will contact you by phone after a night's rest (camping is recommended).
What weapons can be upgraded
There are in total 12 weapons of different types. Some are available from the start while others must be found or exchanged for other items to be obtained. Please note, certain places / times and / or conditions for obtaining them may risk spoiling the places and / or the scenario for you.
- Condition for obtaining: from the start.
- Condition for obtaining: obtained automatically at the end of chapter 1.
- Condition for obtaining: pick up in the Keycatrich Trenches
- When leaving the room where there is a Fire container, the weapon is just on the left after passing the door leading into the hallway (the hallway that leads to the dungeon boss).
- Obtainable condition: can be collected at the entrance to Keycatrich's Trenches.
- The weapon is placed on a rock on the left, in the cave leading to the entrance of the dungeon, you cannot miss it. This is the only item to be picked up in the cave in question.
- Condition for obtaining: Obtained from the boss at the end of Chapter 2
- The weapon is dropped by the boss at the end of the chapter: AM-X Cuirrasse, piloted by Loqi.
- Obtaining condition: collect in the Bastion of Aracheole, from chapter 5.
- The weapon is located in the central area of the Bastion. You can go and retrieve it quietly once the generator is destroyed, when there are no more enemies, before going to retrieve the Regalia.
- Obtaining condition: collect in Fort Vaullerey, from chapter 6.
- The weapon cannot be recovered on the first pass, as you have to follow someone discreetly, which prevents you from properly exploring the area. You can attempt to do so, but you risk causing the mission to fail. However, it is possible to return to it at any time after this passage is over. The weapon is in a small building to the east.
- Condition for obtaining: can be collected in the Formouth Garrison, from chapter 8.
- Be careful if you are going to recover this weapon, the Garrison is accessible from chapter 8, but you will fight quite tough enemies depending on the level you have. It is recommended to be at least level 50 to be sure to come out full. The weapon is located on the left of the building located to the North-East.
Devouring Sword - Volessence Daggers - Valiant Pistol - Insatiable Shield
- Condition for obtaining: can be exchanged for Caem carrots, from chapter 8.
- To obtain this weapon, it will be necessary to play the gardeners. Indeed, once in chapter 8 and Cap Caem reached, you can plant and harvest carrots of Caem. During your first harvest, Tony will visit you and offer to exchange these carrots for various items. With 4 carrots, you can get one of these weapons. Rest assured, once a weapon is collected, you cannot collect it again, so you can practice trading without worry!
Quests and items
Now let's move on to the details of the quests and where to get the materials with the detail of the weapons in question at each stage.
Motorized blade
The Motorized Blade is the default weapon that Noctis has at the start of the adventure. Its particularity is to have a chance to be able to absorb elemental essences when you kill enemies with it.
Characteristic Motorized blade:
Attack: 28
Crit: 3
Constitution : 5
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy with each target killed.
Step 1: Modification of the motorized blade
Material required : Piece of rusty metal.
The piece of rusty metal is an easily salvaged treasure. It can be found all over the map and can also sometimes be found by killing a mechanical enemy (Empire Robot Soldier, Mech, etc.). It won't be that hard to get one, and 99% of the time you will already have one by the time you take the quest!
Quest Reward:
- 500 experience points
- Motorized blade II
Characteristic Motorized blade II:
Attack: 40
Crit: 3
PM max : 15
Magic: 12
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
Step 2: Modification of the motorized blade II
Material required : Glass jewel.
Like the piece of rusty metal, this treasure is easily retrieved. However, it can only be recovered from very specific places on the map, namely:
- Lestallum
- Cap Fall
- Ravatogh volcano
Quest Reward:
- 800 experience points
- Lame Ultima
Ultima Blade Feature:
Attack: 207
Crit: 3
PM max : 25
Magic: 18
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
Final step: Modification of the motorized blade III
Material required: Unbreakable helical horn.
This item is not easy to retrieve. It is on a specific type of enemy and it is necessary to break a specific appendage during the fight to have a chance to obtain the horn. The item in question can be obtained from two enemies: Leukorne and Spiracorne. Both have a 75% chance of granting the horn if you break this appendix, so be sure to eat a meal that increases the percentage chance of getting an item before going to fight them. You can find several of these enemies very easily through two Hunt Contracts, both available at Old Lestallum.
- Gallop at the scrapyard: level 61 - rank 7.
- Skinning the Stallion: level 29 - no minimum rank required.
