Fallout 76 had a hard time getting started and finding its audience. Between the disproportionate expectations of the players, the desires and the fears of each, the launch was not so famous and generated a lot of worries. Even today, the game divides quite clearly: there are those who love it, and those who hate it and cry heresy. For my part, I had never really had the opportunity to try, it is now done. I tried my hand with a classic character before heading to the test server to discover the new free content that will be deployed: The Pitt.
The Pitt is quite particular in its operation because it will ask to do daily quests to fill a cell to 100% before being able to launch your expedition. If you're like me and you're unlucky, you're going to struggle a little on two or three points, but hey, you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs. In this case, one of the first quests (25%) asked me to collect food to make a meal: carrot, venison, potato. Only problem, a timer will force you to turn, every two minutes max, the grub under pain of burning the brothel. But don't worry, you can still complete the quest. The other will ask you to grab some medical info somewhere outside (50%), the last one will ask you for 50 pieces of plastic (quite simple when you've already farmed, and it reloads by 25%).

Once the battery is activated, you will be able to embark on expeditions that will make you suffer if you are not at least 50 as the creatures are violent at times. For the occasion, I was created a level 52 character who had fairly strong equipment, and unlimited ammo on a weapon. So I thought I could go alone without worry, especially with the crouch feature that made me go invisible, but I'll say it again: TAKE A GROUP WITH YOU. The classic enemies will make you laugh at times as they are simple... but in the first mission which will ask you to kill certain types of fanatics... you will find HP bags with gatlings that are absolutely not laughing. I had to run and swing a stockpile of grenades to take him down without exposing myself too much. But again, I had pretty strong gear, with plasma grenades galore.

Then, I was invited to come to a base for the continuation of the mission which consisted in sending me to do some reconnaissance, followed by threat destruction in a foundry, which will make me a nice memory as the enemies abound and will leave you no respite. Whether it's snipers, grenadiers armed with rocket launchers, gugus armed with "Power Armor" with assault rifles or pumps waiting for you in groups... it's cool... but once finished , with or without completed side quests, you can return to base to find an attack by feral ghouls and a devour leader, with a challenging side quest in solo: keep the fighters alive (they can fall , you can revive them if you are fast) and defeat the boss. In addition to the loot on the ground, once the quest is over, you will have your much-deserved reward by returning to the chopper.
For free content, we can say that it's cool, the proposed expeditions (I only described one) are quite nice and offer challenge and reward. Can this motivate players to return to it every day? chances are it will work. Personally, I liked this content, and I hope that more expeditions of this type will see the light of day, with perhaps ultra difficult combats!