The “R4-GL Battle Droid” is Nar Shaddaa's Worldboss, you can find it in the Network Security District at coordinates (2031; 2911). The Boss is not concerned with the level of the planet itself but that of its beginner bonuses level ~ 30.
It is not super easy to find it, despite the coordinates. So here is the path (thanks to Leny):
- Lower industrial sector taxi
- To the Empire's Secret Service gadget warehouse ("Door")
- Elevator is from systech> Take "High Security Prison"
- Towards the network security district ("Door")
- Area at the top right of the map
Worldboss Level 32
Health Points: 304.495pv
MINIMUM composition recommended to kill it at level 30+ : 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS.
- Repeating cannon: channeled fire on the tank, must be interrupted.
- Periodically launches incendiary missiles at players, applying healing reduction.
- At around 50% of his life, he will go into Emergency Protocol, increasing the damage you inflict on him. MAIS which will make its repeater cannon uninterruptable.
- 5 minute enrage timer
- Approximate respawn time: 2 hours
This boss is not very complicated, define a rotation for the interruption eventually, and a sustained care on the tank from the moment when the boss goes into emergency protocol. By killing this boss you can expect to get your hands on several pieces of "Artifact" equipment of your level as well as a nice amount of credits. The list of possible loots is very long, here is what I personally got by killing him: