Devilian is coming! Prepare for an explosive mix of ARPG action combat, MMORPG social features and MOBA PvP competitiveness!
After ArcheAge, the publisher of Rift and Défiance is retrying the experience by offering us a new Korean game that I had the opportunity to discover in preview. During the presentation of about thirty minutes, Victoria Voss (Lead Producer) and Andrew Sipotz (Associate Producer) took me to this new world that is opening up to us.
Devilian takes place in a dark and violent environment, very dark fantasy (with a clear resemblance to Diablo for example), where the danger is permanent. Indeed, as much to warn you immediately, there is no place for the followers of peaceful exploration: the PvP marker is permanently activated. No truce!
In order to be able to quickly get to any place in the world, teleportation points are numerous (called Waypoint) and easily accessible via the map (a priori without any reloading time unless it was a developer's tip). Fortunately when you see the size of the map.
At the moment, 4 classes are presented :
- Shadow hunter (Shadow Hunter) :
- Duelist (Duelist): Carries two swords and believes in the power of light to face his many enemies.
- Cannon shooter (Cannon Shooter): Between magic and science, his pistol is a remarkable weapon allowing to shoot down targets with precision.
- Elementalist (Elementalist): Uses the power of the elements to deal damage and various negative effects (Shock, Freeze), all from a distance.
Each can then be personalized with 3 talent trees and skill points to be distributed among different horizontal thirds providing new skills or modifying the effect of existing ones. There are thus ten thirds (0-1-3-5-7-9-11-14-17-20) corresponding to the number of points invested. This allows you to unlock skills, then choose additional related effects.
Thus, the Shadow that Victoria was playing can specialize in: Throwing (ranged attacks allow you to move and attack simultaneously from a distance), Assassination and Shadow (uses area-effect abilities to attack multiple enemies at close range) .
And above all, the character can enter berserk mode, or Devilian, picking up a new shortcut bar and special abilities. This special form gains in power thanks to specific equipment, a dedicated level and new skills to be found.
Le combat is oriented action. No targeting but lots of movement, skill chains and good responsiveness are needed to survive. Outside bosses are not uncommon and are unforgiving. Very scripted, with many phases, only the most organized can hope to win. The poor Shadow of the demonstration has also experienced it several times at his expense.
The clashes PvP, as you would expect, are violent. From 20 players (the bare minimum for fun, right?) To over 200 players, open world PvP is the strength of this new title. Adept at small committee fights? The arenas at 3 vs 3 are waiting for you.
Unfortunately, running away from this brutal pending exterior won't save you. In addition to solo dungeons, group content based on 3 players is planned: 3-player dungeons and 9-player raids. The death of a player in the group has a direct impact on the chances of success. No trinity here (healer, tank and DPS). Everyone is responsible for their life and survival!
As is to be expected, the guilds are important. They will be able to face each other in gigantic guild wars, both PvP and PvE. I don't have more details on this side, but one system seemed interesting to me: gifts between members. Indeed, a relationship system allows you to build your reputation with other guild players and increase your "friendship". The higher his friendship, the more important the gifts sent, and therefore also received in return, are.
THEcrafts is not left out and allows you to modify the elements found in the game in runes, potions or talismans.
On the side ofinterface, I noticed that on the loading screen, different services are already offered: rename your character, change server and even change your appearance. A number next to this last option suggests that it will be necessary to have tokens to be able to proceed.
In game, it's rather classic:
- Top right: mini-map with zone name
- Bottom left: chat channel
- In the middle (centered): experience bar, 2 shortcut bars, level with the character's life and his power resource on both sides. Below, 3 icons (a sword, small figures and a gift)
- Bottom right: menus
La character sheet is very complete, with 13 equipment slots, a title, basic characteristics (vitality, energy, power, intelligence, agility and life) and combat capabilities (attack and defense). An appearance system is also in place. There is a very special piece of equipment to consider: talismans. Each brings specific bonuses and stats and has a specific level-based progression system.
In L'inventory, different tabs allow you to take out basic equipment, demon equipment and other items that I don't know how to use (Expendal, Stuff, Guitar). A sorting system is also present and other shortcuts indicate the presence of a jewelry and refinement system.
The last window I could see was that of guild. Different tabs were visible: information, roster, skills, reta (the end is obviously missing) and war. On the information window are proposed:
- a level with the possibility of raising this level (level up) and an experience gauge
- the number of members (this level 12 test guild could accommodate 85 members)
- the date of creation
- a guild fund (with the possibility of donating money)
- weekly tax management collected on guild funds
- other guilds with an Alliance system
- a notice (welcome message on connection)
- donation points
Finally, I was able to see the mounts and pets. They both provide bonuses and benefits to characters. The mounts will classically increase the speed while the familiar brings for example an inventory.
The game is currently in alpha internal. Soon, the time to recover from this announcement, the dates of the beta will be announced. Knowing that it will go rather quickly for a launch in 2015!
Initially, the game will offer less content than the Korean version (with still 60 levels to climb) but the launch of updates will be accelerated in order to gradually catch up.
As for the economic model, not surprisingly, Trion reuses its formula proven on Rift, then ArcheAge, with a free-to-play system.

If you want to learn more about the game, there are plenty of Korean version gameplay videos that will give you a good example of what to expect!