Quest Reward:
- 1 experience points
- Ultima sword
Characteristic of the Ultima Sword:
Attack: 364
Crit: 3
PM max : 40
Magic: 30
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
And there you have it, that's it for the Motorized Blade, which is a very interesting and powerful weapon, only surpassed by the Balmung ultimate weapon.
Drainage lance
The Draining Lance is similar to the Motorized Blade, however, even when upgraded to the max, the latter isn't as powerful and won't be of much use at the end of the game.
Characteristic of the draining lance
Attack: 33
Crit: 4
PM max : 5
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
Stage 1: Cid Sophiar, engineering mechanic
Material required : Metal fragment
The metal fragment is an easily recoverable treasure. It can be found all over the map and can also sometimes be found by killing a mechanical enemy (Empire Robot Soldier, Mech, etc.). It won't be that hard to get one, and 99% of the time you will already have one by the time you take the quest!
Quest Reward:
- 500 experience points
- Lance drainante II
Characteristic of the draining lance II
Attack: 48
Crit: 4
PM max : 11
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
Final step: Modification of the draining lance II
Material required: Coeurl vibrisse
Coeurl's vibrissae is a pretty annoying component to pick up, as Coeurls aren't legion outdoors. Normal Coeurls have a 50% chance to grant Coeurl Whiskers. The elder Coeurls have a 100% chance of giving one. The fastest and safest way to get a Whiskers is to fight a Coeurl via a Hunt Contract, which has a 100% chance to drop one. Outdoor Coeurls only have a 50% chance of giving it away, apart from the Elder Coeurl of Greyshire.
Coeurl "free"
- Coeurl - level 34
- Leide - North of the area
- Duscae - Lande de Mence, southwest
- Coeurl - level 71
- Maze of the Daurell Caverns - only accessible in Chapter 15
- Coeurl Elder - level 63
- Greyshire Cave Maze - accessible in Chapter 15 only
Coeurl hunting contract
- Coeurl Aîné - Hunting Contract: level 63 - 100% chance of obtaining
- The Elder of the Woods - Taelpar Rest Area Contract
- Coeurl - Hunting Contract: level 34 - 100% chance of obtaining
- Secullam Pass Hunter - Taelpar Rest Area Contract.
Quest Reward:
- 800 experience points
- Drain Lance III
Characteristic of the draining lance III:
Attack: 195
Crit: 4
PM max : 11
Effect: Can absorb elemental energy from each target killed.
Burst crossbow
The Burst Crossbow has only one upgrade, but is very powerful. In addition, his special ability (activated via Triangle on PS4) allows him to do a lot of damage in a few seconds (and even more if the target is in a "vulnerable" state!), All for 60 MP on the other hand.
Single Step: Modification of the Burst Crossbow
Material required: Pampas needle
The Aiguille à Pampa is very easy and quick to get if you pick it up, but is very difficult to get if you want to get it from a Pampa.
Object to pick up
- It is the treasure located southwest of Lake Vesper. The first treasure on the side of the road coming out of the west road tunnel.
- 2 experience points
- Burst crossbow B
Characteristic of the burst crossbow:
- Attack: 61
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 12
- Bullet resistance: 10
- Special attack: Shoot several projectiles in a row. 60 PM
Feature of Burst Crossbow B:
- Attack: 323
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 18
- Bullet resistance: 22
- Special attack: Shoot several projectiles in a row. 60 PM
The Sulfate also has only one quest and one evolution. Her strength comes from the fact that she can throw a cloud of poison over a fairly large area in front of the character and infect enemies (and only them!).
Single step: Modification of the sulphate
Material required: Dynamo
The dynamo can be picked up or recovered from enemies. The easiest way is, as always, to pick up the object.
Object to pick up
- The treasure is the one located just in front of Greyshire Cave.
- 2 experience points
- Sulfateuse B
Characteristic of the Sulfate:
- Attack: 74
- Crit: 2
- Special Attack: Releases a cloud that poisons enemies in the area of effect. 40 PM
Characteristic of Sulphate B:
- Attack: 339
- Crit: 2
- Special Attack: Releases a cloud that poisons enemies in the area of effect. 40 PM
Circular saw
The circular saw is a ... circular saw: D It is a melee machine type weapon. His special attack allows him to do repeated melee damage and which cumulates rather large damage, especially when the enemy is in a "vulnerable" state.
Single step: Modification of the circular saw
Material requested : Jewel in the sky
The Jewel in the Sky can be found in different ways, the easiest is to complete a side quest, the other methods require you to go to the various dungeon mazes present in the game.
- The feast of the feline 2 - Cap Caem.
