I really like games that offer an interesting narrative and script choices that have a profound impact on the scenario. Unfortunately, we are often given false choices, branching lines that lead to the same conclusions, or too little difference. Today, I offer you a look at Eternal Threads, a game that puts you in the shoes of a temporal repairer. Put on your wetsuit, we're leaving now!
Graphics & atmosphere
Here, we have the right to a well-made charred house, with a really good atmosphere. We really feel immersed in his role and in the lives of the protagonists that we observe here and there. Although sometimes we can begrudge the quality of the characters a little below the rest, the projection side makes it much less "important".

In terms of sound, the elevator music during the menu will always stay in my head because of the obvious discrepancy between the role and the thing in itself, but the rest of the time between the squeaks, the rain, or the rest of the projections. .. you really feel inside the story.
You are temporal agent number 43. You have been tasked with restoring the flow of time following a temporal energy leak that has disrupted the past and altered events. Your mission is to prevent the 6 roommates of a house from perishing in a fire, by manipulating their choice and guiding them to the right path. If you fail, the apocalyptic future that lies ahead will come true...

My opinion: Simple at first glance, this story becomes endearing at times and, quickly, we understand that something is wrong without really being able to get our hands on it. When the revelations to the account arrive in drops, things accelerate, we realize that in the end, the danger does not necessarily concern only the inhabitants of the house, and above all... that the inhabitants may be very special. The atmosphere then becomes oppressive at times and the need to want to know the sequence of events is accentuated in a more pressing way.
After a quick tutorial that makes you set up amplifiers, you will have to learn how to manage the timeline of events and interfere in the lives of the 6 roommates in order to find the best solutions to counter their worries and make their daily choices. Should that be enough to save them? not so sure. Because as everyone knows, time is a complex thing, and the more you change its workings, the more things will change... and potential events will be created and others suppressed.

You will therefore have to observe each event of the 197 proposed (in normal mode) via the branches created by the 54 decisions that will affect everyone's life. But more than that, you will also have to search the house in order to find keys for the closed doors, clues that will guide you through the different choices that you will make to your protected ones, even if sometimes they are doubtful. Because, to advance in this game, sometimes you will have to make questionable moral choices to succeed in unearthing a fragment that will allow you to advance, and sometimes you will have to go back on the timeline for an event that you could not unlock.

All pink? not really.
The biggest concern will come from the fact that you will have to be patient to watch everything, listen to each dialogue of each event to absolutely not miss anything crucial. Personally, I found myself stuck looking for a key accessible only fifty events away, frustrating at the time. But beyond that, even the back and forth between the different rooms that will need to be re-searched regularly are not too problematic.

This game is primarily for people who like to follow a story and impact it with diverse and varied choices. If you are looking for action... this is not where you will find it, because patience will be the mistress of this game. Personally, I really appreciated it during the ten hours of the title, and it That's why I recommend it to you without hesitation!