In a post on the official website, Craig MacLeod (producer of Star Wars Battlefront) announced future things to come to the game! Small summary, starting with what is free!
- Many in-game events like double experience weekends, the community challenges (to unlock a Boushh outfit for Leia on the Jabba Palace maps?). There should be other "connection events" too, a very mysterious term, and we will be surprised!
- During the very big livestream presenting Bordure Outer, we were able to discover star maps coming soon, available through Hutt contracts: bacta bomb, ion neutralizer and berserker trait.
- For May 4 (May the fourth, official day of Star Wars), a special event will take place. More information will be given shortly.
- More content surprises, especially "offline" content. If I'm putting quotes offline here, it's because it's not impossible that it means solo content versus multiplayer content, or that it concerns the staff for example. On this point, I think that many will hope like me to finally have a campaign.

Leia disguised as Boushh, infiltrates Jabba's palace
We also know more about the sequel for Season Pass holders:
- The next paid extension on the theme of Bespin will arrive in June.
- It will contain:
- Four cards in and around the City of clouds. The carbon freezing chamber will also be in one of these cards.
- We can find as a game mode on these maps, among others: Attacks of walkers, Squadron of Hunters.
- A new game mode to come up.
- New blasters and new star maps.
- Two new hero : Lando Calrissian for the rebels, and Dengar for the imperial (see image below if you do not see who it is). No Chewbacca yet despite what some sites announced.
- In addition, there was a doubt about the total number of heroes that we would have in addition with the Season Pass: four in total or four per faction? Well we have the answer. At the tota, there will be eight heroes, four per faction (counting Nien Nunb and Greedo who have already been released with Outer Rim).

Dengar facing Vader aboard the Executor shortly before the events of the City of Clouds.