Modeled on John's Area Survivalist Caches, here's the guide for Faith's area, Henbane River. You will get the locations of survivalist caches by talking to friendly NPCs in the area. Once there, you will find a letter giving useful information to get you out of it, so take the time to read before rushing into any traps. Inside, you will find a magazine (to get talent points), money and lots of equipment (weapons, ammunition, components ...).
Thanks to a code offered by KinguinHere is the guide to survivalist caches in the Faith area, Henbane River.
This first cache in the region is located below Raptor Peak, east of Taxidermy of Pépêche or Marina Durbaman. It all starts in Taft's Watchtower below, upstairs.
The goal is then to climb to the top of the peak. Normally you have to do this with the grappling hook and climbing, but the easiest way is just to take a helicopter. The cache is in a yellow tent just below the top.
Animal control
The cache begins outside the Howling Cave, northeast of the Fishing Taxidermy.
Go inside and notice the grapple hook just above the entrance. Climb up there. Then, further on, jump into the water. I have died several times here, so try to activate your parachute before you crash into the ground.
The cache is a little further behind the helicopter.
Poop Pickup
This cache is located northeast of the Fishing Taxidermy at Silver Lake Summer Camp. It all starts on a crate outside the house.
You must first enter the house by climbing on the roof at the back. You can smash the boards to enter the house. The key to the cache is on the dog poop, I got it here but not sure if it's random or not.
Once you have the key, open the door to let the dogs out. The cache is in house # 2, you can use the same key to unlock the entrance.
Dead man's treasure
This cache can be found in Dead Man's Hill, northwest of the Moonflower Campground. Pick up the note outside the house and note that it will take a grappling hook to get there.
You must enter the cabin, passing from behind, at the level of the kind of wooden tower at the back. Once inside, grab the wheel to shut off the water.

Once the water has stopped, you have to abseil down to access the entrance to the cave which is located halfway up. The cache is at the back of the cave.
Angel's Tomb
This cache can be found at the Horned Serpent Cave south of Rock Bass Lake.
Take the grapple anchor points that are on the right of the note, then go all the way to the top. Follow the dirt road to the right and go up towards the yellow symbol. You will find at the end a cave where bodies have been released, enter inside.
To progress in the cave, do not walk in the water, it is poisonous and inflicts great damage. You have to follow the blue ropes and jump from rock to rock. At one point, you will have to bend down to go through a passage that is too low, when the space is too wide, look at the ceiling to use the grapple.

The cache is located at the back of the cave.
Ace of the flight
This cache can be found in Mc Callough's garage to the east of the area. You will find the note to start the cache inside the building.
Slip into the garage and activate the mechanism at the end to open the door, which brings the car down and provides access to a door at the back.
Climb on the crates in the adjoining room, but stay at the same level, to go to the toilets. The keys are attached to the wall (unfortunately I had already taken the keys but they are on the clips in front of me).
You can then exit to open the locked door of the second garage.
Side effects
This cache can be found at Bright Warden Radon Spa, southeast of Hope County Jail.
The objective is to find a switch to open the door to the cache which is located straight ahead in the cave. As it is closed, go left and go up straight ahead in the cave, there is only one path, until you reach a generator.

Watch out for the return, the Angels will be awake and attack. Head back to the locked door, which is now open, to retrieve the items from the cache.
Haunted House of the O'Hara
This cache is located in the far southeast of the region, bordering John's region, at a large iron bridge.
To do this, go around the blue wooden house behind, then climb to the roof. Go down on a scaffolding to enter through a window and arrive at the first floor of the house.
There is a switch to activate, which opens the haunted house. Return to the house with the big arrow to go through the side of the haunted house. Do not kill any mannequin, they are harmless, then climb up when there is no other possibility. The cache is just above.
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