The open beta week is already almost a month old and EA has revealed to us how it has served them by presenting us a list of the improvements made to the game, taking into account the comments and feelings of the players.
So, playing with friends should be even easier with the addition of the ability to join a friend through the Xbox Friends app. It will also be possible to see the members of his group in play with green dots on the map.
To avoid camping from spawn areas, news has been added on Hoth for both camps. The spawn distance has also been adjusted for the first link.
The weapons and vehicles have been improved. For weapons, we will have the cycler rifle for which its projectiles will lose height depending on the distance traveled, as well as a reduced speed, the murders will thus have more merit. For vehicles, weak points have been added for TR-TT and TB-TT. The damage for various weapons and vehicles has also been balanced.
Finally, Heroes and Villains No longer automatically receive damage and can no longer regenerate by killing enemies. This will make them more special to embody.
It is indicated that these are only examples of the changes made, we will be able to see all this from tomorrow for the release of the game!