- Quest available from Chapter 8
- Requires having completed "The Feast of the Feline" by speaking to the cat in Galdina and "My first vegetables" by speaking to Iris in Cap Caem.
- Once these prerequisites have been met, all you have to do is go behind Cap Caem lighthouse and talk to the cat. You have two options for solving this quest:
- Go talk to the vendor at the side of the road next door and buy the food for 20 Gil.
- Go talk to Monica in the Cape Town house. Once done, go to the fishing site next door to catch a "Allurian sea bass" (the "Coral Demon" lure is ideal). When the fish is in your possession, return to Monica to cook it and, then, go give it to this greedy cat to receive a Sky Jewel.
- Once these prerequisites have been met, all you have to do is go behind Cap Caem lighthouse and talk to the cat. You have two options for solving this quest:
- 2 experience points
- Circular saw B
Feature of Circular Saw:
- Attack: 90
- Crit: 2
- Constitution : 9
- Bullet resistance: 7
- Special Attack: Melee assault that deals damage over and over. 40 MP
Feature of Circular Saw B:
- Attack: 356
- Crit: 2
- Constitution : 21
- Bullet resistance: 12
- Special Attack: Melee assault that deals damage over and over. 40 MP
The Vortex is a weapon with one of the most appreciable special attacks: creating a gravitational sphere (the kind of attack giant-type demons love). This attack not only attracts enemies in one place, which allows you to follow up with a large area attack to do maximum damage on as many enemies as possible, but also inflicts damage for the duration of the attack. .
Single step: Modifying the Vortex
Material requested: Hydraulic cylinder.
Like most materials that are in demand, there are several ways to recover a Hydraulic Jack. The two methods are almost identical in terms of retrieving objects. The first is to simply pick up the treasure and the second is to kill an enemy who has a 97% chance of giving it to you.
Object to pick up:
- If you want to pick it up, just head north to Fort Vaullerey.
Object to recover:
- It recovers from the enemy AM-X Patria. It is an enemy that can appear randomly during the landing of the airborne troops that appear from chapter 5.
- 2 experience points
- Vortex B
Characteristic of the Vortex:
- Attack: 108
- Crit: 2
- Magic: 8
- Special Attack: Releases a gravitational sphere that attracts enemies in the area of effect. 80 MP
Characteristic of Vortex B:
- Attack: 374
- Crit: 2
- Magic: 18
- Special Attack: Releases a gravitational sphere that attracts enemies in the area of effect. 80 MP
The resonator is an interesting weapon, but not the most powerful (as far as I'm concerned). Its special attack allows you to send a blast on all enemies in the area of effect.
Single step: Modification of the resonator
Material to pick up : Magnetron
The magnetron is an item that you better not miss when it's possible to pick it up, because the second way to get it only has 5% drop!
Object to pick up
- To pick it up, you will have to go to Gralea, which can only be visited during Chapter 13. The latter is in the room where you see the fake Prompto sitting on a chair, where you can pass your card. access to level 3. I strongly advise you to recover it at that time! You will not be able to come back to it afterwards!
Object to recover
- If you were unlucky enough not to get it back in Chapter 13, all that's left is the option to repeatedly kill monsters intensively. It is obtained from the AM Hoplomachus mech. The latter can be dropped with the landing troops of the Empire in a random way on the map, from chapter 9. It is also possible to meet him during the secondary quest “Infiltration: Garrison of Formouth”. The enemy only has a 5% chance to drop the item, so I recommend that you take food that greatly increases the chance of getting items.
- 2 experience points
- Resonator B
Characteristic of the Resonator:
- Attack: 153
- Crit: 2
- Resistance: 11
- Special Attack: Unleashes a burst of energy that hits all enemies within range. 80 MP.
Characteristic of Resonator B:
- Attack: 397
- Crit: 2
- Resistance: 12
- Special Attack: Unleashes a burst of energy that hits all enemies within range. 80 MP.
Drilling machine
The drill is the most powerful machine in terms of attacks once upgraded. His special attack allows him to deal damage over and over in melee damage that is devastating on targets in a “vulnerable” state.
Single step: Modification of the Drill
Material requested : Magitech core
Just like the item for the resonator, the latter is obtained during chapter 13. However, it is also possible to obtain it from an enemy, but who has a 100% chance to give it, which makes its recovery quick and easy if you missed it.
Object to pick up
- To pick it up, you will need to go to Gralea, which can only be visited during Chapter 13. It is in the section where you see the fake Prompto on a chair (where you can upgrade the access card to level 3 ). The magitech core is in the cul-de-sac, at the end of the southeast corridor, keeping company with another "medication" object.
