Released on February 16, Fe is a game published by EA under its new label, EA Originals, showcasing original and creative games. The first of them had been Ravel (if you missed his release, you should really check out this endearing adventure of the ball of yarn character). But, without transition, here's Fe from studio Zoink:
Thanks to the EA Game Changers program, I had the opportunity to test Fe in its PC version (Origin) with an Xbox One Elite controller, but the game is also available on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.
We play as a young creature who wakes up alone, lost in nature, without really knowing where to go. I don't know what her breed is, she doesn't look like much out there, with big hairy ears, a long tail and fingerless paws, but that's okay, she's really cute and the world beautiful . There are no words to describe the atypical graphics of the title as they are of quality, with astonishing play of shadows and lights, and colors of a rare intensity with brighter elements to better bring out the 'together. The atmospheres are varied, going from a dark purple to an intense orange, the opportunity to rediscover the universe each time in a new shade. This gives an impression of magic supported by instrumental music of the most beautiful effect with all the natural sound effects of the animals that surround us. The screenshots in this article do not do justice to the work done, I really invite you to take a few moments to see all of this in the video in conclusion, then you will understand what I am trying in vain to describe.
During the first minutes, the game explains the very simple controls, with all the movement options necessary to travel the secret world that opens up to us, the creature can jump, climb trees or even hover. But his special ability comes from his song which allows him to enter into communion with the elements of nature, plants and animals, but also tall stones with strange glyphs. The manipulation is not very obvious at first, because the trigger of the controller is very sensitive and the creature quickly starts to howl, which breaks all the charm of the moment.
The creature is also able to grab things like those big green balls that can be used as projectiles to try to create a diversion in tense situations.
Because even if the world is full of animals ready to help by singing for them, such as the birds that when questioned show the way, or the flowers that open to allow people to jump further, there are nasty monsters. ready to freeze for eternity any living being passing in the beam of their big terrifying eyes. If this happens, the game ends immediately and resumes at the nearest save point, fortunately usually not far away.
To survive against the terrible Silencers, our character has no weapons, he can only hide using the scenery, rocks or large tufts of black grass. Monsters do not have a priori other very developed senses, so it is possible to stay at their feet without them noticing us. On the other hand, I had the case, one of them pushed my character while passing “over”, which suddenly took him out of the grove, and I was detected! They also seem quite attracted to the green balls that they try to put back in their place when they find one (which incidentally is useful for resetting their position after failed attempts).
Full of mystery, Fe does not really present a goal strictly speaking, the path is tortuous, the options numerous and even if there is a map that presents the places, it does not necessarily always take into account all the specificities of the terrain. , especially the altitude or blocked passages, which requires above all to observe. Trees are therefore very practical, giving a good overview. You should also not hesitate to follow the animals who give discreet clues about the possibilities.
Here is a little video of the first 45 minutes of the game where I roam the world. This will give you, in the absence of very precise indications (I got lost all the same), an idea of the quite special atmosphere which emerges from the title.
Unique in its kind, Fe is a game to be consumed without moderation to escape the grayness of winter, a beautiful adventure through a forest filled with enemies and friends, but also hidden artefacts and ruins. old. In addition, the game is available at a more than affordable price, € 19,99:
- PC (Origin)
- Xbox One
- PlayStation 4
- Nintendo Switch