In the face of the dithyrambic critical success of series like Breaking Bath ou Narcos, it is hardly surprising that the video game has followed the trend by developing titles related to white powder and whatnot. Since Basement et weedcraft, I confess to being a little distant from this subject... and it is with Cartel tycoon that I wanted to dive back into. No worries, no trace of illegal substances in my body, and I was able to enjoy the title without coming close to an overdose, which is rather promising!

A few cutscenes punctuate the adventure.
Cartel tycoon draws heavily on the rise of drug trafficking that began in the 80s in Latin America. Cocaine is spreading everywhere and what appears to be a drug lord makes contact with our protagonist - recently released from prison and looking for a way to make some money - in order to develop the production and transport of drugs a little everywhere in the territory. Initially a simple lieutenant having to do the dirty work (transporting drugs to the nearest airport), we will quickly climb in rank and recruit new members who will each have very specific tasks to perform, which you will entrust to them, while ensuring that they remain loyal to you. Entrusting too many tasks while underpaying a cartel member will lower his allegiance and the latter may, for example, turn against you. Because yes, it's not a simple game where you build farms, then transport drugs here and there...
By default, the money obtained will, quite logically, be dirty money. It's money, of course, but you won't be able to do much with it, apart from a pool of cash (unfortunately not possible in game...). It will therefore be necessary to work to launder this money, by buying a few buildings in town: taxi company, casino, hotel or church... all means are good to obtain clean money, even if the methods are debatable. We will therefore gradually take control of the various cities around, by making friends with the mayors of these cities, in order to then be able to ask them for favors, if at least they respect you enough.

Some bastos are heard when trying to take possession of an enemy building. Here, a port.
As you can imagine, you will not be the only cartel in the area, so sometimes you will have to walk on the flowerbeds of enemy gangs and finesse does not characterize the seizure of power. There will be many bloodbaths, and you will have to arm yourself accordingly, by regularly increasing your numbers, and keeping control of each of your pawns. Discretion should also be in order to avoid attracting the attention of the DEA. Why not make a few vegetable fields to hide other less...glamorous buildings? The management is done quite naturally, thanks to a rather long and complete tutorial, which highlights the many mechanics already present in the title. It is also quite rare to see such a complete title from the outset, even if we deplore the extremely intrusive side of the DEA. The latter indeed becomes really oppressive and omnipresent, which removes a lot of fun from the game. The same, without really knowing how, we sometimes find ourselves with a lieutenant who decides to run away. Thing also noted in many Steam reviews ... To see if the studio corrects this problem soon!
Moon Moose currently offers one update per week that fixes and adds a few small elements that make the game a little better each time. On the technical side, not much to report, the decorations take up the Latin American atmosphere which will delight your eyes. I note some approximations at the level of the French translation. It's rather rare, but present enough to be noted. Finally, the soundtrack is exactly as you can imagine: jam-packed with Latin American music. Not really my junk, if you allow me the expression, but it will undoubtedly appeal to players receptive to this style of music.

We can corrupt local politicians... Although I am not yet very friendly with this nice Mr, as the dialogue can attest
In short, Cartel tycoon is already proving to be a very good pickaxe. Its price of 20.99€ is relatively soft in view of the content already available, and it seems to avoid the pitfall of a title like weedcraft, pleasant during the first 2 hours, then quickly revealing itself to be too repetitive. Already available in early access since March 18, 2021. For those who wish to wait until 1.0, the wait will not be long, the Moon Moose studio having announced the 3rd quarter of 2021.