Object to recover
- There are two ways to get it from enemies if you missed the item in Chapter 13:
- The first method is to simply beat AM-X Dux in the “Infiltration: Formouth Garrison” side quest. He is one of the two bosses that appear as a duo at the end of the infiltration. He has a 100% chance of giving it to you.
- The second method is to fight AM-X Patria. The latter can appear during an Empire Herd Drop starting in Chapter 5 and has only a 3% chance to grant you the Magitech Core!
- 2 experience points
- Drill B
Characteristic of the Drill:
- Attack: 181
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 7
- Constitution : 4
- Bullet resistance: 8
- Special Attack: Launches a melee assault that deals damage over time. 80 MP.
Feature of Drill B:
- Attack: 432
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 12
- Constitution : 13
- Bullet resistance: 13
- Special Attack: Launches a melee assault that deals damage over time. 80 MP.
The Devourer is a two-handed sword. It has the same ability as the motorized blade, namely: have a chance to absorb elemental essences when an enemy is defeated with it. She is not very powerful and will not find, so to speak, any place in your arsenal, especially once you have access to the Hyperion, the Dominatrix or the Apocalypse.
Single step: Modification of the Devouring Sword
Material requested : Draconian Claw
The Draconian Claw is very easily retrieved. Just kill the enemy "Bandersnatch" which has a 100% chance to grant it. There are 2 ways to fight it:
- The first one walks on the map. It's in a crater just north of Hammerhead and it's level 38.
- The second can be fought via a hunting contract to be collected from Old Lestallum: "Mirage of Malmalam".
- 800 experience points
- Devourer II
Characteristic of the Devourer:
- Attack: 210
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 202
- PM max : 6
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental energy with each target killed.
Characteristic of the Devourer II:
- Attack: 463
- Crit: 2
- PV max: 308
- PM max : 11
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental energy with each target killed.
Volessence daggers
Volessence Daggers also have the ability to absorb elemental essences when an enemy is killed. However, like the Devourer, they do not stand out for their characteristics and much more interesting daggers are available.
Single step: Modification of the Volessences daggers
Material requested: Barbed sickle
The Barbed Sickle is found on all Killer Wasps and they all have a 75% chance to drop the Killer Wasps. To find them very easily, there are several hunting contracts that require you to fight them:
- Hunting contract from the Siege of Meldacio: "The threat of the undergrowth".
- Hunting contract for the Verinas supermarket in Ravatogh: "Pest extermination"
- 800 experience points
- Wills II
Characteristic of the volessences:
- Attack: 111
- Crit: 8
- PM max : 10
- Magic: 10
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental energy with each target killed.
Characteristics of desires II:
- Attack: 183
- Crit: 8
- PM max : 15
- Magic: 30
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental essence from each target killed.
Valiant pistol
The Valiant Pistol is a weapon that can also absorb elemental essence from enemies, but will, like all weapons obtained through Caem's Carrots, not be very interesting.
Single Step: Modification of the Valiant Pistol
Material requested : Jewel of the Earth
There is nothing to say about this item. It can be found all over the map, in the Cleigne region.
- 800 experience points
- Vaillant II
Characteristic of the Vaillant pistol:
- Attack: 147
- Crit: 2
- PM max : 11
- Resistance Bonus: 12
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental essence from each target killed.
Characteristic of the Vaillant II pistol:
- Attack: 200
- Crit: 2
- PM max : 14
- Resistance Bonus: 21
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental essence from each target killed.
Insatiable shield
The Insatiable Shield is a weapon that can also absorb elemental essence from enemies but will, like all weapons obtained through Caem's Carrots, not be very interesting when you arrive in Chapter 8.
Single step: Modification of the insatiable shield
Material requested : Spiked weave
Pointed armor is obtained from a very specific type of enemy, namely the Skarn Bullets, which are accessible via a specific hunting contract:
- Cauthess Rest Area Hunting Contract: "Break the Shell"
- 800 experience points
- Insatiable II
Insatiable Shield Characteristic:
- Attack: 83
- Crit: 1
- PM max : 10
- Constitution : 15
- Bullet resistance: 12
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental essence from each target killed.
Insatiable Shield II characteristic:
- Attack: 167
- Crit: 1
- PM max : 15
- Constitution : 38
- Bullet resistance: 12
- Special Ability: Can absorb elemental essence from each target killed.
There you go, you know absolutely everything there is to know about modifiable weapons, how to get them and how to upgrade them!