From Bungie, I admit that I only knew two series: Halo et Destiny. Two behemoths, one having redefined the FPS on consoles, and the other having almost introduced the game-service, for the happiness of some and the misfortune of others. I'm rather one of the conquered on my side, at least, when it's done well and I don't have the feeling that the studio openly doesn't care about my face (isn't it Marvel Avengers ?). So my surprise was quite big: 30 years of existence for this American studio, wow. And to celebrate this with dignity, what better than to introduce a special event on Destiny 2 ? While waiting for the content of Year 5 (the expansion Witch Queen, scheduled for 22/2/2022), it actually helps to pass the time!
Contents of the pack:
- A brand new dungeon, which drops a Descending Echo Armor Set
- New weapons based on old Bungie productions and the return of Gjallarhorn, the famous high-powered rocket launcher that takes up 1/3 of the screen
- Several sets of ornaments: Bungie's urban fashion, Marathon inspired, and a unique helmet ornament
- New Exotic Sparrows and a Ship
- Emblems, shaders, and other interactions
To take advantage of all this content, you will have to pay €24,99, and you might as well be honest from the start: it's still a bit expensive for cosmetics and a single dungeon, especially if we compare with the price. of the next extension, announced at €39,99 for the Standard edition, and which just displays much more substantial content in the description. The purchase of this pack therefore acts as a support purchase in my opinion. Yes, the content is a little light, but for players who appreciate the studio and the works produced by the latter, why not let yourself be tempted, after all... Note also that even if you don't checkout, you get a free Challenges of Eternity activity, which pits you against volleys of enemies and offers some rewards (and some bonuses for people who bought the pack).

Funny feeling to see the weapons of Halo land in Destiny!
The free activity loops pretty quickly on its own, and isn't the most complicated, you're dropped into an area with a whole bunch of other Guardians and you have to shoot big HP bags which mostly kill you in one hit if he hits you. A normal day in Destiny what.
For others, aside from the ongoing Christmas event, you'll have access to Avarice's Embrace, a 3-player dungeon that draws inspiration from the Cosmodrome's loot vaults. We will follow in this instance the story of an adventurer who traded his humanity for fortune... No no, it's not about Croesus. Note that the dungeon can be done alone, as long as you have a good level of light and know what to do.
For the rest, what can I say, players will appreciate seeing Gjallarhorn, the exotic rocket launcher that made players dream of the first opus, and others will be happy to see Halo-inspired weapons in the hands of the Guardians of Light. .
If you expect this 30th anniversary package keep you in suspense until the arrival of The Witch Queen, there is a good chance that you will be disappointed. Yes, you will have enough time to collect the sets, weapons and other ornaments, but you will have to fall back on the already skimmed content and the PvP while waiting for the next extension. Appreciable content therefore, but at €14,99, the pill would have been easier to swallow.